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Publications by Carlos Manuel Soares


Inductive Transfer

Utgoff, PE; Cussens, J; Kramer, S; Jain, S; Stephan, F; Raedt, LD; Todorovski, L; Flener, P; Schmid, U; Vilalta, R; Giraud-Carrier, C; Brazdil, P; Soares, C; Keogh, E; Smart, WD; Abbeel, P; Ng, AY;

Encyclopedia of Machine Learning




Fürnkranz, J; Chan, PK; Craw, S; Sammut, C; Uther, W; Ratnaparkhi, A; Jin, X; Han, J; Yang, Y; Morik, K; Dorigo, M; Birattari, M; Stützle, T; Brazdil, P; Vilalta, R; Giraud-Carrier, C; Soares, C; Rissanen, J; Baxter, RA; Bruha, I; Baxter, RA; Webb, GI; Torgo, L; Banerjee, A; Shan, H; Ray, S; Tadepalli, P; Shoham, Y; Powers, R; Shoham, Y; Powers, R; Webb, GI; Ray, S; Scott, S; Blockeel, H; De Raedt, L;

Encyclopedia of Machine Learning



Improved dataset characterisation for meta-learning

Peng, YH; Flach, PA; Soares, C; Brazdil, P;


This paper presents new measures, based on the induced decision tree, to characterise datasets for meta-learning in order to select appropriate learning algorithms. The main idea is to capture the characteristics of dataset from the structural shape and size of decision tree induced from the dataset. Totally 15 measures are proposed to describe the structure of a decision tree. Their effectiveness is illustrated through extensive experiments, by comparing to the results obtained by the existing data characteristics techniques, including data characteristics tool (DCT) that is the most wide used technique in meta-learning, and Landmarking that is the most recently developed method.


Selecting parameters of SVM using meta-learning and kernel matrix-based meta-features

Soares, C; Brazdil, PB;

Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing

The Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm is sensitive to the choice of parameter settings, which makes it hard to use by non-experts. It has been shown that meta-learning can be used to support the selection of SVM parameter values. Previous approaches have used general statistical measures as meta-features. Here we propose a new set of meta-features that are based on the kernel matrix. We test them on the problem of setting the width of the Gaussian kernel for regression problems. We obtain significant improvements in comparison to earlier meta-learning results. We expect that with better support in the selection of parameter values, SVM becomes accessible to a wider range of users. Copyright 2006 ACM.


Uncertainty Sampling Methods for Selecting Datasets in Active Meta-Learning

Prudencio, RBC; Soares, C; Ludermir, TB;


Several meta-learning approaches have been developed for the problem of algorithm selection. In this context, it is of central importance to collect a sufficient number of datasets to be used as meta-examples in order to provide reliable results. Recently, some proposals to generate datasets have addressed this issue with successful results. These proposals include datasetoids, which is a simple manipulation method to obtain new datasets from existing ones. However, the increase in the number of datasets raises another issue: in order to generate meta-examples for training, it is necessary to estimate the performance of the algorithms on the datasets. This typically requires running all candidate algorithms on all datasets, which is computationally very expensive. In a recent paper, active meta-learning has been used to address this problem. An uncertainty sampling method for the k-NN algorithm using a least confidence score based on a distance measure was employed. Here we extend that work, namely by investigating three hypotheses: 1) is there advantage in using a frequency-based least confidence score over the distance-based score? 2) given that the meta-learning problem used has three classes, is it better to use a margin-based score? and 3) given that datasetoids are expected to contain some noise, are better results achieved by starting the search with all datasets already labeled? Some of the results obtained are unexpected and should be further analyzed. However, they confirm that active meta-learning can significantly reduce the computational cost of meta-learning with potential gains in accuracy.


Is the UCI repository useful for data mining?

Soares, C;


We propose a methodology to investigate the relevance for the real world of repositories of benchmark problems like the one commonly known as the UCI repository. It compares the distribution of relative performance of algorithms in data sets from a given repository and from the "real world". If the distributions are different, the knowledge about the relative performance of algorithms obtained from the repository in question is mostly useless. In the case of the UCI repository, this would mean that a significant proportion of published results would be of little practical use. However, this is not what our results indicate. We also propose an adaptation of this method to test whether tool developers are "overfitting" repositories, which also yields negative results in the UCI repository.

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