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Publicações por BIO


Towards an Automatic Lung Cancer Screening System in Low Dose Computed Tomography

Aresta, G; Araujo, T; Jacobs, C; van Ginneken, B; Cunha, A; Ramos, I; Campilho, A;


We propose a deep learning-based pipeline that, given a low-dose computed tomography of a patient chest, recommends if a patient should be submitted to further lung cancer assessment. The algorithm is composed of a nodule detection block that uses the object detection framework YOLOv2, followed by a U-Net based segmentation. The found structures of interest are then characterized in terms of diameter and texture to produce a final referral recommendation according to the National Lung Screen Trial (NLST) criteria. Our method is trained using the public LUNA16 and LIDC-IDRI datasets and tested on an independent dataset composed of 500 scans from the Kaggle DSB 2017 challenge. The proposed system achieves a patient-wise recall of 89% while providing an explanation to the referral decision and thus may serve as a second opinion tool to speed-up and improve lung cancer screening.


UOLO - Automatic Object Detection and Segmentation in Biomedical Images

Araujo, T; Aresta, G; Galdran, A; Costa, P; Mendonca, AM; Campilho, A;


We propose UOLO, a novel framework for the simultaneous detection and segmentation of structures of interest in medical images. UOLO consists of an object segmentation module which intermediate abstract representations are processed and used as input for object detection. The resulting system is optimized simultaneously for detecting a class of objects and segmenting an optionally different class of structures. UOLO is trained on a set of bounding boxes enclosing the objects to detect, as well as pixel-wise segmentation information, when available. A new loss function is devised, taking into account whether a reference segmentation is accessible for each training image, in order to suitably backpropagate the error. We validate UOLO on the task of simultaneous optic disc (OD) detection, fovea detection, and OD segmentation from retinal images, achieving state-of-the-art performance on public datasets.


Thermographic Evaluation of the Saxophonists' Embouchure

Cerqueira, J; Clemente, MP; Bernardes, G; Van Twillert, H; Portela, A; Mendes, JG; Vasconcelos, M;


The orofacial complex is the primarily link between the instrument and the instrumentalist when performing the musician's embouchure. The contact point is established between the saxophonist lower lip, the upper maxillary dentition and the mouthpiece. The functional demands of the saxophone player and consequent application of forces with an excessive pressure can significantly influence the orofacial structures. A thermographic evaluation was performed to an anatomical zone vital for the embouchure, such as the lip of the saxophonist. Substantial temperature changes occurred before and after playing saxophone. The specificity of the embouchure regarding the position of the lower lip inside the oral cavity, the anatomy and position of the central lower incisors can be some of the factors involved in the origin of the existing temperature differences on the thermographic evaluation.


Stress among on-duty firefighters: an ambulatory assessment study

Rodrigues, S; Paiva, JS; Dias, D; Paulo, J;


Background. Stress at work has been broadly acknowledged as a worldwide problem and has been the focus of concern for many researchers. Firefighting, in particular, is frequently reported as a highly stressful occupation. In order to investigate firefighters' occupational health in terms of stress events, perceptions, symptoms, and physiological reactions under real-world conditions, an ambulatory assessment protocol was developed. Methods. Seventeen firefighters' cardiac signal was continuously monitored during an average of three shifts within a working week with medical clinically certified equipment (VitalJacket (R)), which allows for continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) and actigraphy measurement. Psychological data were collected with a software application running on smartphones, collecting potential stressful events, stress symptoms, and stress appraisal. Results. A total of 450.56 h of medical-quality ECG were collected, and heart rate variability (HRV) analysis was performed. Findings suggest that although 'fire' situations are more common, 'accidents' are more stressful. Additionally, firefighters showed high levels of physiological stress (based on AVNN and LF/HF HRV metrics) when compared to normative healthy population values that may not be diagnosed using merely self-reports. Discussion. The proposed ambulatory study seems to be useful for the monitoring of stress levels and its potential impact on health of first responders. Additionally, it could also be an important tool for the design and implementation of efficient interventions and informed management resolutions in real time. Potential applications of this research include the development of quantified occupational health (qOHealth) devices for real life monitoring of emergency personnel stress reactions.


The effects of death and post-mortem cold ischemia on human tissue transcriptomes

Ferreira, PG; Munoz Aguirre, M; Reverter, F; Sa Godinho, CPS; Sousa, A; Amadoz, A; Sodaei, R; Hidalgo, MR; Pervouchine, D; Carbonell Caballero, J; Nurtdinov, R; Breschi, A; Amador, R; Oliveira, P; Cubuk, C; Curado, J; Aguet, F; Oliveira, C; Dopazo, J; Sammeth, M; Ardlie, KG; Guigo, R;


Post-mortem tissues samples are a key resource for investigating patterns of gene expression. However, the processes triggered by death and the post-mortem interval (PMI) can significantly alter physiologically normal RNA levels. We investigate the impact of PMI on gene expression using data from multiple tissues of post-mortem donors obtained from the GTEx project. We find that many genes change expression over relatively short PMIs in a tissue-specific manner, but this potentially confounding effect in a biological analysis can be minimized by taking into account appropriate covariates. By comparing ante-and postmortem blood samples, we identify the cascade of transcriptional events triggered by death of the organism. These events do not appear to simply reflect stochastic variation resulting from mRNA degradation, but active and ongoing regulation of transcription. Finally, we develop a model to predict the time since death from the analysis of the transcriptome of a few readily accessible tissues.


Skin Temperature of the Foot: A Comparative Study Between Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy and Diabetic Foot Patients

Seixas, A; Vilas Boas, MD; Carvalho, R; Coelho, T; Ammer, K; Vilas Boas, JP; Vardasca, R; Silva Cunha, JPS; Mendes, J;


Skin temperature regulation is dependant of the autonomic nervous system function, which may be impaired in patients with neuropathy. Studies reporting thermographic assessment of patients with established diagnosis of Diabetic Foot (DF) are scarce but this information is completely absent in patients suffering from Transthyretin Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP). The aim of this study is to compare skin temperature distribution in patients with DF and TTR-FAP. Thermograms of the dorsal and plantar surfaces were compared. Skin temperature was higher in the diabetic foot group and differences were statistically significant (p < 0.05) in both regions of interest.

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