Pinto, T; Teixeira, AAC;
The literature on the impact of research output (RO) on economic growth (EG) has been rapidly expanding. However, the single growth processes of technological laggard countries and the mediating roles of human capital (HC) and structural change have been overlooked. Based on cointegration analyses and Granger causality tests over 40 years (1980-2019) for Portugal, five results are worth highlighting: (1) in the short run, RO is critical to promote EG; (2) the long run relation between RO and EG is more complex, being positive and significant in the case of global and research fields that resemble capital goods (Life, Physical, Engineering & Technology, and Social Sciences), and negative in the case of research fields that resemble final goods (Clinical & Pre-Clinical Health, and Arts & Humanities); (3) existence of important short run mismatches between HC and scientific production, with the former mitigating the positive impact of the latter on EG; (4) in the long run, such mismatches are only apparent for 'general' HC (years of schooling of the population 25 + years), with the positive association between RO and EG being enhanced by increases in 'specialized' HC (number of R&D researchers); (5) structural change processes favouring industry amplify the positive (long-run) association and (short-run) impact of RO on EG. Such results robustly suggest that even in technologically laggard contexts, scientific production is critical for economic growth, especially when aligned with changes in sectoral composition that favour industry.
Brás, GR; Preto, MT; Daniel, AD; Teixeira, AAC;
Brás, GR; Preto, MT; Daniel, AD; Vitória, A; Rodrigues, C; Teixeira, A; Oliveira, A;
EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing
Within the framework of the entrepreneurial university (EU), this study aims to test its multidimensional domain and therefore to confirm the positive contribution of EU factors to perceived regional competitiveness in Portugal. Data were collected from ten Portuguese public universities (PPUs) through a self-employed questionnaire. First- and second-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were performed through factor and multiple linear regression analyses. The proposed EU construct was confirmed, thus proving the adequacy of scales for the PPUs context. Overall, the main findings show that EU factors—‘internal processes’, ‘entrepreneurial supporting measures’, ‘international collaboration’, and ‘funding strategy’—make a positive contribution to the perception of regional competitiveness. ‘Entrepreneurial supporting measures’ is the EU factor which has the biggest impact on perceived regional competitiveness and ‘organisational design’ is the only EU factor that does not reveal any impact on it. This contribution demonstrates to policy makers that PPUs are not merely cost centres but knowledge spillovers that can have a positive influence on regional competitiveness. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.
Aurora Teixeira; Elsa Ferreira;
Aurora Teixeira;
Silva, Inês Peixoto; Pereira, Beatriz Oliveira; Teixeira, Aurora;
O objetivo do estudo é verificar e compreender a relação entre o desenvolvimento motor da criança e suas características empreendedoras. A relevância do estudo resulta do carácter inovador devido à escassez de trabalhos científicos que relacionam, em crianças, o desenvolvimento motor e o empreendedorismo. Não será relevante compreender como ocorre o desenvolvimento de competências empreendedoras nas crianças e como promovê-las? Será possível, a longo prazo, melhorar a qualidade de vida dos cidadãos evitando comportamentos sedentários adquiridos na infância, bem como promover a autonomia e responsabilidade perante uma sociedade que se tornará mais sustentável do ponto de vista social, económica e financeira.;The aim of the study is to assess and understand
the relationship between the child's motor development
and their entrepreneurial characteristics.
The relevance of the study results from the
innovative character due to lack of scientific
papers that associate motor development and
entrepreneurship in children.
Won't it be relevant to understand how the
development of entrepreneurial skills occur in
children and how to promote them? lf students
with better motor development would present a
greater number of entrepreneurial characteristics,
it will be possible to describe indicators that show
the importance of stimulating the motor and
entrepreneurial skills at early ages and that will
contribute to rethink the education of children
and consequently the teacher training. lt will
be possible, improve the quality of life avoiding
sedentary behaviors acquired in childhood, as
well as promoting autonomy and responsibility
to a society that will become more sustainable in
social, economic and financial point of view.
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