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Sobre Ciência e Engenharia de Computadores

Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

Os computadores, que vão desde os cada vez mais reduzidos dispositivos programáveis, os omnipresentes smartphones, até aos supercomputadores, atualmente capazes de realizar mais de um trilião de operações por segundo, tornaram-se uma componente central e cada vez mais indispensável da vida quotidiana. A ciência e a engenharia informática são os pilares da evolução imparável da computação e permitem a sua aplicação a uma infinidade cada vez maior de soluções baseadas em computadores.

Além disso, os sistemas informáticos em sectores cruciais como os serviços públicos, os cuidados de saúde, os transportes e as finanças apresentam riscos novos, muitas vezes imprevistos, que desafiam os nossos conhecimentos e colocam desafios difíceis e intrincados associados à interoperabilidade, à escalabilidade, à segurança e à criticidade. A nível mundial, os sistemas informáticos nas organizações são responsáveis por mais de 10% de todo o consumo global de energia e por cerca de 2% das emissões globais de CO2, o que faz com que a sustentabilidade de grande parte da nossa inovação seja também um desafio significativo.

Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

Investigadores INESC TEC na organização de conferência internacional em visão computacional e computação gráfica

A VISIGRAPP 2025 – 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, chegou ao Porto no fim de fevereiro. Juntou mais de 380 investigadores e profissionais, interessados em acompanhar e discutir os avanços teóricos e as aplicações das áreas de Visão Computacional, Computação Gráfica, Interação Humano-Computador e Visualização de Informação, respetivamente os temas principais das conferências co-colocadas VISAPP, GRAPP, HUCAPP e IVAPP. Um dos co-chairs desta conferência foi o investigador do INESC TEC A. Augusto de Sousa.

27 março 2025

Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

As variedades linguísticas com menor peso também têm espaço na era da IA – dois artigos INESC TEC em conferência de topo provam-no

É difícil conceber muitas das tecnologias ou inovações mais recentes sem o recurso a Modelos de Linguagem (ML) ou Processamento da Linguagem Natural (PLN). A sua presença e incorporação em diversas esferas da sociedade – algumas com muita relevância, como é o caso da esfera legal ou médica – tem levantado questões (e preocupações) que acabam muitas vezes a bater na mesma parede de interrogação: estarão as tecnologias baseadas em ML a abranger todas as comunidades? Recentemente, dois artigos científicos com assinatura INESC TEC – ambos aceites no AAAI, uma conferência A* – procuraram resolver alguns dos desafios que se vislumbram nesta nova era e que impactam diretamente a língua portuguesa.

28 fevereiro 2025

Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

Diz-me quando procuras, dir-te-ei o que precisas. Colaboração INESC TEC-Amazon otimiza resultados dos motores de busca para datas comemorativas

A sazonalidade das pesquisas nos motores de busca pode ser um fator a considerar pelo comércio online para melhorar o posicionamento dos seus resultados. Um novo artigo-demo com assinatura INESC TEC partiu da criação de uma base de dados para apresentar a solução Occasion-aware Recommender, na tradução direta para português, um recomendador sensível ao contexto da ocasião.

26 fevereiro 2025

Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

Computação quântica: INESC TEC propõe estratégias para maior eficiência e menor custo

Investigadores do INESC TEC desenvolveram um estudo que pretende tornar algoritmos variacionais quânticos adaptativos mais eficientes e, com isso, reduzir os custos computacionais e tornar a área da computação quântica mais acessível e eficiente também. 

21 fevereiro 2025

Ciência e Engenharia dos Computadores

Investigadoras do INESC TEC vencem 2º lugar da primeira hackathon quântica do país

Alexandra Ramôa, Ana Neri e Bruna Salgado, investigadoras do INESC TEC na área da computação quântica, juntamente com Sara Franco, investigadora do INL, venceram o 2º lugar da competição PQHack 2025, como Team Quantum SHEmulation. Os resultados alcançados poderão ser aplicados em áreas como as neurociências, sismologia, ecologia e finanças. 

17 fevereiro 2025



Multilayer horizontal visibility graphs for multivariate time series analysis

Silva, VF; Silva, ME; Ribeiro, P; Silva, F;


Multivariate time series analysis is a vital but challenging task, with multidisciplinary applicability, tackling the characterization of multiple interconnected variables over time and their dependencies. Traditional methodologies often adapt univariate approaches or rely on assumptions specific to certain domains or problems, presenting limitations. A recent promising alternative is to map multivariate time series into high-level network structures such as multiplex networks, with past work relying on connecting successive time series components with interconnections between contemporary timestamps. In this work, we first define a novel cross-horizontal visibility mapping between lagged timestamps of different time series and then introduce the concept of multilayer horizontal visibility graphs. This allows describing cross-dimension dependencies via inter-layer edges, leveraging the entire structure of multilayer networks. To this end, a novel parameter-free topological measure is proposed and common measures are extended for the multilayer setting. Our approach is general and applicable to any kind of multivariate time series data. We provide an extensive experimental evaluation with both synthetic and real-world datasets. We first explore the proposed methodology and the data properties highlighted by each measure, showing that inter-layer edges based on cross-horizontal visibility preserve more information than previous mappings, while also complementing the information captured by commonly used intra-layer edges. We then illustrate the applicability and validity of our approach in multivariate time series mining tasks, showcasing its potential for enhanced data analysis and insights.


