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O José Martins é atualmente Professor Auxiliar Convidado na Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Departamento de Engenharias), Assistente Convidado no Instituto Politécnico de Bragança e Investigador Sénior (Membro Integrado) do INESC TEC. Neste momento possui mais de 90 artigos publicados em revistas e atas de eventos científicos indexadas e que focam os temas dos Sistemas de Informação, da Gestão de Sistemas de Informação, da Engenharia de Software e da Interação Homem-Computador.

Atualmente é orientador de várias Dissertações de Mestrado e Teses de Doutoramento. Ao longo da sua curta carreira de investigação, participou em vários projetos de investigação e é atualmente membro da equipa de investigação de múltiplos projetos direcionados a convergir os sistemas e tecnologias da informação com outros campos de estudo. Ao longo da sua carreira profissional o José também trabalhou como Consultor Sénior em sistemas e tecnologias de informação onde participou diretamente em variados projetos internacionais. Hoje em dia o José Martins dedica grande parte do seu tempo às suas atividades como docente e como investigador, onde vem tentando trabalhar no desenvolvimento de conhecimento acerca de quais são as variáveis que impactam direta e indiretamente a adoção de TIC tanto ao nível individual como pelas organizações, e também acerca de como as soluções baseadas em sistemas de informação podem ser idealizadas, especificadas e desenvolvidas de forma a terem a capacidade de responder efetivamente às necessidades e requisitos do seu público-alvo.

de interesse


  • Nome

    José Luís Martins
  • Cargo

    Investigador Colaborador Externo
  • Desde

    01 maio 2015


Digital Marketing's Impact on Rural Destinations' Image, Intention to Visit, and Destination Sustainability

Rodrigues, S; Correia, R; Goncalves, R; Branco, F; Martins, J;


The relevance of the tourism industry to the overall sustainability of rural territories grows along with the demand for rural tourism destinations. Likewise, as the digital transition of rural tour operators takes place, their marketing initiatives also evolve towards a digital nature, which is why it is crucial to comprehend how the overall calibre of these activities might affect the perception of rural places, while also motivating tourists' travel intentions and, as a result, promoting the general sustainability of the destination. Thus, in this paper, we propose a novel conceptual model based on Delone and McLean's representative model of Information Systems Success Model, on Tan and Wu's arguments on tourism destinations' image relationship with tourists' visit intentions, and also on Verma's tourism destination brand equity concept. To validate the proposed model, an online focus group was developed involving several specialists whose opinions and perspectives corroborated the potential adequacy of the proposed artefact and, consequently, assumed its contribution and value. From this validation process, it was possible to highlight that digital marketing initiatives' overall quality influences both rural destinations' image and tourists' intention to visit these territories, that a positive image will trigger tourists' visit behaviour, and that these behaviours represent a valuable asset to rural destinations' global sustainability.


A Prototype for an Intelligent Water Management System for Household Use

Mamede, H; Neves, JC; Martins, J; Goncalves, R; Branco, F;


Water scarcity is becoming an issue of more significant concern with a major impact on global sustainability. For it, new measures and approaches are urgently needed. Digital technologies and tools can play an essential role in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of current water management approaches. Therefore, a solution is proposed and validated, given the limited presence of models or technological architectures in the literature to support intelligent water management systems for domestic use. It is based on a layered architecture, fully designed to meet the needs of households and to do so through the adoption of technologies such as the Internet of Things and cloud computing. By developing a prototype and using it as a use case for testing purposes, we have concluded the positive impact of using such a solution. Considering this is a first contribution to overcome the problem, some issues will be addressed in a future work, namely, data and device security and energy and traffic optimisation issues, among several others.


BHiveSense: An integrated information system architecture for sustainable remote monitoring and management of apiaries based on IoT and microservices

Cota, D; Martins, J; Mamede, H; Branco, F;

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity



The impact of digital influencers on product/service purchase decision making-An exploratory case study of Portuguese people

Caiado, F; Fonseca, J; Silva, J; Neves, S; Moreira, A; Goncalves, R; Martins, J; Branco, F; Au-Yong-Oliveira, M;


The growing use of technology and social media has resulted in the emergence of digital influencers, a new profession capable of changing the mentalities and behaviours of those who follow them. This study arises to better understand the potential impact digital influencers might have on the Portuguese population's purchase behaviour and patterns, and for this purpose, seven hypotheses were formulated. An online questionnaire was conducted to respond to these theoretical assumptions and collected data from 175 respondents. A total of 129 valid answers were considered. It was possible to conclude that purchase intention does not necessarily translate into a purchase action. It was also concluded that the relationship between social network use and the purchase of products/services recommended by influencers is only statistically significant for Instagram. Furthermore, the individuals' generation is not statistically significant / linked with purchasing a product/service recommended by influencers. Yet further, a small percentage of respondents have also identified themselves as impulsive shoppers and perceived Instagram as their favourite social network. With the results of this study, it is also possible to state that the influencer's opinion was classified as the last factor considered in the purchase decision process. Additionally, there is a weak negative association between purchasing a product/service recommended by influencers with sponsorship disclosure and remunerated partnership, which decreases credibility and discourages purchasing, in Portugal, a feminine culture which dislikes materialism.


A Novel Approach to Assess Balneotherapy Effects on Musculoskeletal Diseases-An Open Interventional Trial Combining Physiological Indicators, Biomarkers, and Patients' Health Perception

Silva, J; Martins, J; Nicomedio, C; Goncalves, C; Palito, C; Goncalves, R; Fernandes, PO; Nunes, A; Alves, MJ;


The present study aimed to evaluate whether a 14-day period of balneotherapy influences the inflammatory status, health-related quality of life (QoL) and quality of sleep, underlying overall health state, and clinically relevant benefits of patients with musculoskeletal diseases (MD). The health-related QoL was evaluated using the following instruments: 5Q-5D-5L, EQ-VAS, EUROHIS-QOL, B-IPQ, and HAQ-DI. The quality of sleep was evaluated by a BaSIQS instrument. Circulating levels of IL-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured by ELISA and chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay, respectively. The smartband, Xiaomi MI Band 4, was used for real-time sensing of physical activity and sleep quality. MD patients improved the health-related QoL measured by 5Q-5D-5L (p < 0.001), EQ-VAS (p < 0.001), EUROHIS-QOL (p = 0.017), B-IPQ (p < 0.001), and HAQ-DI (p = 0.019) after balneotherapy; the sleep quality was also improved (BaSIQS, p = 0.019). Serum concentrations of IL-6 were markedly decreased after the 14-day balneotherapy (p < 0.001). No statistically significant differences were observed regarding the physical activity and sleep quality data recorded by the smartband. Balneotherapy may be an effective alternative treatment in managing the health status of MD patients, with a decrease in inflammatory states, along with positive effects on pain reduction, patient's functionality, QoL, quality of sleep, and disability perception status.



Desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura de suporte WEB 2.0 para customização do processo de fidelização 360º do cliente de O.P.S.S.

Duarte Nuno Vaz Leite de Magalhães



Artificial intelligence applied to agroforesty

Nuno Leandro Soares de Figueiredo



Sistemas cognitivos de interpretação inteligente em contexto agro-florestal

Miguel Moreira da Silva Lima Barbosa



Análise, instalação e configuração de uma plataforma de gestão de tickets

Carlos Miguel Oliveira de Sousa



Modelo Multi-perspectiva de Adoção de Acessibilidade Web

Carlos Miguel Carvalho Peixoto
