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Publicações por CITE


Entrepreneurial learning among different industries: a case study research of four sectors in the UK

Cujba, GC; Wasim, J; Almeida, F;

International Journal of Learning and Change



Is entrepreneurship an emerging area of research? A computational response; [O empreendedorismo é uma área emergente de pesquisa? Uma resposta computacional]

Souza, RF; Ballini, R; Silveira, JMFJ; Teixeira, AAC;

REGEPE Entrepreneurship and Small Business Journal

Objective: We aim to answer four questions. First, with the increasing number of publications, is there a concentration in specific subjects, or on the contrary, a dispersion, amplifying the span of themes related to entrepreneurship? Second, is there a hierarchy of subjects, in the sense that some of them constitute the “core” of entrepreneurship? Third, are they connected with other established research areas? Finally, it is possible to identify papers that are influential, acting as hubs in the cluster’s formation? Method: We developed an original version of the computational procedure proposed by Shibata et al (2008), which allows us to understand the diversity of the different sub-areas of the topic investigated, reducing the need for specialist supervision. Originality/Relevance: We developed and applied a method to capture the formation and evolution of research areas in entrepreneurship literature, via direct citation networks, allowing us to understand the iteration between the different research sub-areas. Results: The dispersion is a feature of entrepreneurship as field research, with a hierarchy between research areas, indicating an emergent organization in the expansion processes. We concluded that research on entrepreneurship consists of specialization, that is, by application in niches. © 2022, Associacao Nacional de Estudos em Empreendedorismo e Gestao de Pequenas Empresas - ANEGEPE. All rights reserved.


Which distance dimensions matter in international research collaboration? A cross-country analysis by scientific domain

Vieira, ES; Cerdeira, J; Teixeira, AAC;


The relevance of international research collaboration (IRC) in bolstering intellectual capital, in-creasing embeddedness in networks, and promoting innovation has been acknowledged by sci-entists and policymakers. However, large-scale studies involving different scientific domains and periods aimed at exploring the factors that influence IRC are missing, which could deepen our understanding of the factors affecting IRC. Based on a novel dataset of 193 countries over three periods, 1990-1999, 2000-2009 and 2010-2018, we have examined the impact of geographical, socioeconomic, political, cultural, intellectual, and excellence distances on the propensity to engage in IRC at the global level, by scientific domain and over time. In general, all the distances considered obstruct IRC, with geographical and cultural distance emerging as the barriers with the highest impact. Two exceptions are worthwhile noting: excel-lence distance fosters IRC in the Medical & Health Sciences (MHS) and intellectual distance fosters IRC in the Agricultural Sciences (AS). At the global level, the negative impact of socioeconomic, political, and intellectual distances on IRC has increased over time, whereas the negative impact of geographical and cultural dis-tances has decreased.


Brazil’s economic growth and real (div)convergence from a very long-term perspective (1822-2019): An historical appraisal


Brazilian Journal of Political Economy

ABSTRACT The reconstruction of the economic history of Brazil since independence from Portugal (1822) may lead to a new understanding of its economic growth. The deep-rooted idea that Brazil could have done better means there is a need to delve into each phase of its development. In this paper, we provide a very long-run perspective (1822-2019) of Brazil’s economic growth and process of real convergence. On the one hand, this review indicates that structural changes observed in the middle of the 20th century were crucial in promoting the country’s growth and real convergence with technologically advanced countries. On the other hand, poor institutional conditions and deficient human capital formation have emerged since colonial times as critical factors underlying Brazil’s inability to establish robust and sustainable economic growth.


Analyzing the EU forestry sector to seek new market opportunities using Minimum Spanning Tree based clustering analysis

Han, J; Pacheco, AP; Rodrigues, JC;

Advances in Forest Fire Research 2022

To enhance the economic viability and address the labour shortage in the forestry industry, alternative solutions using robotization and automation are emerging. However, due to technological barriers and lack of solid business models, successful commercialization in the forestry sector is yet to be challenging. As an initial market analysis for developing a business model for new forestry machineries, this study was conducted to reveal clusters of EU countries to seek the potential market opportunities outside of Portugal. To identify similar market conditions and restrictions, EU countries were clustered using a hierarchical clustering algorithm and selection of variables while considering the geographic, economic, and social conditions of each country. Preliminary results showed that Austria and Poland had similar social capital and geographic conditions.


Dynamic monopoly and consumers profiling accuracy

Laussel, D; Long, NV; Resende, J;


Using a Markov-perfect equilibrium model, we show that the use of customer data to practice intertemporal price discrimination will improve monopoly profit if and only if information precision is higher than a certain threshold level. This U-shaped relationship lends support to a popular view that knowledge is good only if it is sufficiently refined. When information accuracy can only be achieved through costly investment, we find that investing in profiling is profitable only if this allows to reach a high enough level of information precision. Consumers expected surplus being a hump-shaped function of information accuracy, we show that consumers have an incentive to lobby for privacy protection legislation which raises the cost of monopoly's investment in information accuracy. However, this cost should not dissuade firms to collect some information on customers' tastes, as the absence of consumers' profiling is actually detrimental to consumers.

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