Ribeiro, J; Pecas Lopes, A; Soares, J; Madureira, G;
2023 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies, SEST 2023
The Transmission System Operators (TSOs) from Portugal and Spain do not procure Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) through market mechanisms. A Virtual Power Plant (VPP) aggregating sources such as wind and solar power and hydrogen electrolysers (HEs) would benefit from participation in this ancillary service market. The methodology proposed in this paper allows to quantify the costs of the participation of the Iberian TSOs in the FCR Cooperation as well as the revenues of a VPP that aggregates wind and solar power and HEs. Results are produced using real data from past market sessions. The Portuguese TSO would have paid roughly 10 M€ to participate in this market in 2022. Using data for the same country and year, a VPP (aggregating the HEs expected to be connected by 2025) would have revenues over 2 M€. © 2023 IEEE.
Usman M.; Mohandes B.; Capitanescu F.; Madureira A.G.; Bolfek M.; Matisic Z.; Soares F.J.; Fonseca N.; Teixeira H.; Mateo C.;
IET Conference Proceedings
Achieving carbon neutral power systems is pushing for higher penetration of distributed energy resources (DER) in existing distribution systems. Accordingly, sophisticated, yet, practical tools for the optimal operation and management of active distribution systems (ADS) are in high need. In response to this necessity, this paper presents a novel and scalable tool for ancillary services procurement by distribution system operators (DSOs). The developed tool takes into consideration the inter-temporal and variable nature of DER in an uncertainty-aware approach. This tool is also suited for real-world implementation with large ADS, as it adopts a sequential linearization approach. As such, it allows DSOs to procure flexibility optimally from DERs embedded in ADS in the day-ahead operation planning timeframe, where congestion and voltage issues are managed.
Fonseca, NS; Soares, F; Iria, J;
This paper proposes a planning optimization model to help distribution system operators (DSOs) decide on the most cost-effective investments to handle the wholesale market participation of distributed energy resources (DERs). Two investment options are contemplated: market redesign; and network augmentation. The market redesign is employed through a DSO framework used to coordinate the network-secure participation of DERs in wholesale markets. Network augmentation is achieved by investing in new HV/MV OLTC and MV/LV transformers. To evaluate the performance of our planning model, we used the IEEE 69-bus network with three DER aggregators operating under different DER scenarios. Our tests show that the planning problem suggests investment decisions that can help DSOs guarantee network security. Market redesign has shown to be the most cost-effective option. However, this option is not always viable, namely in scenarios where not enough DERs are available to provide network support services. In such scenarios, hybrid investment solutions are required.
Ribeiro, FJ; Lopes, JAP; Soares, FJ; Madureira, AG;
Currently, the transmission system operators (TSOs) from Portugal and Spain do not procure a frequency containment reserve (FCR) through market mechanisms. In this context, a virtual power plant (VPP) that aggregates sources, such as wind and solar power and hydrogen electrolyzers (HEs), would benefit from future participation in this ancillary service market. The methodology proposed in this paper allows for quantifying the revenues of a VPP that aggregates wind and solar power and HEs, considering the opportunity costs of these units when reserving power for FCR participation. The results were produced using real data from past FCR market sessions. Using market data from 2022, a VPP that aggregates half of the HEs and is expected to be connected in the country by 2025 will have revenues over EUR 800k, of which EUR 90k will be HEs revenues.
Félix, P; Oliveira, F; Soares, FJ;
This paper presents a methodology for assessing the long-term economic feasibility of renewable energy-based systems for green hydrogen and ammonia production. A key innovation of this approach is the incorporation of a predictive algorithm that optimizes day-ahead system operation on an hourly basis, aiming to maximize profit. By integrating this feature, the methodology accounts for forecasting errors, leading to a more realistic economic evaluation. The selected case study integrates wind and PV as renewable energy sources, supplying an electrolyser and a Haber-Bosch ammonia production plant. Additionally, all supporting equipment, including an air separation unit for nitrogen production, compressors, and hydrogen / nitrogen / ammonia storage devices, is also considered. Furthermore, an electrochemical battery is included, allowing for an increased electrolyser load factor and smoother operating regimes. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, providing valuable insights and performance indicators for this type of energy systems, enabling informed decision-making by investors and stakeholders.
Ribeiro, FJ; Lopes, JAP; Soares, FJ; Madureira, AG;
Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) Cooperation is a European effort to integrate several countries in an integrated international electricity market platform for FCR procurement. In this market, Balancing Service Providers (BSPs) are on the supply side and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) on the demand side. This paper proposes a novel settlement scheme for sharing costs among TSOs; it proposes no changes to existing market clearing rules or to the existing settlement of the BSPs' revenues. It is shown that the current TSO settlement scheme is an inequitable mechanism that originates negative costs for some TSOs in specific conditions, which are extensively discussed. The proposed TSO settlement scheme overcomes these inequities. In the proposed scheme, TSOs begin paying the local BSPs for the cleared bids needed locally, and the remaining imports are calculated in a subsequent step. Doing so avoids using the so-called import/export costs, which are demonstrated to be the source of the inequities in the current scheme. It is shown that if the proposed pricing scheme had been adopted from July 2019 to December 2022, all TSOs would have been affected. Specifically, the most negatively impacted TSO would have its accumulated costs increased by 16% and the most positively impacted TSO would have its accumulated cost decreased by 32%. The inequities of the current mechanism amount to more than 50 Me or 7.4% of the total accumulated costs. Although the proposed mechanism is tested here under the FCR Cooperation, it can be applied to other markets where the rules allow different local settlement prices.
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