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Historical Mining – tracing and learning from ancient materials and mining technology

The MineHeritage (MH) proposal results from the need to outreach to society about the knowledge in mining and raw materials in Europe, their demand, the impact technological development and the effect in the evolution of societies. Looking at mining through an historical approach brings a positive perspective on the subject which has been looked upon as hostile and a source of conflict.MineHeritage will show that mining is a core part of the history of Europe, being a key component in Europe's development and modern living, including virtually all aspects such as work, quality of life and environmental dynamics. The MH project responds to the strategic objectives of KIC by increasing the attractiveness of the Raw Materials sector across the wider society by joining the growing interest in cultural heritage with mining. A strong de-siloing is achieved by the large number of partners from different activities, countries and CLCs contributing to the consortium, covering Europe, from North to South and East to West (Portugal, Croatia, Poland, France, Italy, Finland, Slovakia, Germany, Spain, Estonia and Belgium). The characteristics of the consortium and the MH proposal will allow a wide dissemination on Raw Materials related themes to the Wider Society, expanding the outreach of the KIC community.


Mais Informação

  • Acrónimo

  • Início

    01 janeiro 2019
  • Orçamento global

    1.101.329,00 €
  • Estado

  • Data de encerramento

    31 dezembro 2021
  • Fim

    31 dezembro 2021
  • Responsável

    Eduardo Silva
  • Financiamento

    72.158,00 €

    Centros Associados



    Centro de Robótica e Sistemas Autónomos