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Publicações por CRIIS


Investigating the Effectiveness of Process Control Didactics Kits in Engineering Education

Silva, V; Oliveira, PM; Leao, P; Soares, F; Lopes, H; Machado, J;

2023 5th International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2023

This paper deliberates some of the motivations for contemplating Kits in the theoretical-practical class of a Curricular Unit of Process Control to first year students of a Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering, alongside their purpose. Also, the perceptions of these students about the use of these kits in their learning process are discussed based on an online questionnaire developed for that purpose. According to students' feedback, gathered by an anonymous online questionnaire, it was possible to investigate the effectiveness of the use of didactics kits in the learning of Process Control topics. The obtained results from the students perception are clearly positive and motivating to further uses of this type kit as portable laboratories. © 2023 IEEE.


Prediction of Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia Using Deep Learning

Barbosa, D; Pires, EJS; Leite, A; Oliveira, PBM;

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST

Ventricular tachyarrhythmia (VTA), mainly ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF) are the major causes of sudden cardiac death in the world. This work uses deep learning, more precisely, LSTM and biLSTM networks to predict VTA events. The Spontaneous Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia Database from PhysioNET was chosen, which contains 78 patients, 135 VTA signals, and 135 control rhythms. After the pre-processing of these signals and feature extraction, the classifiers were able to predict whether a patient was going to suffer a VTA event or not. A better result using a biLSTM was obtained, with a 5-fold-cross-validation, reaching an accuracy of 96.30%, 94.07% of precision, 98.45% of sensibility, and 96.17% of F1-Score. © 2023, ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.


Comparative Analysis of Windows for Speech Emotion Recognition Using CNN

Teixeira, FL; Soares, SP; Pio Abreu, JL; Oliveira, PM; Teixeira, JP;

Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications - Third International Conference, OL2A 2023, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, September 27-29, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part I



Temperature Control Laboratory (TCLab): Demonstration of Use in Portugal

Oliveira, PM; Cardoso, A; Soares, FO; Machado, J; Sá, J; Lopes, H; Silva, V;

2023 6th Experiment@ International Conference ('23), Évora, Portugal, June 5-7, 2023

Low-cost, small-sized portable laboratories, or take-home laboratories, have been increasing in popularity worldwide. One example of such a successful Arduino-based kit is the Temperature Control Laboratory (TCLab), originally proposed by [1]. This kit has been used in Portugal for control engineering education since 2018. This paper proposes a TCLab demo session, reflecting the use of this kit in Portugal across different educational contexts. © 2023 IEEE.


ChatGPT: Assessing Impacts and Perspectives in Engineering Education Using a Genetic Algorithms Case Study

Oliveira, PM;

2023 6th Experiment@ International Conference ('23), Évora, Portugal, June 5-7, 2023

The recent release of ChatGPT-3 by OpenAI may have been a major disruptive mark in terms of Artificial Intelligence based tools. The testing and rapid user adoption rate of ChatGPT-3 was massive with a worldwide impact. Despite its recent public release ChatGPT-3 is already eliciting a mix of positive reactions revealing outstanding positive aspects as well as some negative ones. A short evaluation of ChatGPT-3 is presented, using the context of genetic algorithms, a topic lectured in introductory artificial intelligence courses. Examples outlining potential advantages of adopting ChatGPT and disadvantages which raise ethical issues and may limit its use are presented. © 2023 IEEE.


Human-Aware Collaborative Robots in the Wild: Coping with Uncertainty in Activity Recognition

Yalçinkaya, B; Couceiro, MS; Soares, SP; Valente, A;



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