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Publicações por BIO


Extracting neuronal activity signals from microscopy recordings of contractile tissue using B-spline Explicit Active Surfaces (BEAS) cell tracking

Kazwiny, Y; Pedrosa, J; Zhang, ZQ; Boesmans, W; D'hooge, J; Vanden Berghe, P;


Ca2+ imaging is a widely used microscopy technique to simultaneously study cellular activity in multiple cells. The desired information consists of cell-specific time series of pixel intensity values, in which the fluorescence intensity represents cellular activity. For static scenes, cellular signal extraction is straightforward, however multiple analysis challenges are present in recordings of contractile tissues, like those of the enteric nervous system (ENS). This layer of critical neurons, embedded within the muscle layers of the gut wall, shows optical overlap between neighboring neurons, intensity changes due to cell activity, and constant movement. These challenges reduce the applicability of classical segmentation techniques and traditional stack alignment and regions-of-interest (ROIs) selection workflows. Therefore, a signal extraction method capable of dealing with moving cells and is insensitive to large intensity changes in consecutive frames is needed. Here we propose a b-spline active contour method to delineate and track neuronal cell bodies based on local and global energy terms. We develop both a single as well as a double-contour approach. The latter takes advantage of the appearance of GCaMP expressing cells, and tracks the nucleus' boundaries together with the cytoplasmic contour, providing a stable delineation of neighboring, overlapping cells despite movement and intensity changes. The tracked contours can also serve as landmarks to relocate additional and manually-selected ROIs. This improves the total yield of efficacious cell tracking and allows signal extraction from other cell compartments like neuronal processes. Compared to manual delineation and other segmentation methods, the proposed method can track cells during large tissue deformations and high-intensity changes such as during neuronal firing events, while preserving the shape of the extracted Ca2+ signal. The analysis package represents a significant improvement to available Ca2+ imaging analysis workflows for ENS recordings and other systems where movement challenges traditional Ca2+ signal extraction workflows.


My Eyes Are Up Here: Promoting Focus on Uncovered Regions in Masked Face Recognition

Neto, PC; Boutros, F; Pinto, JR; Saffari, M; Damer, N; Sequeira, AF; Cardoso, JS;


The recent Covid-19 pandemic and the fact that wearing masks in public is now mandatory in several countries, created challenges in the use of face recognition systems (FRS). In this work, we address the challenge of masked face recognition (MFR) and focus on evaluating the verification performance in FRS when verifying masked vs unmasked faces compared to verifying only unmasked faces. We propose a methodology that combines the traditional triplet loss and the mean squared error (MSE) intending to improve the robustness of an MFR system in the masked-unmasked comparison mode. The results obtained by our proposed method show improvements in a detailed step-wise ablation study. The conducted study showed significant performance gains induced by our proposed training paradigm and modified triplet loss on two evaluation databases.


Implementing a Quantified Occupational Health Sensing Platform in the Aviation Sector: an Exploratory Study in Routine Air Traffic Control Work Shifts

Rodrigues, S; Dias, D; Aleixo, M; Retorta, A; Cunha, JPS;


Occupational stress is a complex process affecting health and performance. Air Traffic Control is a complex and demanding profession. The current study demonstrates the concept of using a biomonitoring wearable platform (BWP), that combines self-report measures with biomarkers, to track stress among Air Traffic Controllers. A wearable ECG device was used to gather continuously medical-grade ECG data along with a mobile app for daily stress perception, symptoms and events annotation. A total of 256 hours of data from 32 routine work shifts and 5 days-off, from 5 ATCs was recorded with 35 tagged events using Heart Rate Variability metrics- AVNN, RMSSD, pNN50 and LF/HF were computed from ECG data and analyzed during a) shifts vs days off; b) events vs non-events and c) before and after working pauses. ATCs showed low levels of chronic stress using self-reports. Results showed that stress symptomatology slightly increase from the beginning to the end of the shift (Md=1 to Md=2; p<0.05). Statistical significant physiological changes were found between shifts and days off for AVNN and LF/HF (p<0.05), showing higher physiological activation during shifts. A significant reduction of physiological arousal was verified after working pauses, particularly for AVNN and LF/IIF (p<0.001). Self-reported data also suggests the same trend (p<0.005). Findings reinforced the discriminatory power of AVNN and LF/HF for short-term stress classification using HRV measurements. Results suggest that the rotating working system, with pause/resting periods included, effective acted as a recovery period.


A Non-Parametric LPV Approach to the Indentification of Linear Periodic Systems

dos Santos, PL; Perdicoulis, TPA;


A non-parametric identification algorithm is proposed to identify Linear Time Periodic (LTP) systems. The period is unknown and can be any real positive number. The system is modelled as an ARX Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) system with a virtual scheduling signal consisting of two orthogonal sinusoids (a sine and a cosine) with a period equal to the system period. Hence, the system parameters are polynomial functions of the scheduling vector. As these polynomials may have infinite degree, a non-parametric model is adopted to describe the LPV system. This model is identified by a Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) algorithm where the system period is a hyperparameter. The performance of the proposed identification algorithm is illustrated through the identification of a simulated LTP continuous system described by a state-space model. The ARX-LTP discrete-time model estimated in the noiseless case was taken as the true model. Copyright (C) 2021 The Authors.


A multi-task CNN approach for lung nodule malignancy classification and characterization

Marques, S; Schiavo, F; Ferreira, CA; Pedrosa, J; Cunha, A; Campilho, A;


Lung cancer is the type of cancer with highest mortality worldwide. Low-dose computerized tomography is the main tool used for lung cancer screening in clinical practice, allowing the visualization of lung nodules and the assessment of their malignancy. However, this evaluation is a complex task and subject to inter-observer variability, which has fueled the need for computer-aided diagnosis systems for lung nodule malignancy classification. While promising results have been obtained with automatic methods, it is often not straightforward to determine which features a given model is basing its decisions on and this lack of explainability can be a significant stumbling block in guaranteeing the adoption of automatic systems in clinical scenarios. Though visual malignancy assessment has a subjective component, radiologists strongly base their decision on nodule features such as nodule spiculation and texture, and a malignancy classification model should thus follow the same rationale. As such, this study focuses on the characterization of lung nodules as a means for the classification of nodules in terms of malignancy. For this purpose, different model architectures for nodule characterization are proposed and compared, with the final goal of malignancy classification. It is shown that models that combine direct malignancy prediction with specific branches for nodule characterization have a better performance than the remaining models, achieving an Area Under the Curve of 0.783. The most relevant features for malignancy classification according to the model were lobulation, spiculation and texture, which is found to be in line with current clinical practice.


Characterization of an hollow core PCF for endoscopy applications: A proof concept

Marques J.; Novais S.; Silva S.; Frazao O.;

2021 Telecoms Conference, ConfTELE 2021

Two distinct optical fibers for endoscope-based configurations are demonstrated and studied in this work. The fibers used for the experiment consist of: a conventional singlemode fiber (SMF 28e) and a hollow core photonic crystal fiber (HC-PCF) based on silica. Two studies that allowed the characterization of these fibers, according to their optical output power and when subjected to curvature, were carried out. The intensity power profile was also analysed in relation to the propagation distance, transversal displacement and incidence angle. After this study it can be concluded that the most suitable solution for the endoscope is the HC-PCF fiber working as a transmission probe. For the proof of concept of the fiber-based endoscope, a cleaved multimode fiber (MMF) tip was used as a reception probe and its reflection efficiency was also analysed.

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