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Publicações por CRIIS


Using SEO to Leverage Digital Visibility and Atract Visitors: The Case of Termas de Chaves [O uso de SEO para Alavancar a Visibilidade Digital e Atrair Visitantes: O Caso das Termas de Chaves]

Mendonça, VJD; Cunha, CR; Correia, RAF; Morais, EP;

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

Digital presence, especially using websites, is currently one of the pillars for effective communication in the field of marketing. However, it appears that many organizations, despite making high investments in development, even if they present a visually attractive website, face difficulties in attracting visitors. In the case of the tourism sector, in which competition takes place on a global level, it is even more pressing for technologies to reach potential stakeholders, first attracting visitors, then seducing them and converting them into customers. In this context, digital marketing techniques, and more specifically, website optimization techniques to improve their visibility by search engines (Search Engine Optimization) are the key to leveraging the potential for visits to any website. In this article, digital marketing concepts and the technological aspects that affect the indexing made by search engines will be explored. The case study presented intends to demonstrate, in a simplified way, the importance and applicability of these concepts and techniques, proposing a set of improvements that should be implemented to improve the positioning of the “Termas de Chaves” website in the search engine page results. © 2022 IEEE Computer Society. All rights reserved.


An ICT Integrated Model for Traceability, Promotion and Valorization of Regional Food Products

Cunha, CR; Mourao, A; Mendonca, V; Correia, R;


Many country's regions are rich in food-heritage. Within this, food products are often ex-libris of the regions and sustain ancestral traditions that make these regions known in the world. This reality materializes products of protected geographical origin and/or protected designation of origin. In the context of a society increasingly interested in the traditional, in respect for the environment, animal rights and the guarantee of authenticity, this paper proposes a conceptual model based on technology capable of guaranteeing the traceability of these products, as well as leveraging their valorization and, at the same time, it guarantees, to the different players of the supply chain, useful feedback on the perception of the consumer and his interests. This proposal will enhance the products by increasing information and services available to the consumer and will allow the process of creation, development and production of food products to be done in partnership with consumers. Even though our focus is on typical regional food products, our proposed model is suitable for any food supply chain.


Digital Marketing Plan for CubiCasa OY USA


IBIMA Business Review

The aim of this paper is to provide an analysis that will be necessary for the development of a future digital marketing plan for CubiCasa OY with the main goal to attract new customers in the United States market. Specifically, the following topics are addressed during the analysis: external and internal examination of CubiCasa in the United States market to assess the current company’s position in the market; performing empirical research to figure out the most important aspects for real estate photographers and businesses.


Effects of Pulse Duration in Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

Ferreira, MFS; Silva, NA; Guimarães, D; Martins, RC; Jorge, PAS;

U.Porto Journal of Engineering

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a technique that leverages atomic emission towards element identification and quantification. While the potential of the technology is vast, it still struggles with obstacles such as the variability of the technique. In recent years, several methods have exploited modifications to the standard implementation to work around this problem, mostly focused on the laser side to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the emission. In this paper, we explore the effect of pulse duration on the detected signal intensity using a tunable LIBS system that consists of a versatile fiber laser, capable of emitting square-shaped pulses with a duration ranging from 10 to 100 ns. Our results show that, by tuning the duration of the pulse, it is possible to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of relevant elemental emission lines, an effect that we relate with the computed plasma temperature and associated density for the ion species. Despite the limitations of the work due to the low-resolution and small range of the spectrometer used, the preliminary results pave an interesting path towards the design of controllable LIBS systems that can be tailored to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and thus be useful for the deployment of more sensitive instruments both for qualitative and quantitative purposes. © 2022, Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Engenharia. All rights reserved.


Canopy VIS-NIR spectroscopy and self-learning artificial intelligence for a generalised model of predawn leaf water potential in Vitis vinifera

Tosin, R; Martins, R; Pocas, I; Cunha, M;


This paper focuses on predicting predawn leaf water potential through a self-learning artificial intelligence (SL-AI) algorithm, a novel spectral processing algorithm that is based on the search for covariance modes, providing a direct relationship between spectral information and plant constituents. The SL-AI algorithm was applied in a dataset containing 847 observations obtained with a handheld hyperspectral spectroradiometer (400 -1010 nm), structured as: three grapevine cultivars (Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Barroca), collected in three years (2014, 2015 and 2017), in two test sites in the renowned Douro Wine Region, northeast of Portugal. The Psi(pd) SL-AI quantification was tested both in regressive (R-2 = 0.97, MAPE = 18.30%) and classification (three classes; overall accuracy = 86.27%) approaches, where the radiation absorption spectrum zones of the chlorophylls, xanthophyll and water were identified along the vegetative growth cycle. The dataset was also tested with Artificial Neural Networks with Principal Component Analysis (ANN-PCA) and Partial Least Square (PLS), which presented worse performance when compared to SL-AI in the regressive (ANN-PCA - R-2 = 0.85, MAPE = 43.64%; PLS - R-2 = 0.94, MAPE = 28.76%) and classification (ANN-PCA - overall accuracy: 72.37%; PLS - overall accuracy: 73.79%) approaches. The Psi(pd) modelled with SL-AI demonstrated, through hyperspectral reflectance, a cause-effect of the grapevine's hydric status with the absorbance of bands related to chlorophyll, xanthophylls and water. This cause-effect interaction could be explored to identify cultivars and cultural practices, hydric, heating and lighting stresses.


Inspection Application in an Industrial Environment with Collaborative Robots

Magalhaes, P; Ferreira, N;


In this study, we analyze the potential of collaborative robotics in automated quality inspections in the industry. The development of a solution integrating an industrial vision system allowed evaluating the performance of collaborative robots in a real case. The use of these tools allows reducing quality defects as well as costs in the manufacturing process. In this system, image processing methods use resources based on depth and surface measurements with high precision. The system fully processes a panel, observing the state of the surface to detect any potential defect in the panels produced to increase the quality of production.

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