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Immersive Media Experiences 2014 - ACM 2nd International Workshop

Set up in the middle of a media revolution where users are expecting to take part of the action by interacting with and generating content and to experience immersive and personalized environments, the workshop goal is to bring together researchers and practitioners in this interdisciplinary and transversal emerging field, and to foster discussion of ongoing work and future directions of related topics by providing a forum for focused exchanges on new ideas, developments, and results.

Workshop Chairs

Teresa Chambel,
Lasige, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Paula Viana,
Polytechnic of Porto and INESC TEC, Portugal

V. Michael Bove,
MIT Media Lab, USA

Sharon Strover,
University of Texas at Austin, USA

Graham Thomas,



  • Iniciar

    07 novembro 2014
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