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Publications by Mohammad Javadi


Improved Load Frequency Control of Time-Delayed Electric Vehicle Aggregators via Direct Search Method

Farsani, KT; Dehghani, M; Abolpour, R; Vafamand, N; Javadi, M; Wang, F; Catalao, JPS;


This paper investigates the issue of frequency regulation of a single-area alternating current (AC) power system connected to an electric vehicle (EV) aggregator through a nonideal communication network. It is assumed that the command control action is received by the EV aggregator with constant delay and the power system experiences uncertain parameters. A novel effective iterative algorithm, direct search, is proposed for the time-delayed system to design the gains of a proportional-integral (PI) controller. The proposed direct search algorithm can find a feasible solution whenever at least one solution lays in the space search. Thus, by choosing a wide space search, we can expect that the PI controller assures the closed-loop stability, theoretically. The proposed approach has low conservative results over the existing approaches. For the uncertain time-delayed system, a robust PI controller is designed, which is resilient against the system uncertainties and time delay. Numerical simulations are carried out to show the merits of the developed controller.


An Accurate Evaluation of Consumption Pattern in Reconfiguration of Electrical Energy Distribution Systems

Mahdavi, M; Javadi, M; Wang, F; Catalao, JPS;


Electrical energy consumption pattern has always been important for power distribution companies, because load variations and method of electricity consumption affect energy losses amount. For this, distribution companies frequently encourage the network users to correct their energy consumption behavior by suggesting some incentives. Reconfiguration of distribution systems for a specific load pattern is an effective way to reduce the losses. Hence, some papers have considered load variations in distribution system reconfiguration (DSR) to show importance of consumption pattern for reconfiguration decisions. However, most of specialized studies have been ignored load changes in their reconfiguration models because of a significant increase in computational burden and processing time. On the other hand, neglecting the consumption pattern causes the energy losses is calculated inaccurately. Therefore, this paper intends to evaluate effect of load pattern on reconfiguration plans in order to find out importance of considering load variations in energy losses minimization via DSR. The analysis has been conducted on well-known distribution systems by AMPL (a classic optimization tool).


Dual Extended Kalman Filter Reconstruction of Actuator and Sensor Faults in DC Microgrids with Constant Power Loads

Vafamand, N; Arefi, MM; Asemani, MH; Javadi, M; Wang, F; Catalao, JPS;


This paper explores the problem of model-based detecting and reconstructing occurring actuator and sensor faults in direct current (DC) microgrids (MGs) connected to resistive and constant power loads (CPLs) and energy storage units. Both the actuator and sensor faults are modeled as an additive time-varying term in the state-space representation, which highly degrade the system response performance if they are not compensated. In this paper, a novel advanced extended Kalman filter (EKF), called dualEKF (D-EKF) is proposed to estimate the system states as well as the accruing actuator and sensor faults. The main property of the developed approach is that it offers a systematic estimation procedure by dividing the estimating parameters into three parts and these parts are estimated in parallel. A first-order filter is utilized to turn the sensor faulty system into an auxiliary sensor faults-free representation. Thereby, the artificial output contains the filter states. The proposed D-EKF estimator does not require restrictive assumptions on the power system matrices and is highly robust against stochastic Gaussian noises. At the end, the proposed approach is applied on a practical faulty DC MG benchmark connected to a CPL, a resistive load, and an energy storage system and the obtained simulation results are analyzed form the accuracy and convergence speed viewpoints.


