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Publications by CRIIS


Design and Comparison of Image Hashing Methods: A Case Study on Cork Stopper Unique Identification

Fitas, R; Rocha, B; Costa, V; Sousa, A;


Cork stoppers were shown to have unique characteristics that allow their use for authentication purposes in an anti-counterfeiting effort. This authentication process relies on the comparison between a user's cork image and all registered cork images in the database of genuine items. With the growth of the database, this one-to-many comparison method becomes lengthier and therefore usefulness decreases. To tackle this problem, the present work designs and compares hashing-assisted image matching methods that can be used in cork stopper authentication. The analyzed approaches are the discrete cosine transform, wavelet transform, Radon transform, and other methods such as difference hash and average hash. The most successful approach uses a 1024-bit hash length and difference hash method providing a 98% accuracy rate. By transforming the image matching into a hash matching problem, the approach presented becomes almost 40 times faster when compared to the literature.


Measuring Canopy Geometric Structure Using Optical Sensors Mounted on Terrestrial Vehicles: A Case Study in Vineyards

da Silva, DQ; Aguiar, AS; dos Santos, FN; Sousa, AJ; Rabino, D; Biddoccu, M; Bagagiolo, G; Delmastro, M;


Smart and precision agriculture concepts require that the farmer measures all relevant variables in a continuous way and processes this information in order to build better prescription maps and to predict crop yield. These maps feed machinery with variable rate technology to apply the correct amount of products in the right time and place, to improve farm profitability. One of the most relevant information to estimate the farm yield is the Leaf Area Index. Traditionally, this index can be obtained from manual measurements or from aerial imagery: the former is time consuming and the latter requires the use of drones or aerial services. This work presents an optical sensing-based hardware module that can be attached to existing autonomous or guided terrestrial vehicles. During the normal operation, the module collects periodic geo-referenced monocular images and laser data. With that data a suggested processing pipeline, based on open-source software and composed by Structure from Motion, Multi-View Stereo and point cloud registration stages, can extract Leaf Area Index and other crop-related features. Additionally, in this work, a benchmark of software tools is made. The hardware module and pipeline were validated considering real data acquired in two vineyards-Portugal and Italy. A dataset with sensory data collected by the module was made publicly available. Results demonstrated that: the system provides reliable and precise data on the surrounding environment and the pipeline is capable of computing volume and occupancy area from the acquired data.


A Comparative Analysis for 2D Object Recognition: A Case Study with Tactode Puzzle-Like Tiles

Silva, D; Sousa, A; Costa, V;


Object recognition represents the ability of a system to identify objects, humans or animals in images. Within this domain, this work presents a comparative analysis among different classification methods aiming at Tactode tile recognition. The covered methods include: (i) machine learning with HOG and SVM; (ii) deep learning with CNNs such as VGG16, VGG19, ResNet152, MobileNetV2, SSD and YOLOv4; (iii) matching of handcrafted features with SIFT, SURF, BRISK and ORB; and (iv) template matching. A dataset was created to train learning-based methods (i and ii), and with respect to the other methods (iii and iv), a template dataset was used. To evaluate the performance of the recognition methods, two test datasets were built: tactode_small and tactode_big, which consisted of 288 and 12,000 images, holding 2784 and 96,000 regions of interest for classification, respectively. SSD and YOLOv4 were the worst methods for their domain, whereas ResNet152 and MobileNetV2 showed that they were strong recognition methods. SURF, ORB and BRISK demonstrated great recognition performance, while SIFT was the worst of this type of method. The methods based on template matching attained reasonable recognition results, falling behind most other methods. The top three methods of this study were: VGG16 with an accuracy of 99.96% and 99.95% for tactode_small and tactode_big, respectively; VGG19 with an accuracy of 99.96% and 99.68% for the same datasets; and HOG and SVM, which reached an accuracy of 99.93% for tactode_small and 99.86% for tactode_big, while at the same time presenting average execution times of 0.323 s and 0.232 s on the respective datasets, being the fastest method overall. This work demonstrated that VGG16 was the best choice for this case study, since it minimised the misclassifications for both test datasets.


Visible and Thermal Image-Based Trunk Detection with Deep Learning for Forestry Mobile Robotics

da Silva, DQ; dos Santos, FN; Sousa, AJ; Filipe, V;


Mobile robotics in forests is currently a hugely important topic due to the recurring appearance of forest wildfires. Thus, in-site management of forest inventory and biomass is required. To tackle this issue, this work presents a study on detection at the ground level of forest tree trunks in visible and thermal images using deep learning-based object detection methods. For this purpose, a forestry dataset composed of 2895 images was built and made publicly available. Using this dataset, five models were trained and benchmarked to detect the tree trunks. The selected models were SSD MobileNetV2, SSD Inception-v2, SSD ResNet50, SSDLite MobileDet and YOLOv4 Tiny. Promising results were obtained; for instance, YOLOv4 Tiny was the best model that achieved the highest AP (90%) and F1 score (89%). The inference time was also evaluated, for these models, on CPU and GPU. The results showed that YOLOv4 Tiny was the fastest detector running on GPU (8 ms). This work will enhance the development of vision perception systems for smarter forestry robots.


Autonomous Robot Visual-Only Guidance in Agriculture Using Vanishing Point Estimation

Sarmento, J; Aguiar, AS; dos Santos, FN; Sousa, AJ;


Autonomous navigation in agriculture is very challenging as it usually takes place outdoors where there is rough terrain, uncontrolled natural lighting, constantly changing organic scenarios and sometimes the absence of a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). In this work, a single camera and a Google coral dev Board Edge Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) setup is proposed to navigate among a woody crop, more specifically a vineyard. The guidance is provided by estimating the vanishing point and observing its position with respect to the central frame, and correcting the steering angle accordingly. The vanishing point is estimated by object detection using Deep Learning (DL) based Neural Networks (NN) to obtain the position of the trunks in the image. The NN's were trained using Transfer Learning (TL), which requires a smaller dataset than conventional training methods. For this purpose, a dataset with 4221 images was created considering image collection, annotation and augmentation procedures. Results show that our framework can detect the vanishing point with an average of the absolute error of 0.52. and can be considered for autonomous steering.


Robot navigation in vineyards based on the visual vanish point concept

Sarmento, J; Aguiar, AS; Santos, FND; Sousa, AJ;

2021 International Symposium of Asian Control Association on Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Automation, IRIA 2021

Autonomous navigation in agriculture is very challenging as it usually takes place outdoors where there is rough terrain, uncontrolled natural lighting, constantly changing organic scenarios and sometimes the absence of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signal. In this work, a monocular visual system is proposed to estimate angular orientation and navigate between woody crops, more specifically a vineyard, using a Proportional Integrative Derivative (PID)-based controller. The guidance is provided by combining two ways to find the center of the vineyard: First, by estimating the vanishing point and second, by averaging the position of the two closest base trunk detections. Then, by the monocular angle perception, the angular error is determined. For obtaining the trunk position in the image, object detection using Deep Learning (DL) based Neural Networks (NN) is used. To evaluate the proposed controller, a visual vineyard simulation is created using Gazebo. The proposed joint controller is able to travel along a simulated straight vineyard with an RMS error of 1.17 cm. Moreover, a simulated curved vineyard modeled after the Douro region is tested in this work, where the robot was able to steer with an RMS error of 7.28 cm. © 2021 IEEE.

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