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Publicações por José Creissac Campos


An Online Repository for Educational Resources in HCI-Engineering

Spano, LD; Campos, JC; Dittmar, A; Forbrig, P;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

This paper leverages the outcomes of the first workshop on HCI Engineering Education [4] to create an online repository where the community can share content relevant to HCI. The repository takes advantage of the functionalities of the Git file versioning system to support presenting and adding content. The paper describes the structure of the repository and the process for adding new content. In addition, we propose an adaptation of the framework for presenting teaching samples, supporting more flexibility in the application of educational material for different teaching objectives. The new presentation format starts with describing a design problem and emphasises the students’ applied understanding of conceptual and theoretical knowledge. The presentation format is demonstrated and discussed by the example of an end-user design tool for mobile data collection. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2024.

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