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Publications by Henrique São Mamede


The research context of artificial intelligence and gamification to improve student engagement and attendance in higher education

Limonova, Viktoriya; Santos, Arnaldo; São Mamede, Henrique; Filipe, Vítor;

RE@D – Revista de Educação a Distância e eLearning

A significant concern that is widely discussed in the field of Higher Education is declining student participation. In several institutions, attendance is optional, allowing students to attend lectures at their convenience. This study proposes the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Gamification to improve student engagement and attendance rates. The initiative combines advanced technological strategies with conventional educational methodologies to enhance the lecture experience. The initiative is significant as formal lectures often witness dwindling student interest and frequent absenteeism, undermining the educational process and student's future career prospects. This combination has the potential to revolutionise Higher Education by providing a more interactive and engaging learning experience. While gamification has positively impacted learning in various contexts, integration with Artificial Intelligence is a game-changer, paving the way for a modernised educational experience. This innovative exploration of the AI-gamification blend sets the stage for future research and the implementation of updated academic strategies, ultimately addressing student engagement and attendance. This position paper presents the bases and foundations for understanding the problem of student attendance and engagement and the role of AI and gamification in Higher Education in alleviating it.;Uma inquietação relevante e extensamente discutida no domínio do Ensino Superior é a diminuição da participação dos estudantes. Em diversas instituições, a assiduidade é facultativa, permitindo aos estudantes a frequência às aulas segundo a sua disponibilidade. Este estudo propõe a integração da Inteligência Artificial e da Gamification como meios para melhorar o envolvimento e as taxas de assiduidade dos estudantes. A iniciativa em causa articula estratégias tecnologicamente avançadas com metodologias educativas convencionais no intuito de enriquecer a experiência de ensino. Tal iniciativa assume importância dada à constante diminuição do interesse dos estudantes e a assiduidade irregular nas aulas formais, fatores que afetam negativamente o processo de ensino e as perspetivas de carreira dos estudantes. Esta combinação ostenta o potencial de revolucionar o Ensino Superior, proporcionando uma experiência de aprendizagem mais interativa e envolvente. Embora a Gamification já tenha impactado positivamente o processo de aprendizagem em diversos contextos, a sua integração com a Inteligência Artificial surge como um elemento transformador, abrindo caminho para uma experiência educacional modernizada. Esta investigação inovadora que combina a IA e Gamification prepara as bases para investigações futuras e a implementação de estratégias académicas aprimoradas, concentrando-se principalmente no envolvimento e na assiduidade dos estudantes. Este artigo de posicionamento apresenta as bases e os fundamentos necessários para a compreensão do problema da frequência e envolvimento dos estudantes no Ensino Superior, assim como o papel da IA e da Gamification na sua mitigação.


Advancing Toward a Reference Ontology for Enterprise Architecture Mining from APIs

Pinheiro, CR; Guerreiro, SL; Mamede, HS;


Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a coherent set of principles, methods, and models that express the structure and behavior of an enterprise and its IT landscape. EA mining uses data mining techniques to automate EA models' extraction. Ontologies help to define concepts and the relationships among these concepts to describe a domain of interest. This paper presents an extensible ontology for EA mining to extract models using Application Program Interface (API) log files as the data source. The ontology development follows the FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) and uses OntoUML 2.0 language to ensure its expressiveness and readability. To validate its theoretical feasibility and contribution to EA modeling, it presents a simulation of the ontology application through a controlled scenario using data structures similar to an industrial case. Then, the ontology is verified and validated, checking quality ontology criteria using specialized tools for syntactic and semantic model checking, which also aids in avoiding ontology anti-patterns.


Industrial Anomaly Detection on Textures: Multilabel Classification Using MCUs

Neto, AT; Mamede, HS; dos Santos, VD;

CENTERIS 2023 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies 2023, Porto, Portugal, November 8-10, 2023.

