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Publicações por Vítor Santos Costa


ILP - Just Trie it

Camacho, R; Fonseca, NA; Rocha, R; Costa, VS;


Despite the considerable success of Inductive Logic Programming (ILP), deployed ILP systems still have efficiency problems when applied to complex problems. Several techniques have been proposed to address the efficiency issue. Such proposals include query transformations, query packs, lazy evaluation and parallel execution of ILP systems, to mention just a few. We propose a novel technique that avoids the procedure of deducing each example to evaluate each constructed clause. The technique takes advantage of the two stage procedure of Mode Directed Inverse Entailment (MDIE) systems. In the first stage of a MDIE system, where the bottom clause is constructed, we store not only the bottom clause but also valuable additional information. The information stored is sufficient to evaluate the clauses constructed in the second stage without the need for a theorem prover. We used a data structure called Trie to efficiently store all bottom clauses produced using all examples (positive and negative) as seeds. The technique was implemented and evaluated using two well known data sets from the ILP literature. The results are promising both in terms of execution time and accuracy.


On applying tabling to inductive logic programming

Rocha, R; Fonseca, N; Costa, VS;


Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is an established subfield of Machine Learning. Nevertheless, it is recognized that efficiency and scalability is a major obstacle to an increased usage of ILP systems in complex applications with large hypotheses spaces. In this work, we focus on improving the efficiency and scalability of ILP systems by exploring tabling mechanisms available in the underlying Logic Programming systems. Tabling is an implementation technique that improves the declarativeness and performance of Prolog systems by reusing answers to subgoals. To validate our approach, we ran the April ILP system in the YapTab Prolog tabling system using two well-known datasets. The results obtained show quite impressive gains without changing the accuracy and quality of the theories generated.


Compile the Hypothesis Space: Do it Once, Use it Often

Fonseca, NA; Camacho, R; Rocha, R; Costa, VS;


Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is a powerful and well-developed abstraction for multi-relational data mining techniques. Despite the considerable success of ILP, deployed ILP systems still have efficiency problems when applied to complex problems. In this paper we propose a novel technique that avoids the procedure of deducing each example to evaluate each constructed clause. The technique is based on the Mode Directed Inverse Entailment approach to ILP, where a bottom clause is generated for each example and the generated clauses are subsets of the literals of such bottom clause. We propose to store in a prefix-tree all clauses that can be generated from all bottom clauses together with some extra information. We show that this information is sufficient to estimate the number of examples that can be deduced from a clause and present an ILP algorithm that exploits this representation. We also present an extension of the algorithm where each prefix-tree is computed only once (compiled) per example. The evaluation of hypotheses requires only basic and efficient operations on trees. This proposal avoids re-computation of hypothesis' value in theory-level search, in cross-validation evaluation procedures and in parameter tuning. Both proposals are empirically evaluated on real applications and considerable speedups were observed.


A pipelined data-parallel algorithm for ILP

Fonseca, NA; Silva, F; Costa, VS; Camacho, R;


The amount of data collected and stored in databases is growing considerably for almost all areas of human activity. Processing this amount of data is very expensive, both humanly and computationally. This justifies the increased interest both on the automatic discovery of useful knowledge from databases, and on using parallel processing for this task. Multi Relational Data Mining (MRDM) techniques, such as Inductive Logic Programming (ILP), can learn rules from relational databases consisting of multiple tables. However current ILP systems are designed to run in main memory and can have long running times. We propose a pipelined data-parallel algorithm for ILP. The algorithm was implemented and evaluated on a commodity PC cluster with 8 processors. The results show that our algorithm yields excellent speedups, while preserving the quality of learning.


A design and implementation of the Extended Andorra Model

Lopes, R; Costa, VS; Silva, F;


Logic programming provides a high-level view of programming, giving implementers a vast latitude into what techniques to explore to achieve the best performance for logic programs. Towards obtaining maximum performance, one of the holy grails of logic programming has been to design computational models that could be executed efficiently and that would allow both for a reduction of the search space and for exploiting all the available parallelism in the application. These goals have motivated the design of the Extended Andorra Model (EAM), a model where goals that do not constrain nondeterministic goals can execute first. In this work, we present and evaluate the Basic design for EAM, a system that builds upon David H. D. Warren's original EAM with Implicit Control. We provide a complete description and implementation of the Basic design for EAM System as a set of rewrite and control rules. We present the major data structures and execution algorithms that are required for efficient execution, and evaluate system performance. A detailed performance study of our system is included. Our results show that the system achieves acceptable base performance and that a number of applications benefit from the advanced search inherent to the EAM.


A Novel Implementation of the Extended Andorra Model

Lopes, R; Costa, VS; Silva, FMA;

Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, Third International Symposium, PADL 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 11-12, 2001, Proceedings

Logic programming is based on the idea that computation is controlled inference. The Extended Andorra Model provides a very powerful framework that supports both co-routining and parallelism. We present the BEAM, a design that builds upon David H. D.Warren’s original EAM with Implicit Control. The BEAM supports Warren’s original EAM rewrite rules plus eager splitting and sequential conjunctions. We discuss the main issues in the implementation of the BEAM and show that the EAM with Implicit Control can perform quite well when compared with other implementations that use the Andorra principle. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2001

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