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Publicações por CRACS


Digital Forensics for the Detection of Deepfake Image Manipulations

Ferreira, S; Antunes, M; Correia, ME;


Tampered multimedia content is increasingly being used in a broad range of cybercrime activities. The spread of fake news, misinformation, digital kidnapping, and ransomware-related crimes are among the most recurrent crimes in which manipulated digital photos are being used as an attacking vector. One of the linchpins of accurately detecting manipulated multimedia content is the use of machine learning and deep learning algorithms. This work proposed a dataset of photos and videos suitable for digital forensics, which has been used to benchmark Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Convolution Neural Networks algorithms (CNN). An SVM-based module for the Autopsy digital forensics open-source application has also been developed. This was evaluated as a very capable and useful forensic tool, winning second place on the OSDFCon international Autopsy modules competition.


A Client-Centered Information Security and Cybersecurity Auditing Framework

Antunes, M; Maximiano, M; Gomes, R;


Information security and cybersecurity management play a key role in modern enterprises. There is a plethora of standards, frameworks, and tools, ISO 27000 and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework being two relevant families of international Information Security Management Standards (ISMSs). Globally, these standards are implemented by dedicated tools to collect and further analyze the information security auditing that is carried out in an enterprise. The overall goal of the auditing is to evaluate and mitigate the information security risk. The risk assessment is grounded by auditing processes, which examine and assess a list of predefined controls in a wide variety of subjects regarding cybersecurity and information security. For each control, a checklist of actions is applied and a set of corrective measures is proposed, in order to mitigate the flaws and to increase the level of compliance with the standard being used. The auditing process can apply different ISMSs in the same time frame. However, as these processes are time-consuming, involve on-site interventions, and imply specialized consulting teams, the methodology usually adopted by enterprises consists of applying a single ISMS and its existing tools and frameworks. This strategy brings overall less flexibility and diversity to the auditing process and, consequently, to the assessment results of the audited enterprise. In a broad sense, the auditing needs of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are different from large companies and do not fit with all the existing ISMSs' frameworks, that is a set of controls of a particular ISMS is not suitable to be applied in an auditing process, in an SME. In this paper, we propose a generic and client-centered web-integrated cybersecurity auditing information system. The proposed system can be widely used in a myriad of auditing processes, as it is flexible and it can load a set of predefined controls' checklist assessment and their corresponding mitigation tasks' list. It was designed to meet both SMEs' and large enterprises' requirements and stores auditing and intervention-related data in a relational database. The information system was tested within an ISO 27001:2013 information security auditing project, in which fifty SMEs participated. The overall architecture and design are depicted and the global results are detailed in this paper.


Benchmarking Deep Learning Methods for Behaviour-Based Network Intrusion Detection

Antunes, M; Oliveira, L; Seguro, A; Verissimo, J; Salgado, R; Murteira, T;


Network security encloses a wide set of technologies dealing with intrusions detection. Despite the massive adoption of signature-based network intrusion detection systems (IDSs), they fail in detecting zero-day attacks and previously unseen vulnerabilities exploits. Behaviour-based network IDSs have been seen as a way to overcome signature-based IDS flaws, namely through the implementation of machine-learning-based methods, to tolerate new forms of normal network behaviour, and to identify yet unknown malicious activities. A wide set of machine learning methods has been applied to implement behaviour-based IDSs with promising results on detecting new forms of intrusions and attacks. Innovative machine learning techniques have emerged, namely deep-learning-based techniques, to process unstructured data, speed up the classification process, and improve the overall performance obtained by behaviour-based network intrusion detection systems. The use of realistic datasets of normal and malicious networking activities is crucial to benchmark machine learning models, as they should represent real-world networking scenarios and be based on realistic computers network activity. This paper aims to evaluate CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset and benchmark a set of deep-learning-based methods, namely convolutional neural networks (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM). Autoencoder and principal component analysis (PCA) methods were also applied to evaluate features reduction in the original dataset and its implications in the overall detection performance. The results revealed the appropriateness of using the CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset to benchmark supervised deep learning models. It was also possible to evaluate the robustness of using CNN and LSTM methods to detect unseen normal activity and variations of previously trained attacks. The results reveal that feature reduction methods decreased the processing time without loss of accuracy in the overall detection performance.


A methodology for mapping cybersecurity standards into governance guidelines for SME in Portugal

Azinheira, B; Antunes, M; Maximiano, M; Gomes, R;

CENTERIS 2022 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies 2022, Hybrid Event / Lisbon, Portugal, November 9-11, 2022.



Design and Development of an Intelligent Clinical Decision Support System Applied to the Evaluation of Breast Cancer Risk

Casal Guisande, M; Comesana Campos, A; Dutra, I; Cerqueiro Pequeno, J; Bouza Rodriguez, JB;


Breast cancer is currently one of the main causes of death and tumoral diseases in women. Even if early diagnosis processes have evolved in the last years thanks to the popularization of mammogram tests, nowadays, it is still a challenge to have available reliable diagnosis systems that are exempt of variability in their interpretation. To this end, in this work, the design and development of an intelligent clinical decision support system to be used in the preventive diagnosis of breast cancer is presented, aiming both to improve the accuracy in the evaluation and to reduce its uncertainty. Through the integration of expert systems (based on Mamdani-type fuzzy-logic inference engines) deployed in cascade, exploratory factorial analysis, data augmentation approaches, and classification algorithms such as k-neighbors and bagged trees, the system is able to learn and to interpret the patient's medical-healthcare data, generating an alert level associated to the danger she has of suffering from cancer. For the system's initial performance tests, a software implementation of it has been built that was used in the diagnosis of a series of patients contained into a 130-cases database provided by the School of Medicine and Public Health of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, which has been also used to create the knowledge base. The obtained results, characterized as areas under the ROC curves of 0.95-0.97 and high success rates, highlight the huge diagnosis and preventive potential of the developed system, and they allow forecasting, even when a detailed and contrasted validation is still pending, its relevance and applicability within the clinical field.


Quantum transfer learning for breast cancer detection

Azevedo, V; Silva, C; Dutra, I;


One of the areas with the potential to be explored in quantum computing (QC) is machine learning (ML), giving rise to quantum machine learning (QML). In an era when there is so much data, ML may benefit from either speed, complexity or smaller amounts of storage. In this work, we explore a quantum approach to a machine learning problem. Based on the work of Mari et al., we train a set of hybrid classical-quantum neural networks using transfer learning (TL). Our task was to solve the problem of classifying full-image mammograms into malignant and benign, provided by BCDR. Throughout the course of our work, heatmaps were used to highlight the parts of the mammograms that were being targeted by the networks while evaluating different performance metrics. Our work shows that this method may hold benefits regarding the generalization of complex data; however, further tests are needed. We also show that, depending on the task, some architectures perform better than others. Nonetheless, our results were superior to those reported in the state-of-the-art (accuracy of 84% against 76.9%, respectively). In addition, experiments were conducted in a real quantum device, and results were compared with the classical and simulator.

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