Guzman, JL; Zakova, K; Craig, IK; Hagglund, T; Rivera, DE; Normey-Rico, JE; Moura-Oliveira, P; Wang, L; Serbezov, A; Sato, T; Beschi, M;
This paper aims to analyze some different solutions that were adopted in control education activities during the pandemic. The authors of this paper are educators in the control education field from different countries on all the continents, who have developed a questionnaire with the idea of collecting data about the COVID-19 pandemic impact on the control education activities. The main objective is to study the diverse alternatives that were used worldwide to perform the online educational activities during that period, such as methodologies, tools, learning management systems (LMS), theoretical exercises, laboratory experiments, types of exams, simulators, software for online lecturing, etc. As a result, comparisons between preand during-pandemic educational resources and methods are performed, where useful ideas and discussions are given for the control education community. Copyright (C) 2022 The Authors.
Oliveira, PM; Vrancic, D; Huba, M;
20th Anniversary of IEEE International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications, ICETA 2022 - Proceedings
Scientific advances in recent decades have provided universal access to a variety of new digital technologies. These technologies are used by the vast majority of today's university students. Therefore, the incorporation of innovative methods and technologies is a must in order to actively engage students in the learning process. In this paper, a selection of techniques that can be considered 'outside of the box' are examined in the context of the application of teaching/learning methods in control engineering and industrial automation education. © 2022 IEEE.
Pereira, SD; Pires, EJS; Oliveira, PBD;
The Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (mTSP) is an interesting combinatorial optimization problem due to its numerous real-life applications. It is a problem where m salesmen visit a set of n cities so that each city is visited once. The primary purpose is to minimize the total distance traveled by all salesmen. This paper presents a hybrid approach called GABC-LS that combines an evolutionary algorithm with the swarm intelligence optimization ideas and a local search method. The proposed approach was tested on three instances and produced some better results than the best-known solutions reported in the literature.
Barbosa, D; Solteiro Pires, EJ; Leite, A; Moura Oliveira, PBd;
Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - 11th EAI International Conference, MobiHealth 2022, Virtual Event, November 30 - December 2, 2022, Proceedings
Ventricular tachyarrhythmia (VTA), mainly ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF) are the major causes of sudden cardiac death in the world. This work uses deep learning, more precisely, LSTM and biLSTM networks to predict VTA events. The Spontaneous Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia Database from PhysioNET was chosen, which contains 78 patients, 135 VTA signals, and 135 control rhythms. After the pre-processing of these signals and feature extraction, the classifiers were able to predict whether a patient was going to suffer a VTA event or not. A better result using a biLSTM was obtained, with a 5-fold-cross-validation, reaching an accuracy of 96.30%, 94.07% of precision, 98.45% of sensibility, and 96.17% of F1-Score. © 2023, ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.
Barradas, Rolando; Lencastre, José Alberto; Soares, Salviano; Valente, António;
STEM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) are continuously growing but the number of technical workers do not accompany that growth. As the 21st century brings new challenges, students should be prepared for an increasingly complex life and work environments that will privilege proficiency in Learning and Innovation Skills that include Creativity and Innovation, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication and Collaboration. Also, the need to continuously explore new pedagogical practices in teaching and learning creates an opportunity to build new contents by balancing a stable and tested curriculum with new tools that stimulate creativity, allowing students to better understand the world they live in. This article describes the development of an educational robotics kit, aimed at children and teens from 8 to 18 years old, meant to work as an interdisciplinary teaching tool that can be applied directly in a curriculum.
Puga, R; Baptista, J; Boaventura, J; Ferreira, J; Madureira, A;
There are different clean energy production technologies, including wind energy production. This type of energy, among renewable energies, is one of the least predictable due to the unpredictability of the wind. The wind prediction has been a deeply analysed field since has a considerable share on the green energy production, and the investments on this sector are growing. The efficiency and stability of power production can be increased with a better prediction of the main source of energy, in our case the wind. In this paper, some techniques inspired by Biological Inspired Optimization Techniques applied to wind forecast are compared. The wind forecast is very important to be able to estimate the electric energy production in the wind farms. As you know, the energy balance must be checked in the electrical system at every moment. In this study we are going to analyse different methodologies of wind and power prediction for wind farms to understand the method with best results.
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