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Publications by CESE


Industry 4.0 technologies' adoption by industrial companies - a literature review on the impacts in sustainability dimensions

Almeida, D; Simões, AC;

Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Innovation: Shaping the Future, ICE 2023

Industrial companies live in a context of dynamic technological innovation, in which new technologies are adopted with a high impact internally and externally, leveraging their competitive advantages. A usual situation is managers deciding to adopt technologies, often without realising the impacts on the company but mainly supported by a strategic vision and the pursuit of differentiation factors. This article aims to present the results of a literature review on the impacts of Industry 4.0 technologies adoption in sustainability dimensions by industrial companies. These impacts were presented according to the three dimensions of sustainability: economic, environmental and social. The results of this study can be used by practitioners and researchers for an overview of the I4.0 technologies adoption by manufacturing companies and their impacts on sustainability dimensions, summarising the knowledge concerning this topic. © 2023 IEEE.


Novel integer programming models for the stable kidney exchange problem

Klimentova, X; Biro, P; Viana, A; Costa, V; Pedroso, JP;


Kidney exchange programs (KEPs) represent an additional possibility of transplant for patients suffering from end-stage kidney disease. If a patient has a willing living donor with whom the patient is not compatible, the pair recipient-donor can join a pool of incompatible pairs and, if compatibility between recipient and donor in two or more pairs exists, organs can be exchanged between them. The problem can be modelled as an integer program that in general aims at finding the pairs that should be selected for transplant such that maximum number of transplants is performed. In this paper, we consider that for each recipient there may exist a preference order over the organs that he/she can receive, since a recipient may be compatible with several donors but the level of compatibility with the recipient might vary for different donors. Under this setting, the aim is to find the maximum cardinality stable exchange, a solution where no blocking cycle exists, i.e., there is no cycle such that all recipients prefer the donor in that cycle rather than that in the exchange. For this purpose we propose four novel integer programming models based on the well-known edge and cycle formulations, and also on the position-indexed formulation. These formulations are adjusted for both finding stable and strongly stable exchanges under strict preferences and for the case when ties in preferences may exist. Further-more, we study a situation when the stability requirement can be relaxed by addressing the trade-off between maximum cardinality versus number of blocking cycles allowed in a solution. The effectiveness of the proposed models is assessed through extensive computational experiments on a wide set of in-stances. Results show that the cycle-edge and position-indexed formulations outperform the other two formulations. Another important practical outcome is that targeting strongly stable solutions has a much higher negative impact on the number of transplants (with an average reduction of up to 20% for the bigger instances), when compared to stable solutions.


A Simulation Approach for the Design of More Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chains in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Silva, AC; Marques, CM; de Sousa, JP;


In a world facing unprecedented challenges, such as climate changes and growing social problems, the pharmaceutical industry must ensure that its supply chains are environmentally sustainable and resilient, guaranteeing access to key medications even when faced with unanticipated disruptions or crises. The core goal of this work is to develop an innovative simulation-based approach to support more informed and effective decision making, while establishing reasonable trade-offs between supply chain robustness and resiliency, operational efficiency, and environmental and social concerns. Such a decision-support system will contribute to the development of more resilient and sustainable pharmaceutical supply chains, which are, in general, critical for maintaining access to essential medicines, especially during times of crises or relevant disruptions. The system will help companies to better manage and design their supply chains, providing a valuable tool to achieve higher levels of resilience and sustainability. The study we conducted has two primary contributions that are noteworthy. Firstly, we present a new advanced approach that integrates multiple simulation techniques, allowing for the modeling of highly complex environments. Secondly, we introduce a new conceptual framework that helps to comprehend the interplay between resiliency and sustainability in decision-making processes. These two contributions provide valuable insights into understanding complex systems and can aid in designing more resilient and sustainable systems.


A multistart biased random key genetic algorithm for the flexible job shop scheduling problem with transportation

Homayouni, SM; Fontes, DBMM; Goncalves, JF;


This work addresses the flexible job shop scheduling problem with transportation (FJSPT), which can be seen as an extension of both the flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP) and the job shop scheduling problem with transportation (JSPT). Regarding the former case, the FJSPT additionally considers that the jobs need to be transported to the machines on which they are processed on, while in the latter, the specific machine processing each operation also needs to be decided. The FJSPT is NP-hard since it extends NP-hard problems. Good-quality solutions are efficiently found by an operation-based multistart biased random key genetic algorithm (BRKGA) coupled with greedy heuristics to select the machine processing each operation and the vehicles transporting the jobs to operations. The proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art solution approaches since it finds very good quality solutions in a short time. Such solutions are optimal for most problem instances. In addition, the approach is robust, which is a very important characteristic in practical applications. Finally, due to its modular structure, the multistart BRKGA can be easily adapted to solve other similar scheduling problems, as shown in the computational experiments reported in this paper.


A Multi-Population BRKGA for Energy-Efficient Job Shop Scheduling with Speed Adjustable Machines

Homayouni, SM; Fontes, DBMM; Fontes, FACC;


Energy-efficient scheduling has become a new trend in industry and academia, mainly due to extreme weather conditions, stricter environmental regulations, and volatile energy prices. This work addresses the energy-efficient Job shop Scheduling Problem with speed adjustable machines. Thus, in addition to determining the sequence of the operations for each machine, one also needs to decide on the processing speed of each operation. We propose a multi-population biased random key genetic algorithm that finds effective solutions to the problem efficiently and outperforms the state-of-the-art solution approaches.


A hybrid particle swarm optimization and simulated annealing algorithm for the job shop scheduling problem with transport resources

Fontes, DBMM; Homayouni, SM; Goncalves, JF;


This work addresses a variant of the job shop scheduling problem in which jobs need to be transported to the machines processing their operations by a limited number of vehicles. Given that vehicles must deliver the jobs to the machines for processing and that machines need to finish processing the jobs before they can be transported, machine scheduling and vehicle scheduling are intertwined. A coordi-nated approach that solves these interrelated problems simultaneously improves the overall performance of the manufacturing system. In the current competitive business environment, and integrated approach is imperative as it boosts cost savings and on-time deliveries. Hence, the job shop scheduling problem with transport resources (JSPT) requires scheduling production operations and transport tasks simultane-ously. The JSPT is studied considering the minimization of two alternative performance metrics, namely: makespan and exit time. Optimal solutions are found by a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model. However, since integrated production and transportation scheduling is very complex, the MILP model can only handle small-sized problem instances. To find good quality solutions in reasonable com-putation times, we propose a hybrid particle swarm optimization and simulated annealing algorithm (PSOSA). Furthermore, we derive a fast lower bounding procedure that can be used to evaluate the perfor-mance of the heuristic solutions for larger instances. Extensive computational experiments are conducted on 73 benchmark instances, for each of the two performance metrics, to assess the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed PSOSA algorithm. These experiments show that the PSOSA outperforms state-of-the-art solution approaches and is very robust.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( )

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