Assessment of Multiple Fiducial Marker Trackers on Hololens 2

Costa, GM; Petry, MR; Martins, JG; Moreira, APGM;


Fiducial markers play a fundamental role in various fields in which precise localization and tracking are paramount. In Augmented Reality, they provide a known reference point in the physical world so that AR systems can accurately identify, track, and overlay virtual objects. This accuracy is essential for creating a seamless and immersive AR experience, particularly when prompted to cope with the sub-millimeter requirements of medical and industrial applications. This research article presents a comparative analysis of four fiducial marker tracking algorithms, aiming to assess and benchmark their accuracy and precision. The proposed methodology compares the pose estimated by four algorithms running on Hololens 2 with those provided by a highly accurate ground truth system. Each fiducial marker was positioned in 25 sampling points with different distances and orientations. The proposed evaluation method is not influenced by human error, relying only on a high-frequency and accurate motion tracking system as ground truth. This research shows that it is possible to track the fiducial markers with translation and rotation errors as low as 1.36 mm and 0.015 degrees using ArUco and Vuforia, respectively.


Educational Practices and Strategies With Immersive Learning Environments: Mapping of Reviews for Using the Metaverse

Beck, D; Morgado, L; O'Shea, P;


The educational metaverse promises fulfilling ambitions of immersive learning, leveraging technology-based presence alongside narrative and/or challenge-based deep mental absorption. Most reviews of immersive learning research were outcomes-focused, few considered the educational practices and strategies. These are necessary to provide theoretical and pedagogical frameworks to situate outcomes within a context where technology is in concert with educational approaches. We sought a broader perspective of the practices and strategies used in immersive learning environments, and conducted a mapping survey of reviews, identifying 47 studies. Extracted accounts of educational practices and strategies under thematic analysis yielded 45 strategies and 21 practices, visualized as a network clustered by conceptual proximity. Resulting clusters Active context, Collaboration, Engagement and Scaffolding, Presence, and Real and virtual multimedia learning expose the richness of practices and strategies within the field. The visualization maps the field, supporting decision-making when combining practices and strategies for using the metaverse in education, highlights which practices and strategies are supported by the literature, and the presence and absence of diversity within clusters.


Performance and explainability of feature selection-boosted tree-based classifiers for COVID-19 detection

Rufino, J; Ramírez, JM; Aguilar, J; Baquero, C; Champati, J; Frey, D; Lillo, RE; Fernández Anta, A;


In this paper, we evaluate the performance and analyze the explainability of machine learning models boosted by feature selection in predicting COVID-19-positive cases from self-reported information. In essence, this work describes a methodology to identify COVID-19 infections that considers the large amount of information collected by the University of Maryland Global COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey (UMD-CTIS). More precisely, this methodology performs a feature selection stage based on the recursive feature elimination (RFE) method to reduce the number of input variables without compromising detection accuracy. A tree-based supervised machine learning model is then optimized with the selected features to detect COVID-19-active cases. In contrast to previous approaches that use a limited set of selected symptoms, the proposed approach builds the detection engine considering a broad range of features including self-reported symptoms, local community information, vaccination acceptance, and isolation measures, among others. To implement the methodology, three different supervised classifiers were used: random forests (RF), light gradient boosting (LGB), and extreme gradient boosting (XGB). Based on data collected from the UMD-CTIS, we evaluated the detection performance of the methodology for four countries (Brazil, Canada, Japan, and South Africa) and two periods (2020 and 2021). The proposed approach was assessed in terms of various quality metrics: F1-score, sensitivity, specificity, precision, receiver operating characteristic (ROC), and area under the ROC curve (AUC). This work also shows the normalized daily incidence curves obtained by the proposed approach for the four countries. Finally, we perform an explainability analysis using Shapley values and feature importance to determine the relevance of each feature and the corresponding contribution for each country and each country/year.


Multilayer quantile graph for multivariate time series analysis and dimensionality reduction

Silva, VF; Silva, ME; Ribeiro, P; Silva, F;


In recent years, there has been a surge in the prevalence of high- and multidimensional temporal data across various scientific disciplines. These datasets are characterized by their vast size and challenging potential for analysis. Such data typically exhibit serial and cross-dependency and possess high dimensionality, thereby introducing additional complexities to conventional time series analysis methods. To address these challenges, a recent and complementary approach has emerged, known as network-based analysis methods for multivariate time series. In univariate settings, quantile graphs have been employed to capture temporal transition properties and reduce data dimensionality by mapping observations to a smaller set of sample quantiles. To confront the increasingly prominent issue of high dimensionality, we propose an extension of quantile graphs into a multivariate variant, which we term Multilayer Quantile Graphs. In this innovative mapping, each time series is transformed into a quantile graph, and inter-layer connections are established to link contemporaneous quantiles of pairwise series. This enables the analysis of dynamic transitions across multiple dimensions. In this study, we demonstrate the effectiveness of this new mapping using synthetic and benchmark multivariate time series datasets. We delve into the resulting network's topological structures, extract network features, and employ these features for original dataset analysis. Furthermore, we compare our results with a recent method from the literature. The resulting multilayer network offers a significant reduction in the dimensionality of the original data while capturing serial and cross-dimensional transitions. This approach facilitates the characterization and analysis of large multivariate time series datasets through network analysis techniques.


Virtual Reality in Tourism Promotion: A Research Agenda Based on A Bibliometric Approach

Sousa, N; Alén, E; Losada, N; Melo, M;


Virtual Reality (VR) has the capacity to increase tourists' responses, compared with other marketing tools. In tourism, it can play a decisive role in its promotion, since it can generate impactful information that will increase the visit intention. However, there are few reviews that focus on VR as a promotional tool in tourism. To overcome this limitation, this work provides a bibliometric analysis of papers from the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The analysis allows us to conclude that although its potential is recognized, the use of VR is infrequent in tourism. We also identified three main avenues for future research: presence and devices, promotional strategies, and segments to explore.