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Publicações por CRIIS


Phenobot - Intelligent photonics for molecular phenotyping in Precision Viticulture

Martins, RC; Cunha, M; Santos, F; Tosin, R; Barroso, TG; Silva, F; Queirós, C; Pereira, MR; Moura, P; Pinho, T; Boaventura, J; Magalhães, S; Aguiar, AS; Silvestre, J; Damásio, M; Amador, R; Barbosa, C; Martins, C; Araújo, J; Vidal, JP; Rodrigues, F; Maia, M; Rodrigues, V; Garcia, A; Raimundo, D; Trindade, M; Pestana, C; Maia, P;

BIO Web of Conferences

The Phenobot platform is comprised by an autonomous robot, instrumentation, artificial intelligence, and digital twin diagnosis at the molecular level, marking the transition from pure data-driven to knowledge-driven agriculture 4.0, towards a physiology-based approach to precision viticulture. Such is achieved by measuring the plant metabolome 'in vivo' and 'in situ', using spectroscopy and artificial intelligence for quantifying metabolites, e.g.: i. grapes: chlorophylls a and b, pheophytins a and b, anthocyanins, carotenoids, malic and tartaric acids, glucose and fructose; ii. foliage: chlorophylls a and b, pheophytins a and b, anthocyanins, carotenoids, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, sugars, and leaf water potential; and iii. soil nutrients (NPK). The geo-referenced metabolic information of each plant (organs and tissues) is the basis of multi-scaled analysis: i. geo-referenced metabolic maps of vineyards at the macroscopic field level, and ii. genome-scale 'in-silico' digital twin model for inferential physiology (phenotype state) and omics diagnosis at the molecular and cellular levels (transcription, enzyme efficiency, and metabolic fluxes). Genome-scale 'in-silico' Vitis vinifera numerical network relationships and fluxes comprise the scientific knowledge about the plant's physiological response to external stimuli, being the comparable mechanisms between laboratory and field experimentation - providing a causal and interpretable relationship to a complex system subjected to external spurious interactions (e.g., soil, climate, and ecosystem) scrambling pure data-driven approaches. This new approach identifies the molecular and cellular targets for managing plant physiology under different stress conditions, enabling new sustainable agricultural practices and bridging agriculture with plant biotechnology, towards faster innovations (e.g. biostimulants, anti-microbial compounds/mechanisms, nutrition, and water management). Phenobot is a project under the Portuguese emblematic initiative in Agriculture 4.0, part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (Ref. PRR: 190 Ref. 09/C05-i03/2021 - PRR-C05-i03-I-000134). © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (


In-Field Hyperspectral Proximal Sensing for Estimating Grapevine Water Status to Support Smart Precision Viticulture

David, E; Tosin, R; Gonçalves, I; Rodrigues, L; Barbosa, C; Santos, F; Pinheiro, H; Martins, R; Cunha, M;

The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Agronomy



Modelling and Simulation of Robotic Luggage Transport at OPO Airport

Pereira, M; Silva, MF; Siqueira, A;


Due to the lack of unskilled labour force that has been verified in the last years, several processes have been automated, both at industrial and services level. In terms of logistics tasks and transport of materials, it is increasingly common to use mobile robots, given the advantages that this equipment presents. This is also the case in airports, where the adoption of these vehicles to perform several tasks is becoming visible. Considering the possibility of using mobile robots to transport luggage at the Francisco Sa, Carneiro Airport, this paper presents the development of a simulation model and the analysis of several scenarios, with different number of vehicles, in order to understand the time that passengers would have to wait for their luggage, in case this task is automated. The final objective is to determine the number of vehicles required and the changes that need to be made to the airport's operation in order to ensure a level of service identical to (or better than) that currently achieved, with these operations being carried out by human operators.


Modeling and Simulation of a Crossdocking System with an Integrated AS/RS

Alves, J; Silva, MF; Ribeiro, F;


Logistics chains are being increasingly developed due to several factors, among which the exponential growth of e-commerce. Cross-docking is a logistics strategy used by several companies from varied economic sectors, applied in warehouses and distribution centres. In this context, it is the objective of the CrossLog - Automatic Mixed-Palletizing for Crossdocking Logistics Centers Project, to investigate and study an automated and collaborative crossdocking system, capable of moving and managing the flow of products within the warehouse in the fastest and safest way. In its scope, this paper describes the modelling and simulation of a crossdocking system, with an integrated AS/RS, to analyse possible alternatives including not only the fast movement of products, but also its storage in case needed. Different scenarios were modelled and simulated, on the FlexSim software, and the obtained results for each one were critically analysed to draw conclusions on the best storage policy.


Robotics in Natural Settings - CLAWAR 2022, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 12-14 September, 2022

Cascalho, JM; Tokhi, MO; Silva, MF; Mendes, AB; Goher, KM; Funk, M;




Development of a Collaborative Robotic Platform for Autonomous Auscultation

Lopes, D; Coelho, L; Silva, MF;


Listening to internal body sounds, or auscultation, is one of the most popular diagnostic techniques in medicine. In addition to being simple, non-invasive, and low-cost, the information it offers, in real time, is essential for clinical decision-making. This process, usually done by a doctor in the presence of the patient, currently presents three challenges: procedure duration, participants' safety, and the patient's privacy. In this article we tackle these by proposing a new autonomous robotic auscultation system. With the patient prepared for the examination, a 3D computer vision sub-system is able to identify the auscultation points and translate them into spatial coordinates. The robotic arm is then responsible for taking the stethoscope surface into contact with the patient's skin surface at the various auscultation points. The proposed solution was evaluated to perform a simulated pulmonary auscultation in six patients (with distinct height, weight, and skin color). The obtained results showed that the vision subsystem was able to correctly identify 100% of the auscultation points, with uncontrolled lighting conditions, and the positioning subsystem was able to accurately position the gripper on the corresponding positions on the human body. Patients reported no discomfort during auscultation using the described automated procedure.

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