Anomaly detection in the industrial context, identifying defective products and their categorization, is a prevalent task. It is aimed to acknowledge if training and testing multilabel classification models on textures to deploy on an MCU is possible. The focus is deploying lightweight models on MCUs, performing a multilabel classification on textures for industrial usage. For this purpose, a Systematic Literature Review was conducted, which allows knowing the commonly used machine learning models in industrial products anomaly detection and what methods are used to defect detection on textures. Through the Systematic Literature Review, was possible to understand the range of different and combined methods, the methods used in multilabel classification, the most common hyper-parametrizations and popular inferences engines to train machine-learning models to deploy on MCUs, and some techniques applied to overcome the restricted resources of memory and inference time associated with MCUs. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


Adopting ISO 20022: Opportunities, Challenges, and Success Factors for Corporations in Payment Processing

Constantino, J; Mamede, HS; Silva, MMD;

Emerging Science Journal

This research explores the adoption of ISO 20022, a standard that corporations can leverage to instruct payments to their partner financial institutions. Due to the complexity and case-specific variables involved, the adoption process may be complex and require significant effort from financial institutions and customers over an extended period. This research analyzes the opportunities and challenges for corporate users posed by ISO 20022 and identifies the success factors that must be considered during the adoption process. The research key findings indicate that an implementation approach incorporating flexibility, custom extensions, the use of a markup language for creating and managing messages, pilot testing, and user feedback can be an effective adoption model for ISO 20022. Design Science Research Methodology is employed in designing, building, and evaluating a solution proposal to develop a structured, customized, and flexible solution complying with the ever-changing requirements and landscape. This research contributes to the payment processing field by providing a comprehensive adoption model for ISO 20022 that considers critical factors and challenges. The proposed customized and flexible solution can assist corporations in successfully adopting ISO 20022 and contribute to creating a common language and model for payment data worldwide. The initiative's success depends on the effective adoption by all players, including corporations. © 2024 by the authors.


Pesquisa de conceitos em Microsoft Cognitive Search

Diogo, José; São Mamede, Henrique;

Revista de Ciências da Computação

O processo de revisão sistemática de literatura em investigação continua a apresentar-se como um processo com um elevado custo de recursos humanos e de tempo. Com vista em otimizar este processo pretende-se estudar a performance da ferramenta de pesquisa Cognitive Search da Microsoft que contem funcionalidades de inteligência artificial (IA). Neste trabalho foi implementada uma solução de pesquisa, i.e., parametrização do serviço de pesquisa, que produz uma classificação de relevância dos artigos científicos. Uma análise qualitativa aos artigos científicos foi efetuada para analisar a performance da solução de pesquisa e habilidades de inteligência artificial da ferramenta. O tema da revisão sistemática é “how is artificial intelligence (AI) being used in Higher Education (HE) today, involving tree dimensions: learning with AI, learning about AI and learning for AI”.;The systematic review process of research literature continues to be a very time and human resource expensive process. With the objective of optimizing this process we intend to study the performance of Microsoft Cognitive Search service which contains artificial intelligence capabilities. In this work the search service tool was configured and parameterized (search solution) to produce a classification ranking of the research articles. These were manually analysed to infer on the performance of the search solution. The topic of the systematic review is “how is artificial intelligence (AI) being used in Higher Education (HE) today, involving tree dimensions: learning with AI, learning about AI and learning for AI”.


The serious game Web Segura development: a case study for senior audiences; [Desenvolvimento do jogo sério Web Segura Estudo de um caso orientado para públicos seniores]

Bernardino, I; Bidarra, J; Baptista, R; Mamede, H;

Rotura: Journal of Communication, Culture and Arts

The digital society’s portrait involves being daily connected to the Internet, at home, at work and in the social life. But seniors do not feel this need, despite this need is increasing as everything around them is online. So, seniors take a change on web browsing, without being aware of the it is dangers, from the theft of personal data, fake news, or online frauds. Therefore, the investigation promotes a Serious Game that exposes these insecure digital situations by challenges to a group of seniors from a network of senior universities. Web Segura is an online educational game developed on the WordPress platform and with challenges of the H5P plugin. © 2023, University of Algarve Research Centre for Arts and Communication. All rights reserved.

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