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Publicações por Jaime Cardoso


Secure Triplet Loss: Achieving Cancelability and Non-Linkability in End-to-End Deep Biometrics

Pinto, JR; Correia, MV; Cardoso, JS;

IEEE Trans. Biom. Behav. Identity Sci.



Audiovisual Classification of Group Emotion Valence Using Activity Recognition Networks

Pinto, JR; Gonçalves, T; Pinto, C; Sanhudo, L; Fonseca, J; Gonçalves, F; Carvalho, P; Cardoso, JS;

4th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Applications and Systems, IPAS 2020, Virtual Event, Italy, December 9-11, 2020

Despite recent efforts, accuracy in group emotion recognition is still generally low. One of the reasons for these underwhelming performance levels is the scarcity of available labeled data which, like the literature approaches, is mainly focused on still images. In this work, we address this problem by adapting an inflated ResNet-50 pretrained for a similar task, activity recognition, where large labeled video datasets are available. Audio information is processed using a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) network receiving extracted features. A multimodal approach fuses audio and video information at the score level using a support vector machine classifier. Evaluation with data from the EmotiW 2020 AV Group-Level Emotion sub-challenge shows a final test accuracy of 65.74% for the multimodal approach, approximately 18% higher than the official baseline. The results show that using activity recognition pretraining offers performance advantages for group-emotion recognition and that audio is essential to improve the accuracy and robustness of video-based recognition. © 2020 IEEE.


A Systematic Survey of ML Datasets for Prime CV Research Areas-Media and Metadata

Castro, HF; Cardoso, JS; Andrade, MT;


The ever-growing capabilities of computers have enabled pursuing Computer Vision through Machine Learning (i.e., MLCV). ML tools require large amounts of information to learn from (ML datasets). These are costly to produce but have received reduced attention regarding standardization. This prevents the cooperative production and exploitation of these resources, impedes countless synergies, and hinders ML research. No global view exists of the MLCV dataset tissue. Acquiring it is fundamental to enable standardization. We provide an extensive survey of the evolution and current state of MLCV datasets (1994 to 2019) for a set of specific CV areas as well as a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results. Data were gathered from online scientific databases (e.g., Google Scholar, CiteSeerX). We reveal the heterogeneous plethora that comprises the MLCV dataset tissue; their continuous growth in volume and complexity; the specificities of the evolution of their media and metadata components regarding a range of aspects; and that MLCV progress requires the construction of a global standardized (structuring, manipulating, and sharing) MLCV "library". Accordingly, we formulate a novel interpretation of this dataset collective as a global tissue of synthetic cognitive visual memories and define the immediately necessary steps to advance its standardization and integration.


ECG Biometrics

Pinto, JR; Cardoso, JS;

Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy



Maximum Relevance Minimum Redundancy Dropout with Informative Kernel Determinantal Point Process

Saffari, M; Khodayar, M; Saadabadi, MSE; Sequeira, AF; Cardoso, JS;


In recent years, deep neural networks have shown significant progress in computer vision due to their large generalization capacity; however, the overfitting problem ubiquitously threatens the learning process of these highly nonlinear architectures. Dropout is a recent solution to mitigate overfitting that has witnessed significant success in various classification applications. Recently, many efforts have been made to improve the Standard dropout using an unsupervised merit-based semantic selection of neurons in the latent space. However, these studies do not consider the task-relevant information quality and quantity and the diversity of the latent kernels. To solve the challenge of dropping less informative neurons in deep learning, we propose an efficient end-to-end dropout algorithm that selects the most informative neurons with the highest correlation with the target output considering the sparsity in its selection procedure. First, to promote activation diversity, we devise an approach to select the most diverse set of neurons by making use of determinantal point process (DPP) sampling. Furthermore, to incorporate task specificity into deep latent features, a mutual information (MI)-based merit function is developed. Leveraging the proposed MI with DPP sampling, we introduce the novel DPPMI dropout that adaptively adjusts the retention rate of neurons based on their contribution to the neural network task. Empirical studies on real-world classification benchmarks including, MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR10, CIFAR100, demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method over recent state-of-the-art dropout algorithms in the literature.


802.11 wireless simulation and anomaly detection using HMM and UBM

Allahdadi, A; Morla, R; Cardoso, JS;


Despite the growing popularity of 802.11 wireless networks, users often suffer from connectivity problems and performance issues due to unstable radio conditions and dynamic user behavior, among other reasons. Anomaly detection and distinction are in the thick of major challenges that network managers encounter. The difficulty of monitoring broad and complex Wireless Local Area Networks, that often requires heavy instrumentation of the user devices, makes anomaly detection analysis even harder. In this paper we exploit 802.11 access point usage data and propose an anomaly detection technique based on Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and Universal Background Model (UBM) on data that is inexpensive to obtain. We then generate a number of network anomalous scenarios in OMNeT++/INET network simulator and compare the detection outcomes with those in baseline approaches-RawData and Principal Component Analysis. The experimental results show the superiority of HMM and HMM-UBM models in detection precision and sensitivity.

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