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Escola de Verão VISUM 2019

This year the following topics will be covered:

  1. Computer Vision & Machine Learning Basics
  2. Computer Vision with Deep Learning
  3. Interpretability
  4. Deep Generative Models
  5. Reinforcement Learning
  6. Constraint Programming and Decision Optimization

World-renowned experts in the fields will deliver the courses, and the material covered will guide you in building your own AI system as a curricular project. Participants can request 2 ECTS given by UPT!

Aside from the theoretical relevance of the topics covered, and the experience of building a practical AI application, the school aims to provide a stimulating opportunity for students, young researchers and professionals with interests in Computer Vision and Machine Learning.

The participants will benefit from direct interaction with representatives from the most relevant industries in the field, as well as top academics.


  1. For the winning team of the Project
  2. For the winning team who solve the challenges of the Industry Day


Application deadline
22 March 2019


Please send an email to to be eligible to apply to the VISUM summer school 2019


Intended audience

In general, people that have been exposed to introductory topics of Computer Vision and Machine Learning will find this to be an excellent opportunity to grow their knowledge base. The target audience is therefore:

  1. MSc and PhD students
  2. Researchers and Post-doctoral scholars
  3. Industry professionals

Social Program

Porto is an eclectic city. Benefiting from low-cost flights, thousands of tourists visit each year. You’ll get a chance to see why so many people are attracted by the city. Well known by its cellars, resting place for the famous wine, Porto as a lot to offer. In the social day (Sunday), we’ll tour the city and check some of its coolest spots.

List of invited speakers

José Costa Pereira, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, UK

Efstratios Gavves, UVA, NL

Mauricio Reyes, University of Bern, CH

Dinesh Jayaraman, UC Berkeley, USA

Mohamed Elhoseiny, KAUST, SA

Deepak Mehta, United Technologies Research Centre, Ireland


Industry panel

Bosch, PT

Abyssal, PT



NOTE: the completed list of speakers and industrial panel will be revealed soon!



We encourage students to participant in Future Computing Summer School ( for an incredible talk of NVIDIA about parallel



  • Iniciar

    04 julho 2019
  • Hora de Início

  • O quê

    Summer School
  • Promotores

    INESC TEC, Portucalense University Infante D. Henrique and DSPT.
  • Nome de contacto

  • Cidade

  • País

  • Fim

    12 julho 2019
  • Hora de Fim

  • Local

    Universidade Portucalense
  • Morada

    Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 541
  • Telefone

    +351 222094000
  • E-mail
  • Website