Blockchain-Based Transactive Energy Framework for Connected Virtual Power Plants

Gough, M; Santos, SF; Almeida, A; Lotfi, M; Javadi, MS; Fitiwi, DZ; Osorio, GJ; Castro, R; Catalao, JPS;


Emerging technologies are helping to accelerate the ongoing energy transition. At the forefront of these new technologies is blockchain, which has the potential to disrupt energy trading markets. This article explores this potential by presenting an innovative multilevel transactive energy (TE) optimization model for the scheduling of distributed energy resources (DERs) within connected virtual power plants (VPPs). The model allows for energy transactions within a given VPP as well as between connected VPPs. A blockchain-based smart contract layer is applied on top of the TE optimization model to automate and record energy transactions. The model is formulated to adhere to the new regulations for the self-generation and self-consumption of energy in Portugal. This new set of regulations can ease barriers to entry for consumers and increase their active participation in energy markets. Results show a decrease in energy costs for consumers and increased generation of locally produced electricity. This model shows that blockchain-based smart contracts can be successfully integrated into a hierarchical energy trading model, which respects the novel energy regulation. This combination of technologies can be used to increase consumer participation, lower energy bills, and increase the penetration of locally generated electricity from renewable energy sources.


A fully decentralized machine learning algorithm for optimal power flow with cooperative information exchange

Lotfi, M; Osorio, GJ; Javadi, MS; El Moursi, MS; Monteiro, C; Catalao, JPS;


Traditional power grids, being highly centralized in terms of generation, economy, and operation, continually employed probabilistic methods to account for load uncertainties. In modern smart grids (SG), rapid proliferation of non-dispatchable generation (physical decentralization) and liberal markets (market decentralization) leads to dismantling of the centralized paradigm, with operation being performed by several decentralized agents. Handling uncertainty in this new paradigm is aggravated due to 1) a vastly increased number of uncertainty sources, and 2) decentralized agents only having access to local data and limited information on other parts of the grid. A major problem identified in modern and future SGs is the need for fully decentralized optimal operation techniques that are computationally efficient, highly accurate, and do not jeopardize data privacy and security of individual agents. Machine learning (ML) techniques, being successors to traditional probabilistic methods are identified as a solution to this problem. In this paper, a conceptual model is constructed for the transition from a fully centralized operation of a SG to a decentralized one, proposing the transition scheme between the two paradigms. A novel ML algorithm for fully decentralized operation is proposed, formulated, implemented, and tested. The proposed algorithm relies solely on local historical data for local agents to accurately predict their optimal control actions without knowledge of the physical system model or access to historical data of other agents. The capability of cloud-based cooperative information exchange was augmented through a new concept of s-index activation codes, being encoded vectors shared between agents to improve their operation without sharing raw information. The algorithm is tested on a modified IEEE 24-bus test system and synthetically generating historical data based on typical load profiles. A week-ahead high-resolution (15 minute) fully decentralized operation case is tested. The algorithm is shown to guarantee less than 0.1% error compared to a centralized solution and to outperform a neural network (NN). The algorithm is exceptionally accurate while being highly computationally efficient and has great potential as a versatile model for fully decentralized operation of SGs.


Operation of a Technical Virtual Power Plant Considering Diverse Distributed Energy Resources

Gough, M; Santos, SF; Lotfi, M; Javadi, MS; Osorio, GJ; Ashraf, P; Castro, R; Catalao, JPS;


Virtual power plants (VPPs) have emerged as a way to coordinate and control the growing number of distributed energy resources (DERs) within power systems. Typically, VPP models have focused on financial or commercial outcomes and have not considered the technical constraints of the distribution system. The objective of this article is the development of a technical VPP (TVPP) operational model to optimize the scheduling of a diverse set of DERs operating in a day-ahead energy market, considering grid management constraints. The effects on network congestion, voltage profiles, and power losses are presented and analyzed. In addition, the thermal comfort of the consumers is considered and the tradeoffs between comfort, cost, and technical constraints are presented. The model quantifies and allocates the benefits of the DER operation to the owners in a fair and efficient manner using the Vickrey-Clarke-Grove mechanism. This article develops a stochastic mixed-integer linear programming model and various case studies are thoroughly examined on the IEEE 119 bus test system. Results indicate that electric vehicles provide the largest marginal contribution to the TVPP, closely followed by solar photovoltaic (PV) units. Also, the results show that the operations of the TVPP improve financial metrics and increase consumer engagement while improving numerous technical operational metrics. The proposed TVPP model is shown to improve the ability of the system to incorporate DERs, including those from commercial buildings.

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