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Publications by BIO


Robust Iris Segmentation under Unconstrained Settings

Monteiro, JC; Oliveira, HP; Sequeira, AF; Cardoso, JS;

VISAPP 2013 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Volume 1, Barcelona, Spain, 21-24 February, 2013.

The rising challenges in the field of iris recognition, concerning the development of accurate recognition algorithms using images acquired under an unconstrained set of conditions, is leading to the a renewed interest in the area. Although several works already report excellent recognition rates, these values are obtained by acquiring images in very controlled environments. The use of such systems in daily security activities, such as airport security and bank account management, is therefore hindered by the inherent unconstrained nature under which images are to be acquired. The proposed work focused on mutual context information from iris centre and iris limbic contour to perform robust and accurate iris segmentation in noisy images. A random subset of the UBIRIS.v2 database was tested with a promising E1 classification rate of 0.0109.


Simulation and control of a spider crab biomechanical model

Rynkevic, R; Silva, MF; Marques, AM;

Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control

One line of research and development in robotics receiving increasing attention in recent years is the development of biologically inspired robots. The idea is to gain knowledge of biological beings and apply the knowledge thus acquired to implement the same methods of locomotion (or at least use the biological inspiration) on the machines we build. It is believed that this way it is possible to develop machines with capabilities similar to those of biological beings in terms of locomotion skills and energy efficiency. One way to better understand the functioning of these systems, without the need to develop prototypes with long and costly development, is to use simulation models. Given these ideas, this work concerns the study of the biomechanics of the spider crab, using the SimMechanics toolbox of Matlab/Simulink. This paper describes the anatomy and locomotion of the spider crab, its modeling and control and the locomotion simulation of a crab within the SimMechanics environment.


Characterization of Optical System for Hemodynamic Multi-Parameter Assessment

Pereira, T; Santos, I; Oliveira, T; Vaz, P; Correia, T; Pereira, T; Santos, H; Pereira, H; Almeida, V; Cardoso, J; Correia, C;

Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology

Cardiovascular diseases are a growing epidemiological burden in today's society. A great deal of effort has been made to find solutions able to perform non-invasive monitoring and early diagnosis of such pathologies. The pulse wave velocity and certain waveform characteristics constitute some of the most important cardiovascular risk indicators. Optical sensors are an attractive instrumental solution in this kind of time assessment applications due to their truly non-contact operation capability and better resolution than commercial devices. This study consisted on the experimental validation and a clinical feasibility for a non-invasive and multi-parametric optical system for evaluation of the cardiovascular condition. Two prototypes, based on two different types of photodetectors (planar and avalanche photodiode) were tested in a small group of volunteers, and the main hemodynamic parameters were measured, such as pulse wave velocity and indexes of pulse waveform analysis: the Augmentation Index, Subendocardial Viability Ratio and Ejection Time Index. The probes under study proved to be able to measure the pulse pressure wave in a reliable manner at the carotid site, and demonstrated the consistency of the parameters determined using dedicated algorithms. This study represents a preliminary evaluation of an optical system devoted to the clinical evaluation environment. Further development to take this system to a higher level of clinical significance, by incorporating it in a multicenter study, is currently underway. © 2013 Biomedical Engineering Society.


Vital responder - Wearable sensing challenges in uncontrolled critical environments

Coimbra, M; Silva Cunha, JP;

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering

The goal of the Vital Responder research project is to explore the synergies between innovative wearable technologies, scattered sensor networks, intelligent building technology and precise localization services to provide secure, reliable and effective first-response systems in critical emergency scenarios. Critical events, such as natural disaster or other large-scale emergency, induce fatigue and stress in first responders, such as fire fighters, policemen and paramedics. There are distinct fatigue and stress factors (and even pathologies) that were identified among these professionals. Nevertheless, previous work has uncovered a lack of real-time monitoring and decision technologies that can lead to in-depth understanding of the physiological stress processes and to the development of adequate response mechanisms. Our "silver bullet" to address these challenges is a suite of non-intrusive wearable technologies, as inconspicuous as a t-shirt, capable of gathering relevant information about the individual and disseminating this information through a wireless sensor network. In this paper we will describe the objectives, activities and results of the first two years of the Vital Responder project, depicting how it is possible to address wearable sensing challenges even in very uncontrolled environments. © 2012 ICST Institute for Computer Science, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.


Double Probe Based in Piezoelectric Sensors for Local Pulse Wave Velocity Assessment

Pereira Lopes, TMP; Correia, C;


Local pulse-wave velocity (PWV) is recognized as the simplest and most reproducible process of non-invasively assessing the vascular marker of arterial stiffness that allowing the risk of cardiovascular diseases to be determinate. Devices currently available for local PWV measurement have not yet been generalized to clinical practice since they require high technical expertise and most of them are limited in precision, due to the lack of reliable signal processing methods. This work describes a new type of probes, based on a piezoelectric sensor in different configurations, single probe and double probe. The principle of PWV measurement involves determination of the pulse transit time between the signals acquired simultaneously by both piezoelectric placed 23 mm apart in the same probe. The double probe characterization is accomplished in different studies, carried out in a dedicated test bench system, capable of reproducing a range of clinically relevant properties of the cardiovascular system.


Validation of a waveform delineator device for cardiac studies: repeatability and data mining analysis

Almeida, VG; Borba, J; Pereira, T; Pereira, HC; Cardoso, JMR; Correia, C;


This paper envisages showing the potential of innovative non-invasive techniques based on affordable and easily operated instrumentation as well as user-friendly computer aided algorithms in the screening of cardiovascular (CV) diseases. These techniques are based on the assumption that arterial stiffness is currently an important predicator of the CV diseases development and can be assessed by analyzing the arterial pressure waveform (APW). A previously developed PZ based device for non-invasive APW capture is currently under test in clinical environment, using a heterogeneous population constituted by healthy and unhealthy subjects. A dedicated Matlab analysis tool was designed and developed to extract relevant information and further APW analysis. Several recordings of the APW in the same day and in consecutive months are being performed by trained observers, to evaluate its reproducibility. Data mining analysis is subsequently the last task where the Weka 3-6-5 package software is used. The usefulness of developing data mining algorithms for cardiovascular applications can benefit the CV screenings contributing for the early identification of arterial stiffness related patterns.

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