Silva, A; Figueira, A;
12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2012, Rome, Italy, July 4-6, 2012
In this article we present a system capable of graphically representing the interactions between students and teachers in hierarchical online forums. By defining the 'reply-to' relation between the users the system builds a graph. During forum posts mining, the system computes metrics taken from social network analysis which are then applied to the graph drawing process. This system brings up new possibilities to e-learning as a tool capable of helping the teacher assorting and illustrating the degree of participation of students; to identify key students in information passing, and to find the implicit relations between forums participants. Preliminary tests lead to the conclusions that the system is able to rapidly help in identifying situations like outliers, sources and sinks of information. It also depicts rapidly sub communities formed from forum participants. © 2012 IEEE.
Santos, G; Figueira, A;
ICALT 2010, 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Sousse, Tunesia, 5-7 July 2010
This paper describes a conceptual framework for implementing Intelligent Tutoring Systems using SCORM 2004. The main objective is to discuss how the SCORM 2004 sequencing and navigation specification can allow the development of Intelligent Web-Based Learning Environments using the sequencing and navigation tracking data, and rule set. Our main argument is that SCORM 2004 sequencing and navigation specification can be used to implement the two main functionalities of an ITS, (1) the inner loop and (2) the outer loop. © 2010 IEEE.
Figueira, A; Cunha, E;
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE
Learning environments where all participants can present their ideas, where all contribute to discuss and assess those ideas are in our opinion essential to improve the learning process. Grading peers is also important to the development of motivation and sense of responsibility. The Moodle's Workshop module seems to address this issues. However, this module is rarely used and, is planned to be removed from the next release. We run a set of tests and inquiries that led us to conclude that its usability is very low, its interface is generically pour-understandable and the final grades for the activity are usually surprising. In this work we present a reformulation of the workshop in which concerns the configuration interface, the administration module, and the final grades page. The preliminary results indicate an improvement of more than 300% of the usability. Future development plans include full integration of the code in the Moodle LMS and testing the new module for improvement and measuring of real usefulness. ©2009 IEEE.
Cunha, E; Figueira, A;
Self and peer-evaluation allow the development of learning environments which provide students with the means to consider upon their own (and of their colleagues) current learning skills. However, if each student in a class performs an evaluation of two of his(her) peers, which in turn will have to be assessed by the teacher/educator, then the additional work will certainly double. Hence, when considering large classes, this methodology is clearly infeasible due to the overload of work. In this article we describe a solution to provide educators with better conditions to implement self and peer-evaluation by using a web-based tool that can be coupled with general open-source learning management systems. Our tool, based on the Moodle Workshop module, features an automatic online distribution of the students' submitted assignments for peer-evaluation, and an automatic assessment of the evaluations. The criteria for evaluating student submissions can be set to meet the teacher/educator objectives as it comprises a several templates ranging from open questions graded over a topic-match table, to multiple choice questions, calculated questions, and even full text graded over sets of error-banded answer statements. The system, throughout comparison of every criteria item in the student's submitted assessment with the teacher's assessment, or with the considered best assessment by the system (depending on configuration), automatically computes a grade which reflects the quality of the student's assessment. It is also flexible enough to allow configuration of evaluation parameters as: number of criteria and topics to use as the evaluation table; weights assigned to criteria; scales used in each evaluation topic; degree of rigidness for assessment (from very lax to very strict), and the number of peers to evaluate. The configuration interface allows overlapping of activity phases (evaluation of examples from the teacher, own work submissions, peer-review, review assessment and display of results) - it is possible to have students reviewing their peers, even if not all the students in the class have already submitted their work. To present the final grades, including information from the peer-review and correspondent assessments, we created a dynamic page with sliding panes which follow a minimum information display principle: specific (student) information is accessible from the general (class) information pane with a single click. We also implemented a system of graphical 'alerts' to the teacher/evaluator for problematic situations in which manual intervention is recommended.
Santos, G; Figueira, A;
For several years Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) have been developed and shown to lead to impressive improvement in student learning in a range of domains. Some of the most important limitations of ITSs are that their development is very time consuming, and they cannot be reused or imported to different platforms. The main benefits of the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) are interoperability and reusability. Based on the SCORM Sequencing and Navigation (SN) specification we have developed an approach for implementing Web-Based SCORM compliant ITSs that are therefore reusable and interoperable. The main objective of this paper is to describe our approach and explain how to implement SCORM compliant ITSs using as an example, a prototype that we built.
Figueira, AR; Paulino, H; Lopes, L; Silva, F;
We describe a programming language for distributed computations that supports mobile resources and is based on a process calculus. The syntax, semantics and implementation of the language are presented with a focus on the novel model of computation.
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