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Publications by Álvaro Figueira


Interactive visualization of a news clips network: A journalistic research and knowledge discovery tool

Devezas, J; Figueira, A;

KDIR 2012 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval

Interactive visualization systems are powerful tools in the task of exploring and understanding data. We describe two implementations of this approach, where a multidimensional network of news clips is depicted by taking advantage of its community structure. The first implementation is a multiresolution map of news clips that uses topic detection both at the clip level and at the community level, in order to assign labels to the nodes in each resolution. The second implementation is a traditional force-directed network visualization with several additional interactive aspects that provide a rich user experience for knowledge discovery. We describe a common use case for the visualization systems as a journalistic research and knowledge discovery tool. Both systems illustrate the links between news clips, induced by the co-occurrence of named entities, as well as several metadata fields based on the information contained within each node. Copyright © 2012 SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications.


An educational library based on clusters of semantic proximity

Alves, H; Figueira, A;

Proceedings of the IADIS European Conference on Data Mining 2011, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2011, MCCSIS 2011

One of the most hard and expensive tasks commonly attributed to e-learning is to create fresh new content. Generally, educators try to reuse pre-existent material which suffers some modification before being given to students. A repository of such educational material is therefore of great use. In this article we propose a digital repository in which content ingestion includes an unsupervised classification mechanism which organizes documents into clusters of semantic proximity. This mechanism can be afterwards enhanced with a social classification process based on tagging. We present a methodology for the evaluation of our proposal with and without using tags. © 2011 IADIS.


Visualizing online interactions in Moodle

Silva, A; Figueira, A;

Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2011, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2011, MCCSIS 2011

We present a novel dynamic graphical representation of the interactions between students and teachers in online forums available in Moodle. By defining the relationships between the users as a graph, it is possible to apply techniques of social network analysis. This system brings up new possibilities to e-learning as a tool capable of helping the teacher assorting and illustrating the degree of participation and to find the implicit relations between forums participants. © 2011 IADIS.


Supervising and managing projects through a template based e-portfolio system

Felix, C; Figueira, A;

CSEDU 2012 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education

We report an integration process that involves the Moodle learning management system and an in-house developed e-portfolio system - SPD - and the institution information system. SPD is a system developed to create, evaluate and maintain digital portfolios assigned and assessed by a jury to keep a high quality level of the projects registered. The SPD system uses information imported from Moodle's database, in order to fill in its own database for users and courses and for propagating the existing session between systems. It also keeps projects ordered by development phases, determining whatever can be done and by whom, making them available for consult only after being accepted by the jury. To aid the rapid creation of projects and development of its documentation a set of pre-defined templates are made available.


Finding language-independent contextual supernodes on coreference networks

Devezas, J; Figueira, A;

IAENG International Journal of Computer Science

We propose a method for creating news context by taking advantage of a folksonomy of web clipping based on online news. We experiment with an ontology-based named entity recognition process, describing two alternate implementation approaches, and we study two different ways of modeling the relationships induced by the coreference of named entities on news clips. We try to establish a context by identifying the community structure for a clip-centric network and for an entity-centric network, based on a small test set from the Breadcrumbs system. Finally, we compare both models, based on the detected news communities, and show the advantages of each network specilication.


Mapping e-learning interactions using social network analysis

Figueira, A;

Proceedings of the 8th IASTED International Conference on Web-based Education, WBE 2009

The interactions that occur among participants in online forums frequently are an important criteria in evaluating learning methodologies practiced in e-learning contexts. Not only are the interactions between peers an important resource of information, but also, the way the teacher interacts with students. However, apart from general statistics available in common online learning platforms, this type of information is difficult to retrieve. A graphical mapping based on social network analysis theory, of such interactions that occur in online environments, is proposed as a possible solution for automatically depicting and analyzing relations that are established between participants in online forums. In this paper we present a system which provides learning management systems with an additional tool for graphically mapping and analyzing student-student and teacher-student interactions. The system represents both current network interactions and a historical graphical slideshow of online interactions between participants.

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