UTEN Portugal - Annual Conference 2013
Conference: “Internationalization, Technology Commercialization and
Knowledge Exchange”
*For registration, please contact Ana Lopes (ana.i.lopes@inescporto.pt)
DAY 1 (Open to Public)
Location: Centro de Congressos da Alfândega do Porto
José Manuel Mendonça, UTEN Scientific Director, President of INESC Port
José Marques dos Santos, Vice-President of the Council of Rectors of the Portuguese Universities
Mark Calhoun, Chairman of the Advisory Board, IC2 Institute, The University of Texas at Austin
11:30 – PANEL I: Technology Commercialization in Latin America
Moderator: João Claro, University of Porto, CMU|Portugal
11:35-12:15: Key-note speakers
Juan Pablo Ortega, Public Utility Company of Medellín (EPM), former Executive Director of Rutan, Medellín, Colombia
Carlos Ross, Director of the Center for Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship(CGIE), UT Austin, IC2 Institute, Monterey, Mexico
12:15-12:30: Round table discussion
Elsie Echeverri-Carroll, UT Austin, IC2 Institute
Maria Oliveira, University of Porto, UPIN
12:30-13:00: Q&A and dialogue with the audience
13:00 Lunch
14:00 – PANEL II: Internationalization of Startups to Global Markets
Moderator: Jorge Gonçalves, Vice-rector at University of Porto
14:05-14:30: Key-note speakers
Pedro Bizarro, co-Founder Feedzai, Portugal
Gregory Pogue, UT Austin, IC2 Institute
14:30-15:15: Round table discussion:
José Franca, Chairman and CEO Portugal Ventures*
Anders Haugland, Managing Director of TTO in Bergen
Tara Branstad, CTTEC Carnegie Mellon University
15:15-15:30: Q&A and dialogue with the audience
15:30 – Coffee-break
16:00 – PANEL III: New technology venture opportunities in the Oil & Gas industry
Moderator: Carlos Costa Pina, Member of Galp Energia’s Board of Directors and the Executive Committee*
16:05-16:45: Key-note speakers
Carlos Pina Teixeira, CEO Eneida, Portugal
Manuel Parente, CEO Abyssal, Portugal
16:45-17:30: Round table discussion:
Paulo Ferrão, Instituto Superior Técnico, MIT|Portugal
Paulo Santos, IPN incubator, University of Coimbra
Max Green, UT Austin, IC2 Institute
17:30-18:00: Q&A and dialogue with the audience
Aurora Teixeira, University of Porto: UTEN Survey on Technology Transfer and Spin-offs in Portugal
Marco Bravo, IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin, UT Austin-Portugal
José Manuel Mendonça, UTEN Scientific Director, President of INESC Porto
Pedro Cabrita Carneiro, Vice-President of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
*To be confirmed
18:00 – 20:00: SPECIAL EVENT (for selected companies for the Global Startup Program with UT Austin): Project Prioritization / Selection Tools
DAY 2 (By invitation only)
Location: UPTEC (Rua Alfredo Allen, nº455/461)
Training session for startup ventures current enrolled in the Global Startup initiative on business development, incubation, and acceleration under the UT Austin|Portugal Program
9:00–13:00: Session 1 (DEFINING VALUE)
Topic A: Figure of Merit Positioning and Valuation
Topic B: Market Articulation in the US
Project: Marriage of these two concepts in action
13:00 Lunch
14:30-17:30: Session 2 (WORKING SESSIONS)
Topic C: Build Company-focused Global Startup Project Strategies
Topic D: Establish Program Roadmaps with Priorities and Milestones