Bécue, A; Gama, J; Brito, PQ;
The classic literature about innovation conveys innovation strategy the leading and starting role to generate business growth due to technology development and more effective managerial practices. The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) however reverts this paradigm in the context of Industry 5.0. The focus is moving from how innovation fosters AI to how AI fosters innovation. Therefore, our research question can be stated as follows: What factors influence the effect of AI on Innovation Capacity in the context of Industry 5.0? To address this question we conduct a scoping review of a vast body of literature spanning engineering, human sciences, and management science. We conduct a keyword-based literature search completed by bibliographic analysis, then classify the resulting 333 works into 3 classes and 15 clusters which we critically analyze. We extract 3 hypotheses setting associations between 4 factors: company age, AI maturity, manufacturing strategy, and innovation capacity. The review uncovers several debates and research gaps left unsolved by the existing literature. In particular, it raises the debate whether the Industry5.0 promise can be achieved while Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) remains out of reach. It explores diverging possible futures driven toward social manufacturing or mass customization. Finally, it discusses alternative AI policies and their incidence on open and internal innovation. We conclude that the effect of AI on innovation capacity can be synergic, deceptive, or substitutive depending on the alignment of the uncovered factors. Moreover, we identify a set of 12 indicators enabling us to measure these factors to predict AI's effect on innovation capacity. These findings provide researchers with a new understanding of the interplay between artificial intelligence and human intelligence. They provide practitioners with decision metrics for a successful transition to Industry 5.0.
Caroprese, L; Pisani, F; Veloso, BM; Konig, M; Manco, G; Hoos, H; Gama, J;
ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems
Gama, J;
Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, IC3K 2024, Volume 1: KDIR, Porto, Portugal, November 17-19, 2024.
Andrade, T; Gama, J;
Progress in Artificial Intelligence - 23rd EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2024, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, September 3-6, 2024, Proceedings, Part III
Various relevant aspects of our lives relate to the places we visit and our daily activities. The movement of individuals between regular places, such as work, school, or other important personal locations is getting increasing attention due to the pervasiveness of geolocation devices and the amount of data they generate. This paper presents an approach for personal location prediction using a probabilistic model and data mining techniques over mobility data streams. We extract the individuals’ locations from relevant events in a data stream to build and maintain a Markov Chain over the important places. We evaluate the method over 3 real-world datasets. The results show the usefulness of the proposal in comparison with other well-known approaches. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2025.
Cabezas, MP; Fonseca, NA; Muñoz-Mérida, A;
MotivationAccurate determination and quantification of the taxonomic composition of microbial communities, especially at the species level, is one of the major issues in metagenomics. This is primarily due to the limitations of commonly used 16S rRNA reference databases, which either contain a lot of redundancy or a high percentage of sequences with missing taxonomic information. This may lead to erroneous identifications and, thus, to inaccurate conclusions regarding the ecological role and importance of those microorganisms in the ecosystem.ResultsThe current study presents MIMt, a new 16S rRNA database for archaea and bacteria's identification, encompassing 47 001 sequences, all precisely identified at species level. In addition, a MIMt2.0 version was created with only curated sequences from RefSeq Targeted loci with 32 086 sequences. MIMt aims to be updated twice a year to include all newly sequenced species. We evaluated MIMt against Greengenes, RDP, GTDB and SILVA in terms of sequence distribution and taxonomic assignments accuracy. Our results showed that MIMt contains less redundancy, and despite being 20 to 500 times smaller than existing databases, outperforms them in completeness and taxonomic accuracy, enabling more precise assignments at lower taxonomic ranks and thus, significantly improving species-level identification.
Bacelar Silva, GM; Cox, JF III; Rodrigues, P;
Lack of timeliness and capacity are seen as fundamental problems that jeopardise healthcare delivery systems everywhere. Many believe the shortage of medical providers is causing this timeliness problem. This action research presents how one doctor implemented the theory of constraints (TOC) to improve the throughput (quantity of patients treated) of his ophthalmology imaging practice by 64% in a few weeks with little to no expense. The five focusing steps (5FS) guided the TOC implementation - which included the drum-buffer-rope scheduling and buffer management - and occurred in a matter of days. The implementation provided significant bottom-line results almost immediately. This article explains each step of the 5FS in general terms followed by specific applications to healthcare services, as well as the detailed use in this action research. Although TOC successfully addressed the practice problems, this implementation was not sustained after the TOC champion left the organisation. However, this drawback provided valuable knowledge. The article provides insightful knowledge to help readers implement TOC in their environments to provide immediate and significant results at little to no expense.
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