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Public Service Media in a Small Country with a Global Culture - Conference

Teve lugar no auditório da FEUP, no dia 11 de outubro pelas 17h30, uma conferência pública intitulada “PSM in a Small Country with a Global Culture” que contou com apresentações do Eng. Beato Teixeira, membro do Conselho de Administração da RTP e da Prof. Dr. Karen Donders, docente da Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Bélgica e com um painel moderado pelo Prof. Dr. Pimenta Alves, FEUP/INESC Porto. .

A comissão organizadora foi composta por Artur Pimenta Alves (Prof. INESC Porto) e Vânia Gonçalves (Research Fellow INESC Porto/FEUP/iMinds-SMIT, VUB).

Public Conference: Public Service Media in a Small Country with a Global Culture

17:30: Welcome Note

17:40: Presentation by Eng. Beato Teixeira, Member of the Board of RTP

18:00: Presentation by Prof. Dr. Karen Donders, Lecturer at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, iMinds-SMIT

18:20: Q&A starting panel:

• José Lopes de Araújo, Director RTP
• Júlio Magalhães, Director Porto Canal
• Prof. Fernando Zamith, FLUP, U.Porto

Moderator: Prof. Dr. A. Pimenta Alves (FEUP/INESC Porto)


Closing Session: Jorge Gonçalves, vice-rector of the University of Porto

19:30: Drinks

A comissão organizadora foi composta por Artur Pimenta Alves (Prof. INESC Porto) e Vânia Gonçalves (Research Fellow INESC Porto/FEUP/iMinds-SMIT, VUB), com o apoio do Programa Doutoral em Medias Digitais.


Short Bio

Karen Donders lectures in European media and information society policies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and is a guest lecturer at the Universiteit Antwerpen in Belgium. She is a senior  researcher and project leader with the centre for Studies on Media Information and Telecommunication (SMIT). She specialises in European media policy, competition policy and its effects on the media sector, public service broadcasting and private television. She is author of Public Service Media and Policy in Europe (Palgrave, 2011), co-editor of Private Television in Western Europe (Palgrave, 2013) and of Rethinking European Media and Communications Policies (VUBpress, 2009) and has published widely in international journals including Convergence, Journal of Media Law, Journal of Electronic Governance and Info.



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    11 outubro 2013
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