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28th European Simulation and Modelling Conference - ESM'2014

ESM'2014 aims to provide an overview of academic research in the field of computer simulation. A number of major tracks of simulation research are presented next to specific workshops, which capture the art and science of present-day simulation research.

ESM'2014 consists of four major parts. A part concerns itself with simulation methodology, another with simulation applications, then there are the specialised workshops, the exhibition and last but not least the poster sessions for students.

General Conference Chairs
António Carvalho Brito, FEUP - University of Porto, Porto, CEGI/INESC TEC, Portugal
João Manuel Tavares, FEUP - University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

General Program Chair
Carlos Bragança de Oliveira, FEUP - University of Porto, Porto, CEGI/INESC TEC, Portugal



  • Iniciar

    22 outubro 2014
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