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Publicações por CAP


Monitoring Reinforced Concrete Structures Using Iron Thin Film Coated Optical Fibre Sensors

Da Silva, M; Carvalho, PM; Mendes, P; De Almeida, MMM; Coelho, CC;

EPJ Web of Conferences

Structural health monitoring (SHM) of reinforced concrete structures (RCS) is crucial for mitigating the consequences of their deterioration. By identifying and addressing the issues early, SHM helps reduce environmental impact, safeguard lives, and enhance economic resilience. Rebar corrosion is a leading cause of early RCS decay and optical fibre sensors (OFS) have been employed for its monitoring. Reflection optrodes using optical fibres where the tip is coated with iron (Fe) thin films offer a robust, long-lasting and straightforward solution. This study investigates the tracking of spectral changes during the Fe thin film corrosion, which has been neglected in the literature, in favour of tracking reflection changes from thin film spalling. A multimode fibre tip, coated with a thin Fe layer embedded in concrete, allows spectral changes to be observed during corrosion. A 100 nm thick Fe film was deposited using radio frequency magnetron sputtering on polished fibre tips. Corrosion was induced by applying salted water drops and allowing the fibre tip to dry. Corrosion monitoring was successful for both air-exposed and cement-embedded tips, with results compared to reflection simulations of Fe, Fe2O3, and Fe2O3 thin films. This study supports monitoring at different wavelengths, enhancing robustness, cost-effectiveness and earlier detection. © The Authors.


A Comparative Study of Surface Plasmon and Tamm Plasmon Polaritons for Hydrogen Sensing

Almeida, AS; Carvalho, PM; Pastoriza Santos, I; Almeida, MMM; Coelho, CC;

EPJ Web of Conferences

Due to the exponential increase in energy consumption and CO2 emissions, new sustainable energy sources have emerged, and hydrogen (H2) is one of them. Despite all the advantages, H2 has high flammability, so constant monitoring is essential. Two optical techniques were numerically studied and compared with the goal of H2 sensing: surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) and Tamm plasmon polaritons (TPP). The H2-sensitive material used was palladium (Pd) in both techniques. The SPP structure was found to have more sensitivity to H2 than TPP, 23 and 5nm/4vol% H2, respectively. However, the latter has lower FWHM, with the minimum of the band showing reflectivity near 0%. In addition, TPP also uses more cost-effective materials and can be interrogated at normal incidence with depolarized light. The potential of using each of these optical techniques for H2 sensing was demonstrated. © The Authors.


Comparative Analysis of Ethanol Gas Sensors Based on Bloch Surface Wave and Surface Plasmon Resonance

Carvalho, PM; Almeida, AS; Mendes, P; Coelho, CC; De Almeida, MMM;

EPJ Web of Conferences

Ethanol plays a crucial role in modern industrial processes and consumer products. Despite its presence in human activity, short and long-term exposure to gaseous ethanol poses risks to health conditions and material damage, making the control of its concentration in the atmosphere of high importance. Ethanol optical sensors based on electromagnetic surface waves (ESWs) are presented, with sensitivity to ethanol vapours being achieved by the inclusion of ethanol-adsorptive zinc oxide (ZnO) layers. The changes in optical properties modulate the resonant conditions of ESWs, enabling the tracking of ethanol concentration in the atmosphere. A comprehensive comparative study of sensor performance is carried out between surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and Bloch surface wave (BSW) based sensors. Sensor efficiency is simulated by transfer matrix method towards optimized figures of merit (FoM). Preliminary results validate ethanol sensitivity of BSW based sensor, showcasing a possible alternative to electromagnetic and plasmonic sensors. © The Authors.


Plasmonic nanoparticle sensors: current progress, challenges, and future prospects

Kant, K; Beeram, R; Cao, Y; dos Santos, PSS; González-Cabaleiro, L; Garcia-Lojo, D; Guo, H; Joung, YJ; Kothadiya, S; Lafuente, M; Leong, YX; Liu, YY; Liu, YX; Moram, SSB; Mahasivam, S; Maniappan, S; Quesada-González, D; Raj, D; Weerathunge, P; Xia, XY; Yu, Q; Abalde-Cela, S; Alvarez-Puebla, RA; Bardhan, R; Bansal, V; Choo, J; Coelho, LCC; de Almeida, JMMM; Gómez-Graña, S; Grzelczak, M; Herves, P; Kumar, J; Lohmueller, T; Merkoçi, A; Montaño-Priede, JL; Ling, XY; Mallada, R; Pérez-Juste, J; Pina, MP; Singamaneni, S; Soma, VR; Sun, MT; Tian, LM; Wang, JF; Polavarapu, L; Santos, IP;


Plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) have played a significant role in the evolution of modern nanoscience and nanotechnology in terms of colloidal synthesis, general understanding of nanocrystal growth mechanisms, and their impact in a wide range of applications. They exhibit strong visible colors due to localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) that depends on their size, shape, composition, and the surrounding dielectric environment. Under resonant excitation, the LSPR of plasmonic NPs leads to a strong field enhancement near their surfaces and thus enhances various light-matter interactions. These unique optical properties of plasmonic NPs have been used to design chemical and biological sensors. Over the last few decades, colloidal plasmonic NPs have been greatly exploited in sensing applications through LSPR shifts (colorimetry), surface-enhanced Raman scattering, surface-enhanced fluorescence, and chiroptical activity. Although colloidal plasmonic NPs have emerged at the forefront of nanobiosensors, there are still several important challenges to be addressed for the realization of plasmonic NP-based sensor kits for routine use in daily life. In this comprehensive review, researchers of different disciplines (colloidal and analytical chemistry, biology, physics, and medicine) have joined together to summarize the past, present, and future of plasmonic NP-based sensors in terms of different sensing platforms, understanding of the sensing mechanisms, different chemical and biological analytes, and the expected future technologies. This review is expected to guide the researchers currently working in this field and inspire future generations of scientists to join this compelling research field and its branches. This comprehensive review summarizes the past, present, and future of plasmonic NP-based sensors in terms of different sensing platforms, different chemical and biological analytes, and the expected future technologies.


Exciting Surface Plasmon Resonances on Gold Thin Film-Coated Optical Fibers Through Nanoparticle Light Scattering

Mendes, JP; dos Santos, PSS; Dias, B; Núñez Sánchez, S; Pastoriza Santos, I; Pérez Juste, J; Pereira, CM; Jorge, PAS; de Almeida, JMMM; Coelho, LCC;


Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) conventionally occurs at the interface of a thin metallic film and an external dielectric medium in fiber optics through core-guided light. However, this work introduces theoretical and experimental evidence suggesting that the SPR in optical fibers can also be induced through light scattering from Au nanoparticles (NPs) on the thin metallic film, defined as nanoparticle-induced SPR (NPI-SPR). This method adheres to phase-matching conditions between SPR dispersion curves and the wave vectors of scattered light from Au NPs. Experimentally, these conditions are met on an etched optical fiber, enabling direct interaction between light and immobilized Au NPs. Compared to SPR, NPI-SPR exhibits stronger field intensity in the external region and wavelength tuning capabilities (750 to 1250 nm) by varying Au NP diameters (20 to 90 nm). NPI-SPR demonstrates refractive index sensitivities of 4000 to 4416 nm per refractive index unit, nearly double those of typical SPR using the same optical fiber configuration sans Au NPs. Additionally, NPI-SPR fiber configuration has demonstrated its applicability for developing biosensors, achieving a remarkable limit of detection of 0.004 nm for thrombin protein evaluation, a twenty-fold enhancement compared to typical SPR. These findings underscore the intrinsic advantages of NPI-SPR for sensing. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) typically occurs at the interface of a thin metallic film and a dielectric medium in fiber optics. This work presents evidence of nanoparticle-induced SPR (NPI-SPR) in optical fibers through light scattering from Au nanoparticles on the thin metallic film. NPI-SPR offers stronger field intensity, wavelength tuning, and enhanced refractive index sensitivities, making it advantageous for biosensing applications. image


Are Aptamer-Based Biosensors the Future of the Detection of the Human Gut Microbiome?-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Moreira, MJ; Pintado, M; De Almeida, JMMM;


The gut microbiome is shaped early in life by dietary and lifestyle factors. Specific compounds in the gut affect the growth of different bacterial species and the production of beneficial or harmful byproducts. Dysbiosis of the gut microbiome has been linked to various diseases resulting from the presence of harmful bacteria and their byproducts. Existing methods for detecting microbial species, such as microscopic observation and molecular biological techniques, are costly, labor-intensive, and require skilled personnel. Biosensors, which integrate a recognition element, transducer, amplifier, signal processor, and display unit, can convert biological events into electronic signals. This review provides a comprehensive and systematic survey of scientific publications from 2018 to June 2024, obtained from ScienceDirect, PubMed, and Scopus databases. The aim was to evaluate the current state-of-the-art and identify knowledge gaps in the application of aptamer biosensors for the determination of gut microbiota. A total of 13 eligible publications were categorized based on the type of study: those using microbial bioreceptors (category 1) and those using aptamer bioreceptors (category 2) for the determination of gut microbiota. Point-of-care biosensors are being developed to monitor changes in metabolites that may lead to disease. They are well-suited for use in the healthcare system and offer an excellent alternative to traditional methods. Aptamers are gaining attention due to their stability, specificity, scalability, reproducibility, low production cost, and low immunogenicity. While there is limited research on using aptamers to detect human gut microbiota, they show promise for providing accurate, robust, and cost-effective diagnostic methods for monitoring the gut microbiome.

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