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Publicações por Jácome Costa Cunha


Green Software Lab: Towards an Engineering Discipline for Green Software

Abreu, R; Couto, M; Cruz, L; Cunha, J; Fernandes, JP; Pereira, R; Perez, A; Saraiva, J;




Impact of remote work on Portuguese software professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic

Almeida, AJ; Cunha, J; Fernandes, JM;

26th Iberoamerican Conference on Software Engineering, CIbSE 2023, Montevideo, Uruguay, April 24-28, 2023.

Although remote work was already possible and used in some contexts, the COVID-19 pandemic made it normal and, in some situations, even mandatory. This was the case in Portugal and in particular in its software industry. Given this abrupt change in how we work, it became pressing to investigate the impacts of this profound change to remote work, so that we can cope with the potential negative consequences (professional, personal, etc.). Thus, the goal of this work is to study the impact of the referred change to remote work, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, on software professionals in Portugal. To achieve this goal, a survey was prepared and distributed via email, LinkedIn, and Instagram. In total, 176 valid answers were collected from software professionals working in Portugal from 38 different companies. After the performed statistical analysis on the targeted population and focusing on the 10 elaborated research questions, two major findings can be concluded with certainty: (i) having worked in a remote regime before the pandemic period has a strong relationship with a higher frequency of use of teleconference tools after this period, and (ii) participants who do not feel safe about coming back to a fully on-site regime are more likely to prefer a fully remote regime than the ones who feel safe, while the latter group is more likely to prefer a hybrid regime. © 2023 CIbSE 2023 - XXVI Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering. All rights reserved.


A Backend Platform for Supporting the Reproducibility of Computational Experiments

Costa, L; Barbosa, S; Cunha, J;




Paint Your Programs Green: On the Energy Efficiency of Data Structures

Pereira, R; Couto, M; Cunha, J; Melfe, G; Saraiva, J; Fernandes, JP;

Composability, Comprehensibility and Correctness of Working Software - 8th Summer School, CEFP 2019, Budapest, Hungary, June 17-21, 2019, Revised Selected Papers



Paint Your Programs Green: On the Energy Efficiency of Data Structures

Pereira, R; Couto, M; Cunha, J; Melfe, G; Saraiva, J; Fernandes, JP;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

This tutorial aims to provide knowledge on a different facet of efficiency in data structures: energy efficiency. As many recent studies have shown, the main roadblock in regards to energy efficient software development are the misconceptions and heavy lack of support and knowledge, for energy-aware development, that programmers have. Thus, this tutorial aims at helping provide programmers more knowledge pertaining to the energy efficiency of data structures. We conducted two in-depth studies to analyze the performance and energy efficiency of various data structures from popular programming languages: Haskell and Java. The results show that within the Haskell programming language, the correlation between performance and energy consumption is statistically almost identical, while there are cases with more variation within the Java language. We have presented which data structures are more efficient for common operations, such as inserting and removing elements or iterating over the data structure. The results from our studies can help support developers in better understanding such differences within data structures, allowing them to carefully choose the most adequate implementation based on their requirements and goals. We believe that such results will help further close the gap when discussing the lack of knowledge in energy efficient software development. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Visually-Assisted Decomposition of Monoliths to Microservices

Salles, B; Cunha, J;


The architectural style of microservices has received much attention from both business and academia and converting a monolithic application into a microservice-based one has become a regular practice. However, companies struggle with migrating their existing monolithic applications to microservices and software engineers frequently face challenges due to a lack of awareness of alternative migration methodologies, making the migration process even harder. In this paper, we present a framework to help software engineers during the migration process by addressing gaps in understanding various migration tools and approaches, allowing for easy comparison between multiple options. Our tool combines multiple existing approaches into one platform, allowing a comprehensive visualization of migration proposals and comparing different options offered by already existing approaches.

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