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Publicações por HASLab


Towards MRAM Byte-Addressable Persistent Memory in Edge Database Systems

Ferreira, LM; Coelho, F; Pereira, JO;

Joint Proceedings of Workshops at the 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2023), Vancouver, Canada, August 28 - September 1, 2023.

There is a growing demand for persistent data in IoT, edge and similar resource-constrained devices. However, standard FLASH memory-based solutions present performance, energy, and reliability limitations in these applications. We propose MRAM persistent memory as an alternative to FLASH based storage. Preliminary experimental results show that its performance, power consumption, and reliability in typical database workloads is competitive for resource-constrained devices. This opens up new opportunities, as well as challenges, for small-scale database systems. MRAM is tested for its raw performance and applicability to key-value and relational database systems on resource-constrained devices. Improvements of as much as three orders of magnitude in write performance for key-value systems were observed in comparison to an alternative NAND FLASH based device. © 2023 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).


Paraconsistent Transition Systems

Cruz, A; Madeira, A; Barbosa, LS;


Often in Software Engineering a modelling formalism has to support scenarios of inconsistency in which several requirements either reinforce or contradict each other. Paraconsistent transition systems are proposed in this paper as one such formalism: states evolve through two accessibility relations capturing weighted evidence of a transition or its absence, respectively. Their weights come from a specific residuated lattice. A category of these systems, and the corresponding algebra, is defined providing a formal setting to model different application scenarios. One of them, dealing with the effect of quantum decoherence in quantum programs, is used for illustration purposes.


Policy gradients using variational quantum circuits

Sequeira, A; Santos, LP; Barbosa, LS;


Variational quantum circuits are being used as versatile quantum machine learning models. Some empirical results exhibit an advantage in supervised and generative learning tasks. However, when applied to reinforcement learning, less is known. In this work, we considered a variational quantum circuit composed of a low-depth hardware-efficient ansatz as the parameterized policy of a reinforcement learning agent. We show that an epsilon-approximation of the policy gradient can be obtained using a logarithmic number of samples concerning the total number of parameters. We empirically verify that such quantum models behave similarly to typical classical neural networks used in standard benchmarking environments and quantum control, using only a fraction of the parameters. Moreover, we study the barren plateau phenomenon in quantum policy gradients using the Fisher information matrix spectrum.


Stepwise Development of Paraconsistent Processes

Cunha, J; Madeira, A; Barbosa, LS;


The development of more flexible and robust models for reasoning about systems in environments with potentially conflicting information is becoming more and more relevant in different contexts. In this direction, we recently introduced paraconsistent transition systems, i.e. transition systems whose transitions are tagged with a pair of weights, one standing for the degree of evidence that the transition exists, another weighting its potential non existence. Moreover, these structures were endowed with a modal logic [3] that was further formalised as an institution in [5]. This paper goes a step further, proposing an approach for the structured specification of paraconsistent transition processes, i.e. paraconsistent transition systems with initial states. The proposed approach is developed along the lines of [12], which introduced a complete methodology for (standard) reactive systems development building on the Sannella and Tarlecki stepwise implementation process. For this, we enrich the logic with dynamic modalities and hybrid features, and provide a pallet of constructors and abstractors to support the development process of paraconsistent processes along the entire design cycle.


Quantum privacy-preserving service for secure lane change in vehicular networks

Rahmani, Z; Barbosa, LS; Pinto, AN;


Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) enables multiple parties to cooperate securely without compromising their privacy. SMC has the potential to offer solutions for privacy obstacles in vehicular networks. However, classical SMC implementations suffer from efficiency and security challenges. To address this problem, two quantum communication technologies, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Quantum Oblivious Key Distribution were utilised. These technologies supply symmetric and oblivious keys respectively, allowing fast and secure inter-vehicular communications. These quantum technologies are integrated with the Faster Malicious Arithmetic Secure Computation with Oblivious Transfer (MASCOT) protocol to form a Quantum Secure Multiparty Computation (QSMC) platform. A lane change service is implemented in which vehicles broadcast private information about their intention to exit the highway. The proposed QSMC approach provides unconditional security even against quantum computer attacks. Moreover, the communication cost of the quantum approach for the lane change use case has decreased by 97% when compared to the classical implementation. However, the computation cost has increased by 42%. For open space scenarios, the reduction in communication cost is especially important, because it conserves bandwidth in the free-space radio channel, outweighing the increase in computation cost. A Quantum Secure Multiparty Computation (QSMC) solution for lane change service in vehicular networks that uses two quantum technologies, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Quantum Oblivious Key Distribution (QOKD) is proposed. This quantum-based approach is resistant to quantum computer attacks and requires less communication resources compared to classical methods.image


Structured Specification of Paraconsistent Transition Systems

Cunha, J; Madeira, A; Barbosa, LS;

Fundamentals of Software Engineering - 10th International Conference, FSEN 2023, Tehran, Iran, May 4-5, 2023, Revised Selected Papers

This paper sets the basis for a compositional and structured approach to the specification of paraconsistent transitions systems, framed as an institution. The latter and theirs logics were previously introduced in [CMB22] to deal with scenarios of inconsistency in which several requirements are on stake, either reinforcing or contradicting each other. © 2023, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.

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