Galdran, A; Araujo, T; Mendonca, AM; Campilho, A;
The automatic assessment of visual quality on images of the eye fundus is an important task in retinal image analysis. A novel quality assessment technique is proposed in this paper. We propose to compute Mean-Subtracted Contrast-Normalized (MSCN) coefficients on local spatial neighborhoods of a given image and analyze their distribution. It is known that for natural images, such distribution behaves normally, while distortions of different kinds perturb this regularity. The combination of MSCN coefficients with a simple measure of local contrast allows us to design a simple but effective retinal image quality assessment algorithm that successfully discriminates between good and low-quality images, while delivering a meaningful quality score. The proposed technique is validated on a recent database of quality-labeled retinal images, obtaining results aligned with state-of-the-art approaches at a low computational cost.
Barbeira, AN; Dickinson, SP; Bonazzola, R; Zheng, J; Wheeler, HE; Torres, JM; Torstenson, ES; Shah, KP; Garcia, T; Edwards, TL; Stahl, EA; Huckins, LM; Aguet, F; Ardlie, KG; Cummings, BB; Gelfand, ET; Getz, G; Hadley, K; Handsaker, RE; Huang, KH; Kashin, S; Karczewski, KJ; Lek, M; Li, X; MacArthur, DG; Nedzel, JL; Nguyen, DT; Noble, MS; Segrè, AV; Trowbridge, CA; Tukiainen, T; Abell, NS; Balliu, B; Barshir, R; Basha, O; Battle, A; Bogu, GK; Brown, A; Brown, CD; Castel, SE; Chen, LS; Chiang, C; Conrad, DF; Damani, FN; Davis, JR; Delaneau, O; Dermitzakis, ET; Engelhardt, BE; Eskin, E; Ferreira, PG; Frésard, L; Gamazon, ER; Garrido Martín, D; Gewirtz, ADH; Gliner, G; Gloudemans, MJ; Guigo, R; Hall, IM; Han, B; He, Y; Hormozdiari, F; Howald, C; Jo, B; Kang, EY; Kim, Y; Kim Hellmuth, S; Lappalainen, T; Li, G; Li, X; Liu, B; Mangul, S; McCarthy, MI; McDowell, IC; Mohammadi, P; Monlong, J; Montgomery, SB; Muñoz Aguirre, M; Ndungu, AW; Nobel, AB; Oliva, M; Ongen, H; Palowitch, JJ; Panousis, N; Papasaikas, P; Park, Y; Parsana, P; Payne, AJ; Peterson, CB; Quan, J; Reverter, F; Sabatti, C; Saha, A; Sammeth, M; Scott, AJ; Shabalin, AA; Sodaei, R; Stephens, M; Stranger, BE; Strober, BJ; Sul, JH; Tsang, EK; Urbut, S; Van De Bunt, M; Wang, G; Wen, X; Wright, FA; Xi, HS; Yeger Lotem, E; Zappala, Z; Zaugg, JB; Zhou, YH; Akey, JM; Bates, D; Chan, J; Claussnitzer, M; Demanelis, K; Diegel, M; Doherty, JA; Feinberg, AP; Fernando, MS; Halow, J; Hansen, KD; Haugen, E; Hickey, PF; Hou, L; Jasmine, F; Jian, R; Jiang, L; Johnson, A; Kaul, R; Kellis, M; Kibriya, MG; Lee, K; Li, JB; Li, Q; Lin, J; Lin, S; Linder, S; Linke, C; Liu, Y; Maurano, MT; Molinie, B; Nelson, J; Neri, FJ; Park, Y; Pierce, BL; Rinaldi, NJ; Rizzardi, LF; Sandstrom, R; Skol, A; Smith, KS; Snyder, MP; Stamatoyannopoulos, J; Tang, H; Wang, L; Wang, M; Van Wittenberghe, N; Wu, F; Zhang, R; Nierras, CR; Branton, PA; Carithers, LJ; Guan, P; Moore, HM; Rao, A; Vaught, JB; Gould, SE; Lockart, NC; Martin, C; Struewing, JP; Volpi, S; Addington, AM; Koester, SE; Little, AR; Brigham, LE; Hasz, R; Hunter, M; Johns, C; Johnson, M; Kopen, G; Leinweber, WF; Lonsdale, JT; McDonald, A; Mestichelli, B; Myer, K; Roe, B; Salvatore, M; Shad, S; Thomas, JA; Walters, G; Washington, M; Wheeler, J; Bridge, J; Foster, BA; Gillard, BM; Karasik, E; Kumar, R; Miklos, M; Moser, MT; Jewell, SD; Montroy, RG; Rohrer, DC; Valley, DR; Davis, DA; Mash, DC; Undale, AH; Smith, AM; Tabor, DE; Roche, NV; McLean, JA; Vatanian, N; Robinson, KL; Sobin, L; Barcus, ME; Valentino, KM; Qi, L; Hunter, S; Hariharan, P; Singh, S; Um, KS; Matose, T; Tomaszewski, MM; Barker, LK; Mosavel, M; Siminoff, LA; Traino, HM; Flicek, P; Juettemann, T; Ruffier, M; Sheppard, D; Taylor, K; Trevanion, SJ; Zerbino, DR; Craft, B; Goldman, M; Haeussler, M; Kent, WJ; Lee, CM; Paten, B; Rosenbloom, KR; Vivian, J; Zhu, J; Nicolae, DL; Cox, NJ; Im, HK;
Nature Communications
