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Publications by Fernando Maciel Barbosa


Travelling waves methods for the calculation of electrical transients - An efficient computational algorithm of Bewley's method

Moura, AM; Barbosa, FM; Vale, Z;


The versatility of Bewley's method for the calculation of transient currents and voltages using personal computers is shown. The computer time and storage required are relatively small. SOBBE program is shown to be an efficient program for the study of transient phenomena of medium-size power system networks. Numerical results are presented.


New model for a decoupled dynamic square root algorithm in power systems state estimation

Ferreira Isabel, M; Barbosa, FPM;


The continuously increasing complexity and interdependence of electric power systems make their monitoring, security analysis and control increasingly important and difficult. Although, an on-line load flow analysis can give insight in the time evolution of the system state, it has been shown that the conventional load flow is not suitable for real time monitoring of the power system. As a result the State Estimation (SE) is nowadays considered as the heart of the modern control centers. To circumvent the numerical problems inherent to the Kalman filter algorithm we present in this paper an algorithm for power system state estimation based in the square root filtering technique. The estimator proposed is decoupled in nature due to modifications made in the measurement equations resulting in a new observation model.


On-line decoupled algorithm for state estimation and bad data processing using hypothesis tests

Ferreira Isabel, M; Barbosa, FPM;

Proceedings of the Universities Power Engineering Conference

This paper presents an approach to the Dynamic State Estimation (DSE) problem to determine the real-time state of an electric power system under quasi-static operating conditions. Bearing in mind the large dimension of power systems, a new DSE algorithm is proposed in order to give a satisfactory solution from the computational point of view for the following steps of the DSE procedure: state forecasting, state filtering and detection and identification of bad data. Simulation results show the performance of the proposed algorithm under different operational conditions: normal, sudden change in the system operating point and occurrence of bad data.


Dynamic state estimation algorithm and bad data processing

Ferreira Isabel, M; Barbosa, FPM;

Proceedings of the Universities Power Engineering Conference

This paper presents an efficient information debugging methodology, using a dynamic state estimation algorithm which, through the use of a dynamic model for the time evolution of the system state, will meet simultaneously two objectives: the filtering of the incoming data and the forecasting of the state vector one step ahead. Based on this last characteristic a scheme for the detection of suspicious information is built.


Accreditation processes in Electronic and Information Engineering

Barbosa, FM; Burkley, C; Hoffmann, M; Pasquet, D;

Proceedings of 36th European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI Conference on Quality Assessment, Employability and Innovation

The aim of the SOCRATES EIE-Surveyor project is to be a reference point for Electrical and Information Engineering in Europe. The project brings together representatives from 27 out of 31 eligible countries. One of the tasks of the project is the evaluation of the accreditation processes in the participating countries. A questionnaire about the accreditation process was developed and sent to project partners in each participating country. The main areas investigated the nature of the accreditation body, the criteria, which are evaluated, the structure of the visit and the decision formulation. A first analysis shows that some countries have not yet introduced a formal accreditation process. These countries are generally in a transition situation in relation to introducing the Bologna process. In some other countries several accreditation bodies exist depending on the region or the nature of the institution. It also appears that the accreditation for masters degrees is not yet compulsory everywhere. Other issues regarding the accreditation process that are also being considered relate to who pays the expenses in relation to the accreditation process, what is the relationship between the ECTS and the actual content and level of the courses and whether or not industrial placement is a compulsory component of the programme.


Clustering analysis on questionnaire data for program accreditation

Papadourakis, G; Barbosa, FM; Burkley, C; Hoffmann, M; Pasquet, D; Tsiriotis, G; Kiriakides, I;

19th EAEEIE (European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering) Annual Conference - Formal Proceedings

The aim of the SOCRATES EIE-Surveyor project is to be a reference point for Electrical and Information Engineering in Europe, bringing together representatives from 27 out of 31 eligible countries. One of the tasks of the project is the evaluation of the accreditation processes in the participating countries. A questionnaire about the accreditation process was developed and sent to project partners in each participating country. The main areas investigated the nature of the accreditation body, the criteria, which are evaluated, the structure of the visit and the decision formulation. The results of the questionnaire, will be analyzed using clustering analysis and more precisely hierarchical, in order to compare the answers in 17 European countries and to find similarities among them. As distance measures the Euclidian metric and the City block distance will be used. Average linkage, and Ward clustering algorithms will be utilized. © 2008 IEEE.

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