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Publicações por Hélio Cristiano Castro



Toledo, R; Rodrigues, J; Marchisott, G; Castro, H; Alves, C; Putnik, G;


This article comparedidentified models in the literature that incorporates sustainability in project management, with an integrated model used as reference, mapping their points of similarity. For this purpose, bibliographic research of 90 articles from the Web of Science and Scopus databases was carried out, which address the themes of sustainability and project management. The reference model was compared with 16 models identified during the literature search, through comparative analysis and grounded theory. As a result, the study presents the identified similarity between model & PRIME;s constructs. It is concluded that there is no pattern or convergence between the different models identified, that thereference model plays a role in stimulating the integration of sustainability with project management in a more comprehensive way.


Social network-based education and learning factory as emergent forms of education and training: an application for quality management

Putnik, Goran D.; Alves, Cátia Filipa Veiga; Carvalho, Carlos; Sousa, Sérgio; Varela, Maria Leonilde Rocha; Shah, Vaibhav; Castro, Hélio Cristiano Gomes Alves;


In this paper, we present Social Network-based Education (SNE) and Learning Factory (LF) as emergent forms of education and training, including their application for the field of Quality Management. This novel learning method has some features of education 3.0 paradigm since participants have freedom to choose what, how and when to learn, as well with whom they coloborate. The actors, students and teachers, form a network, in which the network structure, communication, learning process and behavior exibit features of a social network. The training program content consists of a set of assignments (tasks) that are launched and realized in a crowdsourcing manner. The SNE and LF methodology was applied at the University of Minho in the Integrated Master on Industrial Engineering and Management course for different curricular units, including Quality Management. Within the concepts refered above, the set of assignments implemented for education and training for the field of Quality Management is also presented.


Avaliação do potencial de adoção de Meta-Organizações no apoio ao desenvolvimento de modelos de Empresas Virtuais e Ubíquas: uma aplicação a clusters regionais

Castro, Hélio Cristiano Gomes Alves de;


Devido ao ambiente hipercompetitivo que as empresas industriais enfrentam, a adequada implementação de Meta-Organizações, como plataformas organizacionais que promovam o desenvolvimento de modelos avançados de sistemas de produção em rede, virtuais e ubíquas, torna-se fundamental para a sustentabilidade da Meta-Organização e das empresas industriais que a constituem. A estratégia de implementação encontra-se relacionada com o entendimento que as empresas industriais, no caso específico deste estudo, as Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs) industriais de clusters regionais, têm acerca deste tipo de Meta-Organização. Este estudo tem como objetivo validar as principais hipóteses: 1) as empresas da região estão conscientes da necessidade da adoção de Meta-Organizações como plataformas organizacionais para o desenvolvimento de modelos de Empresas Virtuais e Ubíquas; e 2) as empresas da região estão aptas para a utilização de Meta-Organizações no apoio ao desenvolvimento de modelos de Empresas Virtuais e Ubíquas. Para validação destas teses foram desenvolvidos modelos teóricos originais utilizando o método estatístico de Análise de Equações Estruturais constituídos por oito constructos: “Prática”, “Gestão do Conhecimento”, “Característica da PME Industrial”, “Conhecimento”, “Necessidade de Estruturas de Meta-Organização para Empresas Virtuais e Ubíquas”, “Necessidade para a Gestão da Meta-Organização para Empresas Virtuais e Ubíquas”, “Consciência” e “Aptidão”. A recolha de dados foi realizada através da implementação de um inquérito original em que participaram 236 PMEs (industriais ou que trabalham com a indústria) da região da Península Ibérica. Os resultados obtidos validam as principais hipóteses sobre a consciência e a aptidão das empresas e fornecem outros resultados derivados de outras hipóteses inerentes aos modelos desenvolvidos. O presente estudo contribui para definir os mecanismos de escolha da implementação de Meta- Organizações que apoiam o desenvolvimento de modelos de Empresas Virtuais e Ubíquas.;Due to the hypercompetitive environment that industrial enterprises face, a proper implementation of the Meta-Organizations, as organizational platforms, that promote the development of advanced models of networked, virtual and ubiquitous production systems, becomes fundamental for the sustainability of the Meta-Organization and of the industrial enterprises that belong to it. The implementation strategy is related to the understanding that the industrial enterprises, in the specific case of this study, the Industrial Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) of regional clusters, have about this type of Meta-Organization. This study aims to validate the following main hypotheses: 1) enterprises in the region are aware of the need to adopt Meta-Organizations as an organizational platform for the development of Virtual and Ubiquitous Enterprises models; and 2) enterprises in the region are prepared to use Meta- Organizations to support the development of Virtual and Ubiquitous Enterprises models. To validate these theses, original theoretical models were developed using the statistical method of Structural Equation Modeling constituted by eight constructs: “Practice”, “Knowledge Management”, “Characteristics of Industrial SME”, “Knowledge”, “Need for Meta-Organization Structures for Virtual and Ubiquitous Enterprises”, “Need for Meta-Organization Management for Virtual and Ubiquitous Enterprises”, “Awareness”, and “Preparedness”. Data collection was carried out through the implementation of an original survey in which 236 SMEs (industrial or those working with the industry) in the Iberian Peninsula region participated. The results validate the main hypotheses concerning enterprises’ awareness and preparedness, and provide further results derived from other hypotheses inherent to the developed models. The present study contributes to define the mechanisms of choice for the implementation of Meta- Organizations that support the development of Virtual and Ubiquitous Enterprises models.

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