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Publicações por Leonel Morgado


"Viewing puzzles as two-faced: theoretical and practical implications for Puzzle-based Learning"

Fontes, MM; Morgado, LC; Pestana, P; Pedrosa, D; Cravino, JP;


The Puzzle -based Learning approach has been applied to several fields of knowledge. In education research papers, the instructional usage of puzzles is considered to improve learners' motivation and engagement and help them to develop critical skills but difficulties concerning learners' interaction with puzzles have also been pointed out. Our paper investigates the dynamics of the concept of a puzzle and its interface to provide a better understanding of its form and functions, and help learners interact with puzzles. We consider Puzzle -based Learning tenets as well as their educational impacts on both critical thinking and learner engagement and provide an original proposal concerning the understanding of puzzles. Our proposal centered on the dynamics of puzzles bears conceptual and educational facets. Conceptually, puzzle dynamics is viewed as composed of two elements: a mechanism, the Puzzle Trigger, and a process, the Puzzle -Solving. From an educational point of view, the rationale for integrating Puzzle Triggers in Puzzle -based Learning is meant to help learners interact with puzzles and consequently become motivated and engaged in the Puzzle -Solving process. This way, learners' critical thinking skills are reinforced and focused on finding solutions to challenges. We illustrate the implementation of Puzzle Triggers and Puzzle -Solving by considering two instructional activities in a Software Development undergraduate course of an online learning Informatics Engineering Program.


Immersive Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality for Self-regulated Learning: A Review

Pedrosa, D; Morgado, L;

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST

Immersive technologies, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality have gained increasing interest and usage in the field of education. Attention is being paid to their effects on teaching and learning processes, one of which is self-regulation of learning, with an important role in supporting learning success. However, designing and creating immersive environments that support the development of SRL strategies is challenging. Employing a systematic approach, this literature review provides an overview of the uses of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality with the goal of supporting SRL. We map these to known educational uses of immersive environments, highlighting current gaps in these efforts and suggesting pathways for future studies on instructional design of the use of immersive technologies to support self-regulation of learning. © ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2024.


Identifying immersive environments’ most relevant research topics: an instrument to query researchers and practitioners

Gaspar, Horácio; Morgado, Leonel; São Mamede, Henrique; Manjón, Baltasar; Gütl, Christian;

iLRN 2018 Montana. Workshop, Long and Short Paper, and Poster Proceedings from the Fourth Immersive Learning Research Network Conference

This paper provides an instrument for ascertaining researchers’ perspectives on the relative relevance of technological challenges facing immersive environments in view of their adoption in learning contexts, along three dimensions: access, content production, and deployment. It described its theoretical grounding and expert-review process, from a set of previously-identified challenges and expert feedback cycles. The paper details the motivation, setup, and methods employed, as well as the issues detected in the cycles and how they were addressed while developing the instrument. As a research instrument, it aims to be employed across diverse communities of research and practice, helping direct research efforts and hence contribute to wider use of immersive environments in learning, and possibly contribute towards the development of news and more adequate systems.


Thematic analysis data and outcome: literature problems and contributions on learning in environments where students move

Lima, Claudio Cleverson de; Morgado, Leonel; Schlemmer, Eliane;


This file is a public data set about literature problems and contributions on learning in environments where students move.


Ser auto e corregulado no ensino superior: estratégias adotadas pelos estudantes de programação para superar desafios

Castelhano, Maria; Pedrosa, Daniela; Cravino, José; Morgado, Leonel;

V ENJIE: investigação em educação e responsabilidade social: vozes dos jovens investigadores

O trabalho desenvolvido tem como objetivos identificar e compreender que estratégias de autorregulação e corregulação das aprendizagens foram adotadas pelos estudantes de programação de computadores no ensino a distância na transição entre iniciantes e proficientes. Este estudo decorreu na Unidade Curricular “Laboratório de Desenvolvimento de Software” (LDS) do 2.º semestre do 2.º ano da Licenciatura de Engenharia Informática da Universidade Aberta, com alunos heterogéneos em idade, residência, habilitações académicas e profissão. Adotou-se uma metodologia de investigação qualitativa por análise de conteúdo (Amado, 2014) de reflexões quinzenais solicitadas aos estudantes, sobre o processo de aprendizagem. A construção das matrizes de análise de conteúdo baseou-se no modelo teórico de Zimmerman (2013). Os resultados apontam para uma maior incidência na adoção de estratégias de autorregulação de aprendizagem de organização e planeamento. As menos frequentes foram a procura de ajuda e a consciência das dificuldades. Nas de corregulação de aprendizagem, as mais evidenciadas foram as de gestão do trabalho em equipa e planeamento. As menos evidentes foram a consciência das dificuldades e a procura de ajuda.


InventiveTr@ining – Inven!RA architecture Activity Provider modules for online tracking of microelectronics student

Cota, Duarte; Cruzeiro, Tiago; Beck, Dennis; Coelho, António; Morgado, Leonel;

Revista de Ciências da Computação

The Inven!RA architecture is an approach for online tracking of progression towards learning objectives, from analytics of distributed learning activities, provided by multiple third parties. However, there are few examples on how to implement such third-party learning activities, known as Activity Provider modules. We followed the Inven!RA architecture interfacing specification to create and implement two sample learning activities: a technical documentation analysis activity and an Arduino microelectronics programming activity. Integration tests with an Inven!RA architecture prototype confirmed the adequacy of this implementation. Thus, these samples provide clarification on how to design and develop Inven!RA Activity Provider modules.;A arquitetura Inven!RA é uma abordagem para o acompanhamento online da evolução face a objetivos de aprendizagem, através de dados analíticos de atividades de aprendizagem distribuídas, proporcionadas por um leque variado de entidades externas. Como são escassos os exemplos de implementação destas atividades de aprendizagem externas, designadas por módulos de Prestadores de Atividades,seguimos a especificação de interfaces da arquitetura para criar e implementar dois exemplos de atividades de aprendizagem: uma atividade de análise de documentação técnica e uma de programação de microeletrónica com Arduino. Testes de integração com um protótipo da Inven!RA confirmaram a adequação destas implementações. Consequentemente, proporcionam clarificação quanto à forma de conceber e desenvolver módulos de Prestadores de Atividades para a arquitetura Inven!RA.

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