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UTM Lab Meeting: Delay Tolerant Networking

This presentation will provide an overview of delay tolerant networking (DTN). DTNs embrace the concept of occasionally-connected networks that may suffer from frequent partitions, and that may be comprised of more than one divergent set of protocols or protocol families. It is expected the utilization of DTNs in various operational environments, including those subject to disruption and with high-delay.

Examples of such environments include sensor networks using scheduled intermittent connectivity, wireless networks that cannot maintain end-to-end connectivity, as well as satellite and underwater acoustic networks with moderate delays and periodic connectivity. This seminar will in particular focus on the following topics: the evolution towards delay-tolerant internetworking; the notion of store-and-forward switching; the bundle layer and services; DTN routing and regions.



  • Iniciar

    06 março 2008
  • Nome de contacto

    Paulo Mendes