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Publicações por Carlos Manuel Soares


Factual Question Generation for the Portuguese Language

Leite, B; Cardoso, HL; Reis, LP; Soares, C;

International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications, INISTA 2020, Novi Sad, Serbia, August 24-26, 2020

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has seen numerous applications in the area of Education. Through the use of educational technologies such as Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), learning possibilities have increased significantly. One of the main challenges for the widespread use of ITS is the ability to automatically generate questions. Bearing in mind that the act of questioning has been shown to improve the students learning outcomes, Automatic Question Generation (AQG) has proven to be one of the most important applications for optimizing this process. We present a tool for generating factual questions in Portuguese by proposing three distinct approaches. The first one performs a syntax-based analysis of a given text by using the information obtained from Part-of-speech tagging (PoS) and Named Entity Recognition (NER). The second approach carries out a semantic analysis of the sentences, through Semantic Role Labeling (SRL). The last method extracts the inherent dependencies within sentences using Dependency Parsing. All of these methods are possible thanks to Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. For evaluation, we have elaborated a pilot test that was answered by Portuguese teachers. The results verify the potential of these different approaches, opening up the possibility to use them in a teaching environment. © 2020 IEEE.


Fraunhofer AICOS at CLEF eHealth 2020 Task 1: Clinical Code Extraction From Textual Data Using Fine-Tuned BERT Models

Costa, J; Lopes, I; Carreiro, A; Ribeiro, D; Soares, C;

Working Notes of CLEF 2020 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 22-25, 2020.



Underground Train Tracking using Mobile Phone Accelerometer Data

Baghoussi, Y; Mendes Moreira, J; Moniz, N; Soares, C;


Location tracking is an essential problem for mobility-based applications that facilitate the daily life of Smartphone users. Existing applications often use energy-hungry sensors like GPS or gyroscope to detect significant journeys. Recent research has often focused on optimizing energy consumption. As a result, approaches were proposed using sensors fusions, hybrid or eventual sensors selection. However, such research largely neglects the performance in underground tracking of automotive mobility. Possible solutions, such as those involving barometers, have well-known issues regarding performance. Oppositely, although energy-friendly, accelerometers are often overlooked based on the assumption that pattern extraction is hard due to over-noisy characteristics of the signal. In this paper, we propose a ready-to-use Framework for underground train tracking. This Framework uses an adaptive Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) to process the Accelerometer data. We run an empirical study using data collected from Smartphone embedded accelerometers, to track departings and arrivals of the trains in four large European cities. Results show that: 1) the Framework is able to accurately locate the trains; 2) SSA adds improvements compared to Butterworth filters and complementary filter with sensors fusion.


An empirical analysis of binary transformation strategies and base algorithms for multi-label learning

Rivolli, A; Read, J; Soares, C; Pfahringer, B; de Carvalho, ACPLF;


Investigating strategies that are able to efficiently deal with multi-label classification tasks is a current research topic in machine learning. Many methods have been proposed, making the selection of the most suitable strategy a challenging issue. From this premise, this paper presents an extensive empirical analysis of the binary transformation strategies and base algorithms for multi-label learning. This subset of strategies uses the one-versus-all approach to transform the original data, generating one binary data set per label, upon which any binary base algorithm can be applied. Considering that the influence of the base algorithm on the predictive performance obtained by the strategies has not been considered in depth by many empirical studies, we investigated the influence of distinct base algorithms on the performance of several strategies. Thus, this study covers a family of multi-label strategies using a diversified range of base algorithms, exploring their relationship over different perspectives. This finding has significant implications concerning the methodology of evaluation adopted in multi-label experiments containing binary transformation strategies, given that multiple base algorithms should be considered. Despite these improvements in strategy and base algorithms, for many data sets, a large number of labels, mainly those less frequent, were either never predicted, or always misclassified. We conclude the experimental analysis by recommending strategies and base algorithms in accordance with different performance criteria.


FILLET - Platform for Intelligent Nutrition

Ribeiro, D; Costa, J; Lopes, I; Barbosa, T; Soares, C; Sousa, F; Ribeiro, J; Rocha, D; Silva, M;

17th IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA 2020, Antalya, Turkey, November 2-5, 2020

Poor dietary behaviours are commonly associated with severe chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity. Personalized food recommendation systems can be an important motivation to stimulate and inform people on best dietary practices by suggesting healthy foods and nutritionally balanced meals adjusted to their preferences and daily routines. The development of such systems require the process and integration of data available from different sources with different representations. FILLET is an intelligent platform for nutrition capable of collecting and integrating data from multiple sources including recipe websites, food blogs and nutrition databases. Components were developed for web scraping, identifying ingredients, estimating nutritional content and matching ingredients with food products from retailers to support a meal recommendation and shopping list assistance services. We present for each component the challenges identified in the literature and the ones we faced in their development, describing our approach and the lessons learned that can contribute to the future improvement of the platform and the development of related platforms. © 2020 IEEE.


Novelty Detection in Physical Activity

Leite, B; Abdalrahman, A; Castro, J; Frade, J; Moreira, J; Soares, C;


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is continuously improving several aspects of our daily lives. There has been a great use of gadgets & monitoring devices for health and physical activity monitoring. Thus, by analyzing large amounts of data and applying Machine Learning (ML) techniques, we have been able to infer fruitful conclusions in various contexts. Activity Recognition is one of them, in which it is possible to recognize and monitor our daily actions. The main focus of the traditional systems is only to detect pre-established activities according to the previously configured parameters, and not to detect novel ones. However, when applying activity recognizers in real-world applications, it is necessary to detect new activities that were not considered during the training of the model. We propose a method for Novelty Detection in the context of physical activity. Our solution is based on the establishment of a threshold confidence value, which determines whether an activity is novel or not. We built and train our models by experimenting with three different algorithms and four threshold values. The best results were obtained by using the Random Forest algorithm with a threshold value of 0.8, resulting in 90.9% of accuracy and 85.1% for precision.

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