2016 STRONGMAR conference – A sea of science
Welcome session
Alan J. Jamieson (Newcastle University, England, UK)
Chair of the 2016 STRONGMAR conference
Plenary session 1
A towed camera system to provide representative sampling of deep-sea habitats and fish behaviour
Francis Neat (Marine Scotland Science, Scotland, UK)
Session 1
Does deep-sea benthic ecosystem research need new technological developments?
Bhavani E. Narayanaswamy (Scottish Marine Institute, Scotland, UK)
Session 2
“End-to-end” trophodynamic understanding of deep-sea hydrothermal vents
William Reid (Newcastle University, England, UK)
Session 3
MarinEye – Building a multitrophic sensor for oceanic monitoring
Antonina dos Santos (IPMA, Portugal)
Session 4
Blue photonics: optics and sensors to sense the ocean
Pedro Jorge (INESC TEC, Portugal)
Plenary session 2
Life and Light in the Deep Ocean
Alan J. Jamieson (Newcastle University, England, UK)
Session 5
Marine geological data: from shallow seas to deep oceans
Heather Stewart (British Geological Survey, Scotland, UK)
Session 6
Ocean Colour Remote Sensing: Technology Requirements for a Radiative Transfer Approach
David McKee (Strathclyde University, Scotland, UK)
Session 7
CORAL: a joint effort for the Sustainability of Ocean Exploitation
Filipe Castro (CIIMAR, Portugal)
Session 8
Abyssal and hadal fishes of the Pacific Ocean: baited lander studies from three hadal trench systems
Thomas D. Linley (Newcastle University, England, UK)
Closing session
Eduardo Silva (INESC TEC and ISEP, Portugal)
Principal Investigator of the STRONGMAR project