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Publications by CRIIS


Robot at Factory 4.0: An Auto-Referee Proposal Based on Artificial Vision

Ferreira, T; Braun, J; Lima, J; Pinto, VH; Santos, M; Costa, P;


The robotization and automation of tasks are relevant processes and of great relevance to be considered nowadays. This work aims to turn the manual action of assigning the score for the robotic competition Robot at Factory 4.0 by an automatic referee. Specifically, the aim is to represent the real space in a set of computational information using computer vision, localization and mapping techniques. One of the crucial processes to achieve this goal involved the adaptive calibration of the parameters of a digital camera through visual references and tracking of objects, which resulted in a fully functional, robust and dynamic system that is capable of mapping the competition's objects accurately and correctly performing the referee's tasks.


Robot at Factory Lite - A Step-by-Step Educational Approach to the Robot Assembly

Luiz, LE; Pilarski, L; Baidi, K; Braun, J; Oliveira, A; Lima, J; Costa, P;


In a robotics scope, an excellent way to test and improve knowledge is through competitions. In other words, it is possible to follow the results in practice, compare them with the development of other teams and improve the current solutions. The Robot At Factory Lite proposal simulates an Industry 4.0 warehouse scenario, applying education through Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) methodology, where the participants have to work on a solution to overcome its challenges. Thus, this article presents an initial electromechanical proposal, which is the basis for developing robots for this competition. The presented main concepts aim to inform the possibilities of using the robot's parts and components. Thus, an idea can be sketched in the participants' minds, inspiring them to use their imagination and knowledge through the presentation of this model.


Teaching Practical Robotics During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study on Regular and Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations

Lima, J; Martins, FN; Costa, P;


Laboratory experiments are important pedagogical tools in engineering courses. Restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic made it very difficult or impossible for laboratory classes to take place, resulting on a fast transition to simulation as an approach to guarantee the effectiveness of teaching. Simulation environments are powerful tools that can be adopted for remote classes and self-study. With these tools, students can perform experiments and, in some cases, make use of the laboratory facilities from outside of the University. This paper proposes and describes two free tools developed during the COVID-19 pandemic lock-down that allowed students to work from home, namely a set of simulation experiments and a Hardware-in-the-loop simulator, accessible 24/7. Two approaches in Python and C languages are presented, both in the context of Robotics courses for Engineering students. Successful results and student feedback indicate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches in institutions in Portugal and in the Netherlands.


Data Acquisition Filtering Focused on Optimizing Transmission in a LoRaWAN Network Applied to the WSN Forest Monitoring System

Brito, T; Azevedo, BF; Mendes, J; Zorawski, M; Fernandes, FP; Pereira, AI; Rufino, J; Lima, J; Costa, P;


Developing innovative systems and operations to monitor forests and send alerts in dangerous situations, such as fires, has become, over the years, a necessary task to protect forests. In this work, a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is employed for forest data acquisition to identify abrupt anomalies when a fire ignition starts. Even though a low-power LoRaWAN network is used, each module still needs to save power as much as possible to avoid periodic maintenance since a current consumption peak happens while sending messages. Moreover, considering the LoRaWAN characteristics, each module should use the bandwidth only when essential. Therefore, four algorithms were tested and calibrated along real and monitored events of a wildfire. The first algorithm is based on the Exponential Smoothing method, Moving Averages techniques are used to define the other two algorithms, and the fourth uses the Least Mean Square. When properly combined, the algorithms can perform a pre-filtering data acquisition before each module uses the LoRaWAN network and, consequently, save energy if there is no necessity to send data. After the validations, using Wildfire Simulation Events (WSE), the developed filter achieves an accuracy rate of 0.73 with 0.5 possible false alerts. These rates do not represent a final warning to firefighters, and a possible improvement can be achieved through cloud-based server algorithms. By comparing the current consumption before and after the proposed implementation, the modules can save almost 53% of their batteries when is no demand to send data. At the same time, the modules can maintain the server informed with a minimum interval of 15 min and recognize abrupt changes in 60 s when fire ignition appears.


A Machine Learning Approach to Robot Localization Using Fiducial Markers in RobotAtFactory 4.0 Competition

Klein, LC; Braun, J; Mendes, J; Pinto, VH; Martins, FN; de Oliveira, AS; Wortche, H; Costa, P; Lima, J;


Localization is a crucial skill in mobile robotics because the robot needs to make reasonable navigation decisions to complete its mission. Many approaches exist to implement localization, but artificial intelligence can be an interesting alternative to traditional localization techniques based on model calculations. This work proposes a machine learning approach to solve the localization problem in the RobotAtFactory 4.0 competition. The idea is to obtain the relative pose of an onboard camera with respect to fiducial markers (ArUcos) and then estimate the robot pose with machine learning. The approaches were validated in a simulation. Several algorithms were tested, and the best results were obtained by using Random Forest Regressor, with an error on the millimeter scale. The proposed solution presents results as high as the analytical approach for solving the localization problem in the RobotAtFactory 4.0 scenario, with the advantage of not requiring explicit knowledge of the exact positions of the fiducial markers, as in the analytical approach.


Trends on Communication, Educational Assessment, Sustainable Development, Educational Innovation, Mechatronics and Learning Analytics at TEEM 2022

Balbín, AM; Caetano, NS; Conde Á, M; Costa, P; Felgueiras, C; Fidalgo Blanco Á; Fonseca, D; Gamazo, A; García Holgado, A; García Peñalvo, FJ; Gonçalves, J; Hernández García Á; Lima, J; Nistor, N; O’Hara, J; Olmos Migueláñez, S; Piñeiro Naval, V; Ramírez Montoya, MS; Sánchez Holgado, P; Sein Echaluce, ML;

Lecture Notes in Educational Technology

The 10th edition of the Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM 2022) brings together researchers and postgraduate students interested in combining different aspects of the technology applied to knowledge society development, with particular attention to educational and learning issues. This volume includes contributions related to communication, educational assessment, sustainable development, educational innovation, mechatronics, and learning analytics. Besides, the doctoral consortium papers close the proceedings book from a transversal perspective. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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