Scalable, integrative methods to understand mechanisms that link genetic variants with phenotypes are needed. Here we derive a mathematical expression to compute PrediXcan (a gene mapping approach) results using summary data (S-PrediXcan) and show its accuracy and general robustness to misspecified reference sets. We apply this framework to 44 GTEx tissues and 100+ phenotypes from GWAS and meta-analysis studies, creating a growing public catalog of associations that seeks to capture the effects of gene expression variation on human phenotypes. Replication in an independent cohort is shown. Most of the associations are tissue specific, suggesting context specificity of the trait etiology. Colocalized significant associations in unexpected tissues underscore the need for an agnostic scanning of multiple contexts to improve our ability to detect causal regulatory mechanisms. Monogenic disease genes are enriched among significant associations for related traits, suggesting that smaller alterations of these genes may cause a spectrum of milder phenotypes. © 2018 The Author(s).
Oliveira, LM; Carvalho, MI; Nogueira, EM; Tuchin, VV;
Skeletal muscle dispersion and optical clearing (OC) kinetics were studied experimentally to prove the existence of the refractive index (RI) matching mechanism of OC. Sample thickness and collimated transmittance spectra were measured during treatments with glucose (40%) and ethylene glycol (EG; 99%) solutions and used to obtain the time dependence of the RI of tissue fluids based on the proposed theoretical model. Calculated results demonstrated an increase of RI of tissue fluids and consequently proved the occurrence of the RI matching mechanism. The RI increase was observed for the wavelength range between 400 and 1000 nm and for the 2 probing molecules explored. We found that for 30 min treatment with 40% glucose and 99% EG, RI of sarcoplasm plus interstitial fluid was increased at 800 nm from 1.328 to 1.348 and from 1.328 to 1.369, respectively.
Mendonca, L; Faria, S; Penas, S; Silva, J; Mendonca, AM;
Rocha, AP; Pereira Choupina, HMP; Vilas Boas, MD; Fernandes, JM; Silva Cunha, JPS;
Human gait analysis provides valuable information regarding the way of walking of a given subject. Low-cost RGB-D cameras, such as the Microsoft Kinect, are able to estimate the 3-D position of several body joints without requiring the use of markers. This 3-D information can be used to perform objective gait analysis in an affordable. portable, and non-intrusive way. In this contribution, we present a system for fully automatic gait analysis using a single RGB-D camera, namely the second version of the Kinect. Our system does not require any manual intervention (except for starting/stopping the data acquisition), since it firstly recognizes whether the subject is walking or not, and identifies the different gait cycles only when walking is detected. For each gait cycle, it then computes several gait parameters, which can provide useful information in various contexts, such as sports, healthcare, and biometric identification. The activity recognition is performed by a predictive model that distinguishes between three activities (walking, standing and marching), and between two postures of the subject (facing the sensor, and facing away from it). The model was built using a multilayer perceptron algorithm and several measures extracted from 3-D joint data, achieving an overall accuracy and F-1 score of 98%. For gait cycle detection, we implemented an algorithm that estimates the instants corresponding to left and right heel strikes, relying on the distance between ankles, and the velocity of left and right ankles. The algorithm achieved errors for heel strike instant and stride duration estimation of 15 +/- 25 ms and 1 +/- 29 ms (walking towards the sensor), and 12 +/- 23 ms and 2 +/- 24 ms (walking away from the sensor ) Our gait cycle detection solution can be used with any other RGB-D camera that provides the 3-D position of the main body joints.
Rodrigues*, S; Paiva, JS; Dias, D; Pereira, T; Cunha, JPS;
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences
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