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Publications by BIO


Automatic Methods for Carotid Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging Quantification of Adventitial Vasa Vasorum

Pereira, T; Muguruza, J; Mária, V; Vilaprinyo, E; Sorribas, A; Fernandez, E; Fernandez-Armenteros, JM; Baena, JA; Rius, F; Betriu, A; Solsona, F; Alves, R;

Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology



Quantitative Operating Principles of Yeast Metabolism during Adaptation to Heat Stress

Pereira, T; Vilaprinyo, E; Belli, G; Herrero, E; Salvado, B; Sorribas, A; Altés, G; Alves, R;

Cell Reports



Quantification of gait parameters with inertial sensors and inverse kinematics

Boetzel, K; Olivares, A; Cunha, JP; Gorriz Saez, JMG; Weiss, R; Plate, A;


Measuring human gait is important in medicine to obtain outcome parameter for therapy, for instance in Parkinson's disease. Recently, small inertial sensors became available which allow for the registration of limb-position outside of the limited space of gait laboratories. The computation of gait parameters based on such recordings has been the subject of many scientific papers. We want to add to this knowledge by presenting a 4-segment leg model which is based on inverse kinematic and Kalman filtering of data from inertial sensors. To evaluate the model, data from four leg segments (shanks and thighs) were recorded synchronously with accelerometers and gyroscopes and a 3D motion capture system while subjects (n = 12) walked at three different velocities on a treadmill. Angular position of leg segments was computed from accelerometers and gyroscopes by Kalman filtering and compared to data from the motion capture system. The four-segment leg model takes the stance foot as a pivotal point and computes the position of the remaining segments as a kinematic chain (inverse kinematics). Second, we evaluated the contribution of pelvic movements to the model and evaluated a five segment model (shanks, thighs and pelvis) against ground-truth data from the motion capture system and the path of the treadmill. Results: We found the precision of the Kalman filtered angular position is in the range of 2-6 degrees (RMS error). The 4-segment leg model computed stride length and length of gait path with a constant undershoot of 3% for slow and 7% for fast gait. The integration of a 5th segment (pelvis) into the model increased its precision. The advantages of this model and ideas for further improvements are discussed.


A Regression Model for Predicting Shape Deformation after Breast Conserving Surgery

Zolfagharnasab, H; Bessa, S; Oliveira, SP; Faria, P; Teixeira, JF; Cardoso, JS; Oliveira, HP;


Breast cancer treatments can have a negative impact on breast aesthetics, in case when surgery is intended to intersect tumor. For many years mastectomy was the only surgical option, but more recently breast conserving surgery (BCS) has been promoted as a liable alternative to treat cancer while preserving most part of the breast. However, there is still a significant number of BCS intervened patients who are unpleasant with the result of the treatment, which leads to self-image issues and emotional overloads. Surgeons recognize the value of a tool to predict the breast shape after BCS to facilitate surgeon/patient communication and allow more educated decisions; however, no such tool is available that is suited for clinical usage. These tools could serve as a way of visually sensing the aesthetic consequences of the treatment. In this research, it is intended to propose a methodology for predict the deformation after BCS by using machine learning techniques. Nonetheless, there is no appropriate dataset containing breast data before and after surgery in order to train a learning model. Therefore, an in-house semi-synthetic dataset is proposed to fulfill the requirement of this research. Using the proposed dataset, several learning methodologies were investigated, and promising outcomes are obtained.


UOLO - automatic object detection and segmentation in biomedical images

Araújo, T; Aresta, G; Galdran, A; Costa, P; Mendonça, AM; Campilho, A;




Glucose measurements with optical fiber sensor based on coreless silica fiber

Novais, S; Ferreira, CIA; Ferreira, MS; Pinto, JL;

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

A reflective fiber optic sensor based on multimode interference for the measurement of glucose aqueous solutions is proposed. A maximum experimental resolution of 0.04 wt.% of glucose is achieved. © OSA 2018 © 2018 The Author(s)

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