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Publications by Fernando Luís Almeida


The business plan reference manual for IT businesses

Almeida, F; Santos, JD;

The Business Plan Reference Manual for IT Businesses

There is a great worldwide desire to launch new technology-based business. In this sense, and increasingly, entrepreneurship courses have arisen in several universities and many of the courses in the management, administration and engineering areas already offer entrepreneurship curricular units. Throughout those programs, the teams develop key integrated competencies in innovation, entrepreneurship and technology that will ultimately enable the students to create and develop new technology-based businesses. The Business Plan Reference Manual for IT Businesses provides a reference manual for undergraduate and graduate students that intend to launch their start-up business in the IT field. It helps them to create and model the business plan of their business. Therefore, this manual is mainly aimed at instructors who want to offer a practical view of the process of modeling, designing and developing an IT start-up. Additionally, it can be individually used by entrepreneurs who wish to launch their start-up businesses in IT field. The structure of the book was defined taking into account different approaches to the construction of the business plan, which basically consider a disaggregation of some of these chapters in others smaller (e.g., marketing plan into products/services and market, financial plan into investment plan and economic-financial projections). We chose to aggregate these dimensions into a single chapter, which in our view facilitates the process of analyzing a business plan. It is also relevant to mention the inclusion of "Chapter V - Prototype description" which is innovative and intends to take into account the application of this business plan template to the information technology sector. © 2018 River Publishers. All rights reserved.


Challenges in the Digital Transformation of Ports

Almeida, F;


Digital transformation plays a significant role in modernizing and improving the efficiency of ports around the world. However, digitalization also brings a set of challenges that ports must face. They have to respond to several unique challenges because of the complexity of their operations and the varying demands of stakeholders. This study seeks to identify and summarize the challenges of digital transformation processes in ports. For this purpose, the World Ports Sustainability Program database was used. The findings revealed 74 digitalization initiatives carried out by ports, which makes it possible to recognize 7 dimensions and 32 sub-dimensions of challenges to the digital transformation process. Among the identified dimensions are port infrastructure, the interconnection between various systems, the port organization model, regulation, security and privacy, market evolution, and the establishment of partnerships to implement these projects. The results of this study are relevant to mitigate the risks of the digitalization process in ports and respond to market needs that demand greater transparency and visibility of their operations.


Entrepreneurial learning among different industries: a case study research of four sectors in the UK

Wasim, J; Almeida, F; Cujba, G;

International Journal of Learning and Change

Entrepreneurial activity has been an element of economic and social enhancement. However, managing a startup is a difficult and risky activity that strongly depends on the entrepreneur's characteristics and skills. While much attention has been given recently to entrepreneurial learning, less has been studied about the learning dynamics in different industries. This study aims to understand and explore types of learning in different industries and find their similarities and differences. For this purpose, an exploratory comparative case study composed of four cases has been considered. Findings reveal that the main types of entrepreneurial learning are similar in all the industries analysed and are linked to social and experiential learning. The main dissimilarities are related to searching for customer information, employees' feedback, and solving issues. Lastly, some entrepreneurs reflect on the actions or decisions taken, while others do not reflect as much as they would like to. © 2023 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


Relevance and Characteristics of Responsible Innovation Assessment Tools

Caldeira, C; Pereira, D; Santos, JD; Guimarães, C; Almeida, F;

Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences

Innovation is a key driver to address the challenges of sustainability. To achieve this goal, the various entities participating in the innovation process must work together to ensure that research methodologies and results are aligned with the needs and expectations of society. Having a conceptual and practical approach that allows exploring and measuring how projects are fulfilling this expectation is key in this process. In this sense, this study aims to explore the relevance of this phenomenon for the development of innovation practices and to characterize and compare several responsible innovation assessment tools (RIATs) that can be used by research teams. A qualitative methodology is used to identify, map, and compare the characteristics of each RIAT. The main strengths and limitations of each approach are also explored. The findings reveal a total of 18 RIATs and 16 dimensions. The challenge is to get a harmonious balance between these various dimensions and to have this analysis performed in the early stages of each project. This study makes practical contributions by identifying areas that each project must assess and ensure for its innovation activities to be socially desirable and ethically acceptable. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023.


Exploring the Determinants of Social Entrepreneurship Intention

Almeida, F; de Sousa Filho, JM;

Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences

Social entrepreneurship is currently a field of research that has attracted increasing attention from various sectors of society mainly due to the difficulty of the various governments to respond to social needs. Higher education cannot remain indifferent to this challenge and must provide training programs specifically aimed at social entrepreneurship. This study intends to find out the dimensions that characterize the process of teaching social entrepreneurship in higher education and analyze the relevance of these dimensions for increasing entrepreneurial intention. This study considers a sample of 177 students and adopts a quantitative methodology based on descriptive and correlational parametric and nonparametric statistical methods. The results indicate that individual and organizational factors appear to be more integrated in the social entrepreneurship process than contextual factors. However, the social component is the only factor that shows a moderate correlation with entrepreneurial intention. The other dimensions of the model in isolation have a low and not significant correlation. Nevertheless, the contextual construct is not favorable for the emergence of new social entrepreneurship projects. The results of this study are relevant for higher education institutions to design social entrepreneurship programs in which the social component is an integral part of these programs, through outreach programs with local communities that can help identify socially relevant causes. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023.


A longitudinal study of birth, death and survival rate of micro-companies in the European Union

Almeida, F;


Micro-companies play an extremely important role in the economy being the main driver of economic growth. They contribute decisively for employability, business innovation and in reducing social asymmetries. This role of micro-companies in particular and, small and medium enterprises in general, is widely recognised in the literature. Nevertheless, the number of longitudinal studies that explicitly address the contribution of micro-companies to the European economy is reduced, and most of them are essentially reports produced by European and national agencies that analyse the importance of this phenomenon in their economies. This study intends to characterise the birth, death and survival rate of micro-companies in the European Union. The study adopts a quantitative and statistical approach in data analysis between 2008 and 2016, which allows us to characterise the evolution of these indicators and to understand which countries have the best and the worst performances.

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