Almeida, JB; Pinto, JS; Vilaça, M;
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci.
Token-passing nets were proposed by Sinot as a simple mechanism for encoding evaluation strategies for the ?-calculus in interaction nets. This work extends token-passing nets to cover a typed functional language equipped with structured types and unrestricted recursion. The resulting interaction system is derived systematically from the chosen big-step operational semantics. Along the way, we actually characterize and discuss several design decisions of token-passing nets and extend them in order to achieve simpler interaction net systems with a higher degree of embedded parallelism.
Almeida, JB; Frade, MJ; Pinto, JS; Sousa, SMd;
Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science
Almeida, JB; Pinto, JS; Vilaca, M;
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
This paper introduces INblobs, a visual tool developed at Minho for integrated development with Interaction Nets. Most of the existing tools take as input interaction nets and interaction rules represented in a textual format. INblobs is first of all a visual editor that allows users to edit interaction systems (both interaction nets and interaction rules) graphically, and to convert them to textual notation. This can then be used as input to other tools that implement reduction of nets. INblobs also allows the user to reduce nets within the tool, and includes a mechanism that automatically selects the next active pair to be reduced, following one of the given reduction strategies. The paper also describes other features of the tool, such as the creation of rules from pre-defined templates.
Almeida, JB; Pinto, JS; Vilaca, M;
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
In this paper we give a graph-based decision procedure for a calculus with sum and product types. Although our motivation comes from the Bird-Meertens approach to reasoning algebraically about functional programs, the language used here can be seen as the internal language of a category with binary products and coproducts. As such, the decision procedure presented has independent interest. A standard approach based on term rewriting would work modulo a set of equations; the present work proposes a simpler approach, based on graph-rewriting. We show in turn how the system covers reflection equational laws, fusion laws, and cancellation laws.
Almeida, JB; Barbosa, M; Pinto, JS; Vieira, B;
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering
We apply state-of-the art deductive verification tools to check security-relevant properties of cryptographic software, including safety, absence of error propagation, and correctness with respect to reference implementations. We also develop techniques to help us in our task, focusing on methods oriented towards increased levels of automation, in scenarios where there are clear obvious limits to such automation. These techniques allow us to integrate automatic proof tools with an interactive proof assistant, where the latter is used off-line to prove once-and-for-all fundamental lemmas about properties of programs. The techniques developed have independent interest for practical deductive verification in general. © 2010 Springer-Verlag London Limited.
Almeida, JB; Barbosa, M; Pinto, JS; Vieira, B;
This paper presents techniques developed to check program equivalences in the context of cryptographic software development, where specifications are typically reference implementations. The techniques allow for the integration of interactive proof techniques (required given the difficulty and generality of the results sought) in a verification infrastructure that is capable of discharging many verification conditions automatically. To this end, the difficult results in the verification process (to be proved interactively) are isolated as a set of lemmas. The fundamental notion of natural invariant is used to link the specification level and the interactive proof construction process.
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