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Publicações por Jaime Cardoso


Correction to: Interpretable and Annotation-Efficient Learning for Medical Image Computing

Cardoso, JS; Nguyen, HV; Heller, N; Abreu, PH; Isgum, I; Silva, W; Cruz, R; Amorim, JP; Patel, V; Roysam, B; Zhou, SK; Jiang, SB; Le, N; Luu, K; Sznitman, R; Cheplygina, V; Mateus, D; Trucco, E; Sureshjani, SA;

Interpretable and Annotation-Efficient Learning for Medical Image Computing - Third International Workshop, iMIMIC 2020, Second International Workshop, MIL3ID 2020, and 5th International Workshop, LABELS 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru, October 4-8, 2020, Proceedings



Interpretability-Guided Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval

Silva, W; Pollinger, A; Cardoso, JS; Reyes, M;

Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2020 - 23rd International Conference, Lima, Peru, October 4-8, 2020, Proceedings, Part I

When encountering a dubious diagnostic case, radiologists typically search in public or internal databases for similar cases that would help them in their decision-making process. This search represents a massive burden to their workflow, as it considerably reduces their time to diagnose new cases. It is, therefore, of utter importance to replace this manual intensive search with an automatic content-based image retrieval system. However, general content-based image retrieval systems are often not helpful in the context of medical imaging since they do not consider the fact that relevant information in medical images is typically spatially constricted. In this work, we explore the use of interpretability methods to localize relevant regions of images, leading to more focused feature representations, and, therefore, to improved medical image retrieval. As a proof-of-concept, experiments were conducted using a publicly available Chest X-ray dataset, with results showing that the proposed interpretability-guided image retrieval translates better the similarity measure of an experienced radiologist than state-of-the-art image retrieval methods. Furthermore, it also improves the class-consistency of top retrieved results, and enhances the interpretability of the whole system, by accompanying the retrieval with visual explanations. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.


A robust fingerprint presentation attack detection method against unseen attacks through adversarial learning

Pereira, JA; Sequeira, AF; Pernes, D; Cardoso, JS;


Fingerprint presentation attack detection (PAD) methods present a stunning performance in current literature. However, the fingerprint PAD generalisation problem is still an open challenge requiring the development of methods able to cope with sophisticated and unseen attacks as our eventual intruders become more capable. This work addresses this problem by applying a regularisation technique based on an adversarial training and representation learning specifically designed to to improve the PAD generalisation capacity of the model to an unseen attack. In the adopted approach, the model jointly learns the representation and the classifier from the data, while explicitly imposing invariance in the high-level representations regarding the type of attacks for a robust PAD. The application of the adversarial training methodology is evaluated in two different scenarios: i) a handcrafted feature extraction method combined with a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP); and ii) an end-to-end solution using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The experimental results demonstrated that the adopted regularisation strategies equipped the neural networks with increased PAD robustness. The adversarial approach particularly improved the CNN models' capacity for attacks detection in the unseen-attack scenario, showing remarkable improved APCER error rates when compared to state-of-the-art methods in similar conditions.


A Breast 3D model as a possible tool for non-invasive tumour localization in breast surgery

Gouveia, P; Bessa, S; Oliveira, H; Batista, E; Aleluia, M; Ip, J; Costa, J; Nuno, L; Pinto, D; Mavioso, C; Anacleto, J; Abreu, N; Morgado, P; Martinho, M; Teixeira, J; Carvalho, P; Cardoso, J; Alves, C; Cardoso, F; Cardoso, MJ;




Automatic detection of perforators for microsurgical reconstruction and correlation with patient's body-mass index

Pinto, D; Mavioso, C; Araujo, RJ; Oliveira, HP; Anacleto, JC; Vasconcelos, MA; Gouveia, P; Abreu, N; Alves, C; Cardoso, JS; Cardoso, MJ; Cardoso, F;




Machine Learning Improvements to Human Motion Tracking with IMUs

Ribeiro, PMS; Matos, AC; Santos, PH; Cardoso, JS;


Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) have become a popular solution for tracking human motion. The main problem of using IMU data for deriving the position of different body segments throughout time is related to the accumulation of the errors in the inertial data. The solution to this problem is necessary to improve the use of IMUs for position tracking. In this work, we present several Machine Learning (ML) methods to improve the position tracking of various body segments when performing different movements. Firstly, classifiers were used to identify the periods in which the IMUs were stopped (zero-velocity detection). The models Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and neural networks based on Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layers were capable of identifying those periods independently of the motion and body segment with a substantially higher performance than the traditional fixed-threshold zero-velocity detectors. Afterwards, these techniques were combined with ML regression models based on LSTMs capable of estimating the displacement of the sensors during periods of movement. These models did not show significant improvements when compared with the more straightforward double integration of the linear acceleration data with drift removal for translational motion estimate. Finally, we present a model based on LSTMs that combined simultaneously zero-velocity detection with the translational motion of sensors estimate. This model revealed a lower average error for position tracking than the combination of the previously referred methodologies.

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