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Publications by CRIIS


Mobile Application Development for Human Veterinary Resources Management in a Low Density Population Context: Promoting Students Engagement by Working with the Community

Matos, P; Velasco, H; Gonçalves, J;

Lecture Notes in Educational Technology

This paper describes a mobile application, developed in an educational context, by the students of the Degree in Computer Engineering of the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, allowing them to develop skills, based on real-world community problems solving, promoting by this way its engagement, and, at the same time, provide a solution to an effective need of the local community. The developed application has as goal to support the Human Veterinary Resources Management in a Low Density Population Context. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.


Robot Development for Educational Purposes: Advances on Real and Simulation Environments

de Jesus Soares Marta, E; Gonçalves, J; Lima, J;

Lecture Notes in Educational Technology

Nowadays, Automated Guides Vehicles and Autonomous Mobile Robots are equipped with electromagnetic or optical automatic guiding devices and can navigate, interact, perform path planning and avoid obstacles. It is crucial to develop applications to support the teaching by real and/or simulated robots. In this paper the authors propose a simulation of an AGV system, that uses localization based on mounted cameras for positioning and control by a central system. Also, a real robot prototype is proposed. The mobile robot should reach the destination point precisely and kept inside the desired margins, avoiding collisions. The presented results show the developed system in operation. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.


Towards a More Accurate Time of Flight Distance Sensor to Be Applied in a Mobile Robotics Application

Brancalião, L; Alvarez, M; Conde Á, M; Costa, P; Gonçalves, J;

Lecture Notes in Educational Technology

In this paper, it is presented a field of view analysis of a time of flight sensor, that will be applied in a mobile robotics application. The sensor was configured in order to obtain a tradeoff between reactiveness and accuracy. It was used a microcontroller development board to acquire data and a manipulator to perform the movements, assuring repeatability and accuracy in the data acquisition process. The results of this paper will be used as an input to a simulation, in order to assist in the development of a mobile robotics application and also to be applied in educational contexts. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.


Automated Ceramics Tableware Finishing: A Laboratory Prototype for Concept Validation

Alvarez, M; Brancalião, L; Carneiro, J; Costa, P; Coelho, JP; Gonçalves, J;

Lecture Notes in Educational Technology

In this paper, it is presented an integration between a finishing device and a collaborative robot in order to automate the sanding process of a ceramic industry in Portugal. The finishing device and the collaborative robot are described as well as the communication between the devices. It was used a computer responsible for decision making and control of all the system. The system was able to control the position of the finishing device according to the force done in the sponge by the ceramic. The final system behavior was presented and discussed, which was satisfactory and performed well. The presented experimental setup is not intended for industrial use, but it is suitable for concept prove, in laboratory. The outputs that will emerge here will be applied in a future industrial application, with requisites compatible with the application environment, regarding robustness and repeatability. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.


Modelling with NGSI-LD: the VALLPASS project case study

Ribeiro, T; Coelho, JP; Jorge, L; Sardao, J; Gonçalves, J; Rosse, H;


The smart cities paradigm covers multiple domains which span from citizens' accessibility and mobility to general infrastructures and services. Hence, smart cities can be seen as an excellent showcase of heterogeneity, namely at the data level. For this reason, they are a perfect candidate for linked data and semantic web concept applications. This powerful combination leads to interoperability at the data level which is one of the ultimate goals of the Internet of Things (IoT). In this reference frame, NGSI-LD is an open framework for context information processing consisting of both a semantic information model and a RESTful Application Programming Interface (API). This paper proposes a methodology for creating semantic data models in the context of IoT, namely to represent and describe data associated with digital twins. The methodology is presented in a practical way, through the process of creating an NGSI-LD semantic data model for the VALLPASS project, inserted in the traffic domain, which is one of the most popular in smart cities.


Learning Based on Effective Solutions

Matos P.; Alves R.; Gonçalves J.;

RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao

The authors present the Learning Based on Effective Solutions that derives from Project-Based Learning, but applied to real problems in order to build effective solutions. The emphasis is placed on effectiveness in the assumption that encourages greater involvement and commitment on the part of students, ensuring a context that is intended to be more attractive and closer to what will be the professional reality of students. Effectiveness is measured by the functionalities considered essential for the full resolution of the problem, but also by the feasibility of the application being effectively used, without the need for continued student involvement. Empirical evidence points to a clear increase in the acquisition of skills, in the number of students approved and in the improvement of the grades. It was also possible to find a strategic positioning of cooperation with the local community, in which everyone wins (students, teachers, institution, local and regional entities and, employers).

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