Rodrigues, S; Dias, D; Paiva, JS; Cunha, JPS;
40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2018, Honolulu, HI, USA, July 18-21, 2018
Firefighting is a hazardous profession commonly exposed to high stress that can interfere with firefighter's health and performance. Nevertheless, on-duty stress levels quantitative evaluations are very rare in the literature. In order to investigate firefighters' occupational health in terms of stress perceptions, symptoms, and quantified physiological reactions under real-world conditions, an ambulatory assessment protocol was developed. Therefore, cardiac signal from firefighters (N =6) was continuously monitored during two shifts within a working week with a medical clinically certified equipment (VitalJacket®), allowing continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) and actigraphy measurement. Psychological data were collected with an android application, collecting potential stressful events, stress symptoms, and stress appraisal. A total of 130 hours of medical-quality ECG were collected, from which heart rate variability (HRV) metrics were extracted and analyzed. Statistical significant differences were found in some HRV metrics - AVNN, RMSSD, pNN50 and LF/HF - between events and non-events, showing higher levels of physiological stress during events (p<0.05). Stress symptoms increase from the beginning to the end of the shift (from 1.54 ± 0.52 to 2.01 ± 0.73), however the mean stress self-perception of events was very low (3.22 ± 2.38 in a scale ranging from 0 to 10). Negative and strong correlations were also found between stress symptoms and some time-domain ECG measures (AVNN, SDNN and pNN50). It can be concluded that stress may not always be detected when using merely self-reports. These results enhance the importance of combining both self-report and ambulatory high-quality physiological stress measures in occupational health settings. Future studies should investigate not only what causes stress but also its impact on health and well-being of these professionals, in order to contribute to the design of efficient stress-management interventions. © 2018 IEEE.
Paiva, JS; Jorge, PAS; Rosa, CC; Cunha, JPS;
Background: The tip of an optical fiber has been considered an attractive platform in Biology. The simple cleaved end of an optical fiber can be machined, patterned and/or functionalized, acquiring unique properties enabling the exploitation of novel optical phenomena. Prompted by the constant need to measure and manipulate nanoparticles, the invention of the Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM) triggered the optimization and development of novel fiber tip microfabrication methods. In fact, the fiber tip was soon considered a key element in SNOM by confining light to sufficiently small extensions, challenging the diffraction limit. As result and in consequence of the newly proposed "Lab On Tip" concept, several geometries of fiber tips were applied in three main fields: imaging (in Microscopy/Spectroscopy), biosensors and micromanipulation (Optical Fiber Tweezers, OFTs). These are able to exert forces on microparticles, trap and manipulate them for relevant applications, as biomolecules mechanical study or protein aggregates unfolding. Scope of review: This review presents an overview of the main achievements, most impactful studies and limitations of fiber tip-based configurations within the above three fields, along the past 10 years. Major conclusions: OFTs could be in future a valuable tool for studying several cellular phenomena such as neurodegeneration caused by abnormal protein fibrils or manipulating organelles within cells. This could contribute to understand the mechanisms of some diseases or biophenomena, as the axonal growth in neurons.
Pinto, D; Costa, J; Nobrega, R; da Silva, H; Coelho, A;
This article presents a medical simulation solution. This solution allows a physician to train a clinical scenario by interacting with a graphical interface. The aim is to instigate the learning and internalization of clinical procedures. Currently these resources have been intensifying in the most diverse areas, being our focus, Medicine. Within this area, the focus is on medical simulation. There are numerous biomedical simulation centers, whose main objective is to create realistic simulations to aid health professionals. Thus, it is intended to optimize its performance, to meet the needs detected and to anticipate unexpected situations (critical or complex events). However, current simulation systems face some limitations, since they have enough difficulties in the development of new scenarios, since they are restricted to the level of modularity and the number of simulated situations. The training of these professionals is limited to simulation centers. The goal is to create a platform to simulate real scenarios and develop serious games that simulate various clinical situations, in order to facilitate access to this type of training and training.
Carneiro, I; Carvalho, S; Henrique, R; Oliveira, LM; Tuchin, VV;
Knowledge of the optical properties of tissues is necessary, since they change from tissue to tissue and can differ between normal and pathological conditions. These properties are used in light transport models with various areas of application. In general, tissues have significantly high scattering coefficient when compared to the absorption coefficient and such difference usually increases with decreasing wavelength. The study of the wavelength dependence of the optical properties has been already made for several animal and human tissues, but extensive research is still needed in this field. Considering that most of the Biophotonics techniques used in research and clinical practice use visible to NIR light, we have estimated the optical properties of colorectal muscle (muscularis propria) between 400 and 1000 nm. The samples used were collected from patients undergoing resection surgery for colorectal carcinoma. The estimated scattering coefficient for colorectal muscle decreases exponentially with wavelength from 122 cm(-1) at 400 nm to 95 cm(-1) at 650 nm and to 91 cm(-1) at 1000 nm. The absorption coefficient shows a wavelength dependence according to the behavior seen for other tissues, since it decreases from 8 cm(-1) at 400 nm to 2.6 cm(-1) at 650 nm and to 1.3 cm(-1) at 1000 nm. The estimated optical properties differ from the ones that we have previously obtained for normal and pathological colorectal mucosa. The data obtained in this study covers an extended spectral range and it can be used for planning optical clearing treatments for some wavelengths of interest.
Carneiro, I; Carvelho, S; Silva, V; Henrique, R; Oliveira, L; Tuchin, VV;
To characterize the optical clearing treatments in human colorectal tissues and possibly to differentiate between treatments of normal and pathological tissues, we have used a simple indirect method derived from Mie scattering theory to estimate the kinetics of the reduced scattering coefficient. A complementary method to estimate the kinetics of the scattering coefficient is also used so that the kinetics of the anisotropy factor and of the refractive index are also calculated. Both methods rely only on the thickness and collimated transmittance measurements made during treatment. The results indicate the expected time dependencies for the optical properties of both tissues: an increase in the refractive index and anisotropy factor and a decrease in the scattering coefficients. The similarity in the kinetics obtained for normal and pathological tissues indicates that optical clearing treatments can be applied also in pathological tissues to produce similar effects. The estimated time dependencies using experimental spectral data in the range from 400 to 1000 nm allowed us to compare the kinetics of the optical properties between different wavelengths. (C) 2018 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Oliveira, LM; Carneiro, I; Carvalho, S; Henrique, R; Tuchina, DK; Timoshina, PA; Bashkatov, AN; Genina, EA; Tuchin, VV;
With the objective of developing a diagnostic tool, we have used the immersion optical clearing method and studied normal and pathological tissues (cancer, diabetes) under treatment by optical clearing agents (OCAs). In order to quantify pathology status OCA diffusion properties in different tissues were measured. We have demonstrated that free water content in cancerous tissues is higher than in normal.
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