3rd Workshop on European Unmanned Maritime Systems
New challenges for unmanned maritime systems
Being complementarity and cooperation a main focus in Europe, it is also a goal to promote this exchange with recent and current 7th Framework Program as well as national projects under this same area.
The workshop is targeted to both researchers and end-users, and constitutes a privileged forum for discussing new ideas, identifying new trends and paradigms, new business opportunities, as well as the establishment of partnerships, namely in the scope of the European Horizon 2020 Programme. The workshop is open to the representatives of industry, research institutes, academia, and government organizations from EDA Member States and Norway. There will be limited number of available places for non-UMS representatives. Registration will be mandatory.
Contributions to the Workshop
We therefore invite submissions of abstracts (1000 characters maximum) for technical presentations at the workshop targeting but not limited to the following topics:
- Survey on state of the art unmanned maritime systems
- Novel unmanned maritime systems
- Novel communications architectures and solutions supporting unmanned maritime systems operations
- Systems Integration
- Safety and Regulations for European Unmanned Maritime Systems
- Standards and interfaces for more interoperable European unmanned maritime systems
- Increased Autonomy for AUV´s (mission planning and obstacle avoidance)
- Conformal array performance estimation modeling
- Network Enabled Cooperation System of Autonomous Vehicles
- Signature Response Analysis of Multi-influence Mines
- Robust Acoustic Communications in Underwater Networks
- Harbour and Base Protection Systems
- Submarine coupled 6dof motions including boundary effects
Abstracts submission must be performed online here.
Format of the presentations at the workshop
Presentations (20 min including discussion) should be supplied digitally in advance for distribution to attendees. No formal paper is required. Speakers are invited to indicate their interest in the participation by registering here.
European Defence Agency
Portuguese Ministry of National Defence
INESC Technology & Science
The workshop is free of charge but attendees arrange their own travel and hotel accommodations. Registration in the workshop should be made through the registration form available here, and is subject to confirmation.
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 2nd of March 2014 (firm deadline)
Notification of acceptance: 4th of April 2014
Registration deadline: 2nd of May 2014
Presentation submission deadline: 22nd of April 2014
Workshop dates: 29th and 30th of May 2014