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Publications by Frederico Branco


The hierarchical importance of patent's characteristics to licensing: An analysis through Random Forest

Reis, AA; Leite, RAS; Walter, CE; Reis, IB; Goncalves, R; Martins, J; Branco, F; Au Yong Oliveira, M;


The purpose of this study is to ascertain the hierarchical importance of a patent's characteristics to licensing. This research has a causal-exploratory purpose, in that it sought to establish relationships between variables. This research aims to identify which characteristics are influential in the licensing of Brazilian academic patents in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical technology fields, based on the mining of data contained in licensed and unlicensed patent documents. Which characteristics of Brazilian academic patents are most influential in their licensing potential? An analysis through Random Forest was performed. To the best of our knowledge, there are no studies in Brazil using machine learning to identify which characteristics are influential in licensing a particular academic patent, especially given the difficulty of gathering this information. We found that regardless of the measure used, the three most critical licensing characteristics for the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical patents analysed are Patent Scope, Life Cycle, and Claims. At the same time, the least important is the Patent Cooperation Treaty. The relevance of this research is based on the fact that after identifying which intrinsic characteristics influence the final value and licensing probabilities of a given patent, it will be possible to develop mathematical models that provide accurate information for establishing technology transfer agreements. In practical terms, the results suggest that greater patent versatility, combined with lifecycle management and a technical effort to build strong claims, increases the licensing potential of academic biopharmaceutical patents.


VTubers, Their Global Expansion and Impact on Modern Society An Exploratory and Comparative Study Between Portugal and the USA

Miranda, C; Costa, M; Pereira, M; Almeida, S; Branco, F; Au Yong Oliveira, M;


Many companies have been trying to take advantage of the entertainment boom on the internet and are searching for the bestways to make money from content creators. Among these are Virtual YouTubers, who have been growing in English-speaking spaces. This paper compares their popularity and influence in Portugal and the USA, while reflecting on their impact on viewers. To accomplish this, we created a survey, which obtained 102 answers, 46 being from Portuguese people and 44 being from U.S. citizens. We noted that only 37% of Portuguese people had heard of VTubers before and only 13% watch them on a weekly basis. On the other hand, every respondent from the USA was familiar with VTubers, with 86.4% watching them regularly. When asked about how VTubers affected the respondents' personal lives, some stated that it was merely a form of entertainment, however, many U.S. citizens reported that they watch VTubers to fulfill their need for social interaction or cope with loneliness. Thus, it is evident that these creators are much more popular in the USA. Lastly, we conclude that VTubers can have a positive impact on people's lives, but they also serve as an unhealthy escape from reality at times.


Roadmap Proposal for the Implementation of Business Intelligence Systems in Higher Education Institutions

Sequeira, N; Reis, A; Branco, F; Alves, P;


Nowadays, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are faced with the crucial challenge of establishing and supervising strategies and policies that are essential for decisions in various areas and at various levels. Within this context, the importance of Business Intelligence (BI) has increased significantly, emerging as an essential tool for analysing and managing data. This BI capability enables HEIs to make more informed choices in line with their global strategies. This research focuses on developing a roadmap for the effective implementation of BI systems in HEIs. Using a Design Science Research (DSR) methodology, this work proposes a structured and adaptable roadmap that covers the key factors from the design to the implementation of BI systems in HEIs. This roadmap includes not only a reference architecture for BI systems but also a set of dashboards. The roadmap was validated through a case study at the University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), involving exploratory analysis and feedback from experts. This study stands out for its practical and theoretical approach, offering a strategic and practical guide for the adoption of BI systems in HEIs, thus responding to a need identified in the academic literature.


Casos de estudo em estratégia e marketing: promovendo o debate empresarial

Oliveira, Manuel Au-Yong; Gonçalves, Ramiro; Martins, José; Moreira, Fernando; Branco, Frederico;


Os casos de estudo sobre organizações e empresas são um veículo de comunicação de excelência na área da gestão. Este livro reúne uma série de casos de estudo que abordam a inovação e a diferenciação, a internacionalização, o marketing, a evolução estratégica, os modelos de negócio (e como são afetados pela tecnologia), as aquisições de empresas, e tem ainda um caso de estudo sobre a responsabilidade social (área de crescente importância para todo o tipo de organizações). A estratégia e o marketing são áreas de saber muito próximas, sendo dadas em conjunto em várias escolas de negócio no mundo inteiro. (...)

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