Rodrigues, S; Paiva, JS; Dias, D; Aleixo, M; Filipe, RM; Cunha, JPS;
Stress can impact multiple psychological and physiological human domains. In order to better understand the effect of stress on cognitive performance, and whether this effect is related to an autonomic response to stress, the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) was used as a testing platform along with a 2-Choice Reaction Time Task. When considering the nature and importance of Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) work and the fact that they are subjected to high levels of stress, this study was conducted with a sample of ATCs (n = 11). Linear Heart Rate Variability (HRV) features were extracted from ATCs electrocardiogram (ECG) acquired using a medical-grade wearable ECG device (Vital Jacket((R)) (1-Lead, Biodevices S.A, Matosinhos, Portugal)). Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) were also used to measure perceived stress. TSST produced statistically significant changes in some HRV parameters (Average of normal-to-normal intervals (AVNN), Standard Deviation of all NN (SDNN), root mean square of differences between successive rhythm-to-rhythm (RR) intervals (RMSSD), pNN20, and LF/HF) and subjective measures of stress, which recovered after the stress task. Although these short-term changes in HRV showed a tendency to normalize, an impairment on cognitive performance was evident. Despite that participant's reaction times were lower, the accuracy significantly decreased, presenting more errors after performing the acute stress event. Results can also point to the importance of the development of quantified occupational health (qOHealth) devices to allow for the monitoring of stress responses.
Paiva, JS; Ribeiro, RSR; Jorge, PAS; Rosa, CC; Azevedo, MM; Sampaio, P; Cunha, JPS;
Optical Tweezers (OTs) have been widely applied in Biology, due to their outstanding focusing abilities, which make them able to exert forces on micro-sized particles. The magnitude of such forces (pN) is strong enough to trap their targets. However, the most conventional OT setups are based on complex configurations, being associated with focusing difficulties with biologic samples. Optical Fiber Tweezers (OFTs), which consist in optical fibers with a lens in one of its extremities are valuable alternatives to Conventional Optical Tweezers (COTs). OFTs are flexible, simpler, low-cost and easy to handle. However, its trapping performance when manipulating biological and complex structures remains poorly characterized. In this study, we experimentally characterized the optical trapping of a biological cell found within a culture of rodent glial neuronal cells, using a polymeric lens fabricated through a photo-polymerization method on the top of a fiber. Its trapping performance was compared with two synthetic microspheres (PMMA, polystyrene) and two simple cells (a yeast and a Drosophila Melanogaster cell). Moreover, the experimental results were also compared with theoretical calculations made using a numerical model based on the Finite Differences Time Domain. It was found that, although the mammalian neuronal cell had larger dimensions, the magnitude of forces exerted on it was the lowest among all particles. Our results allowed us to quantify, for the first time, the complexity degree of manipulating such "demanding" cells in comparison with known targets. Thus, they can provide valuable insights about the influence of particle parameters such as size, refractive index, homogeneity degree and nature (biologic, synthetic). Furthermore, the theoretical results matched the experimental ones which validates the proposed model.
Galdran, A; Costa, P; Bria, A; Araujo, T; Mendonca, AM; Campilho, A;
Due to inevitable differences between the data used for training modern CAD systems and the data encountered when they are deployed in clinical scenarios, the ability to automatically assess the quality of predictions when no expert annotation is available can be critical. In this paper, we propose a new method for quality assessment of retinal vessel tree segmentations in the absence of a reference ground-truth. For this, we artificially degrade expert-annotated vessel map segmentations and then train a CNN to predict the similarity between the degraded images and their corresponding ground-truths. This similarity can be interpreted as a proxy to the quality of a segmentation. The proposed model can produce a visually meaningful quality score, effectively predicting the quality of a vessel tree segmentation in the absence of a manually segmented reference. We further demonstrate the usefulness of our approach by applying it to automatically find a threshold for soft probabilistic segmentations on a per-image basis. For an independent state-of-the-art unsupervised vessel segmentation technique, the thresholds selected by our approach lead to statistically significant improvements in F1-score (+2.67%) and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (+3.11%) over the thresholds derived from ROC analysis on the training set. The score is also shown to correlate strongly with F1 and MCC when a reference is available.
Rouco, J; Carvalho, C; Domingues, A; Azevedo, E; Campilho, A;
A new approach for robust edge detection on B-mode ultrasound images of the carotid artery is proposed in this paper. The proposed method uses anisotropic Gaussian derivative filters along with non-maximum suppression over the overall artery wall orientation in local regionS. The anisotropic filters allow using a wider integration scale along the edges while preserving the edge location precision. They also perform edge continuation, resulting in the connection of isolated edge points along linear segments, which is a valuable feature for the segmentation of the artery wall layerS. However, this usually results in false edges being detected near convex contours and isolated pointS. The use of non-maximum suppression over pooled local orientations is proposed to solve this issue. Experimental results are provided to demonstrate that the proposed edge detector outperforms other common methods in the detection of the lumen-intima and media-adventia layer interfaces of the carotid vessel wallS. Additionally, the resulting edges are more continuous and precisely located. © 2018 The Author(s).
Rei, J; Brito, C; Sousa, A;
Proceedings - 4th IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing, CIC 2018
Health facilities produce an increasing and vast amount of data that must be efficiently analyzed. New approaches for healthcare monitoring are being developed every day and the Internet of Things (IoT) came to fill the still existing void on real-time monitoring. A new generation of mechanisms and techniques are being used to facilitate the practice of medicine, promoting faster diagnosis and prevention of diseases. We proposed a system that relies on IoT for storing and monitoring medical sensors data with analytic capabilities. To this end, we chose two approaches for storing this data which were thoroughly evaluated. Apache HBase presents a higher rate of data ingestion, when collaborating with the Kaa IoT platform, than Apache Cassandra, exhibiting good performance storing unstructured data, as presented in a healthcare environment. The outcome of this system has shown the possibility of a large number of medical sensors being simultaneously connected to the same platform (6000 records sent by the second or 48 ECG sensors with a frequency of 125Hz). The results presented in this paper are promising and should be further investigated as a comprehensive system would benefit the patient's diagnosis but also the physicians. © 2018 IEEE.
Ribeiro, RT; Silva Cunha, JPS;
In this work we propose a regression approach based on separability maximization (RASMa) for modeling a continuous-valued estimate of the stress level (we called it stress index) using some features extracted from electrocardiogram (ECG) data. Since no objective measure of the actual stress level (output) is available, finding the stress index cannot be addressed as a classical regression problem. Instead, the proposed approach finds the linear combination of features that maximizes the separability of stress index values for non-stress and stress events. In short, RASMa combines linear discriminant analysis with the Bhattacharyya distance, embedded in a leave-one-subject-out cross-validation scheme. A 26-case pilot study using 17 heart rate variability (HRV) features was conducted as a proof of concept. A near real-time application tool for monitoring stress level over time was also implemented based on the model obtained from the pilot study.
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